The Very Rev. Msgr. Dr. Philip Lokel Ph.D.
University Chaplain KAPATU. The Vicar General Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Kotido in Uganda.
Areas of Practice:
University Chaplain – Secretary Board of Advisors for the CLASI.
Ph.D. (Biblical Sciences) University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa | Licentiate (Sacred Scripture) Biblicum Institute, Rome, Italy | BA (Theology), Pontifical Urban University, Rome, Italy | Lecturer of Sacred Scripture at St. Mary’s National Major Seminary Ggaba, Uganda | Vicar General Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Kotido in Uganda
Brief Overview And Experience
The Very Rev. Msgr. Dr. Philip Lokel is the Vicar General Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Kotido in Uganda.
University Chaplain – Secretary Board of Advisors Catholic Lawyers Society International CLASI.
He is the Vicar General of Kotido Catholic Diocese in Uganda. He is also the Vocations Director of the Diocese.
He was born on December 10, 1959 at Loyoro in Kaabong District, Northern Uganda. He was ordained Roman Catholic Priest on March 2, 1986.
As a young man, Msgr. Lokel used to enjoy playing lawn tennis.
Rev. Msgr. Lokel holds a PhD in Biblical Sciences majoring in Old Testament from the University of South Africa (UNISA) Pretoria.
He also holds an MA/Licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Prestigious Biblical Institute (Biblicum) Rome, Italy.
He also holds a Bachelor of Theology from the Pontifical Urban University, Rome, Italy.
He has also held a multitude of other responsibilities both in the diocese as well as outside especially when he served in the formation of priests as a Lecturer at Katigondo National Major Seminary and National Seminary Ggaba, Uganda.
He fluently speaks English, Italiano, German and his mother tongue Karimojong. He also has a working knowledge of French.