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Parliamentary Hansards for Gulu Special Sittings on Gov’t Funding for KAPATU

Kampala, Uganda – East Africa / October 3, 2024.

The official copies of the Hansards where the Parliament of Uganda tabled, debated a substantive motion and passed a resolution urging the Government of Uganda to fund KAPATU during special parliamentary regional sittings in Gulu City from 28th to 30th August 2024 are now available for public access.

The motion and the amendments to it were introduced in Parliament by the Chairperson of the Karamoja Parliamentary Group (KPG)- The Hon. Remigio Achia MP Pian County – Nakapiripirt  District and duly seconded and overwhelmingly supported by Members of Parliament of West Nile Acholi Lango and Karamoja( WALK) and the entire house.

The amendment to include the KAPATU  Project in the motion was introduced by the Hon. Peter Abrahams the Jie County MP in Kotido District and the Hon. Norman Ochero, MP Labwor County in Abim District.

Mr. Twinobusingye Severino, The President and Chairperson of The Executive Council of the Catholic Lawyers Society International (CLASI) expressed his immense gratitude on behalf of CLASI and KAPATU to all stakeholders “for their commitment and support for the cause of uplifting the people and the  Karamoja sub-region that has lagged backwards for decades,” he said.

Mr. Twinobusingye also specially commended Hon. Gen. Salim Saleh SPAD/ CCOWC, who at the request of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Dominic MMCJ  graciously agreed and decided to include the Karamoja Peace and Technology University (KAPATU) Project in the mainstream government plans.

He has further continued to offer institutional support to the Chair of the Executive Council of the Catholic Lawyers Society International to ensure that all technical steps and processes are followed so that KAPATU  is fully included in all appropriate Government national plans so that Karamoja can be uplifted to the same level as the rest of Uganda.

The KAPATU Technical team headed by the Vice Chancellor  – Prof. Dr. Rev. Sr. Dominic Dipio PhD are working on the budgets for inclusion in the National Budget and they are following the budgeting processes for inclusion in the FY 2025/2026.

With the intervention of the Hon. Gen. Salim Saleh Special Presidential Advisor on Defense /Chief Coordinator- OWC, the KAPATU Project has been included by the NPA  in the NDP-IV and the 10-Year Karamoja Regional Development Plan (KRDP) and the plan is due for presentation before the Cabinet.

Copies of the Hansards can be viewed below:

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