The Hon. Justice Oscar John Kihika SC
The Hon Justice of the Court of Appeal and The Constitutional Court of Uganda
Areas of Practice:
Brief Overview And Experience
He is The Hon Justice of the Court of Appeal and The Constitutional Court of Uganda. He is a former President of the Uganda Law Society – a post he held for two consecutive terms (2007 – 2009). His practice as an advocate spans over a wealthy and diverse 20 years’ experience.
He is a founding partner of Byenkya, Kihika and Company Advocates (BK), which was started in 1992. He enrolled in the Uganda Law Society (ULS) on February 2, 1993 and was the society’s president from 2007-2009. Under his leadership, ULS held its inaugural Legal Aid Project week and purchased its first vehicle.
Oscar is currently the Managing Partner at BK. He is a dynamic lawyer with extensive experience in handling any commercial matter be it dispute resolution, litigation, product liability, mergers, acquisitions, and joint venture transactions.
Oscar is valued at the Firm for being highly intelligent and effective. He has the unique ability of crafting fantastic skeleton arguments, extemporizes brilliantly and possesses a remarkable all round intellectual ability to dissect any legal problem. He is an integral part of our success. Often times his great sense of humour takes the edge off ruffled tempers at the Firm.
Even though BK is predominantly a civil/ commercial law service provider, Oscar’s earlier experience working as a state attorney at the Ministry of Justice comes in handy when some of our clients are faced with criminal prosecution.
SOURCE: [https://byenkyakihika.co.ug]