Prof. Dr. Denis Bikesha Ph.D.
Member of the Board of Directors for the CLASI.
Areas of Practice:
Member of the Board of Directors for the CLASI.
Academic Record
- University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law, Ph.D (Law), specifically in Transitional Justice Mechanisms (2012- 2017)
- Institute of Legal Practice & Development (ILPD), Diploma in Legal Practice (2020-2021)
- School for International Training (SIT), Post-Graduate Diploma in conflict resolution (2011-2012)
- National University of Rwanda, LL.M Degree (2008-2010)
- National University of Rwanda, LL. B Degree (2000-2003)
Working Experience
2014 – October 2022: Dean, School of Law and Lecturer of Law, University of Rwanda (UR), School of Law.
- As Dean, carrying out and supervising administrative work of the School of Law and representing the school at university level as well as outside the University.
- Lecturer of Transitional Justice Systems (in Masters Programmes) and Constitutional Law and Political Institutions (in Undergraduate Programmes), inter alia.
2018 – October 2022, Member of Council, High Council of the Judiciary.
- Working in the committee responsible for the profession of judges and registrars and ad hoc Committee responsible for honorary title of judges.
2018 – October 2022, Member of the Council, High Council of the National Public Prosecution Authority.
- Working in the committee responsible for the functioning of the public prosecution.
April 2014 – Present: Co-founder and Partner, Premier Law Chambers Ltd.
July 2014 – Present: Lead Trainer, Never Again Rwanda Peacebuilding Institute (PBI).
June 2012 – Sep, 2012: Research and archives, Ministry of Justice.
2007 – June, 2012: Director of Training, Research, and Documentation, The National Service of Gacaca Courts.
2011 Rwanda Bar Association Attorney, (Inactive registered member)
2011 – 2013 Council Councilor and Chairperson of the Commission for the fight against injustice, Gasabo District.
2005 – 2020 Lecturer of Transitional Justice Systems (Gacaca Courts System of Transitional Justice), World Learning, School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Institute, Vermont, USA.
2004 – 2006: Legal officer, The National Service of Gacaca Courts.
2003: Rwanda District Coordinator, Never Again.
March 2003 – May 2003: Intern Lawyer, Rwanda Revenue Authority (RAA)
- “The Role of Leadership in Implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture Framework, the case of the East African Community”, in: Josephat L. Kanywanyi, Ulrike Wanitzek, Anatole Nahayo and Johannes Dovelin (eds), Regional Integration and Law (published), Dar es Salaam University Press, 2014, pp.33-57.
- “Public Health, Technology and Social Context in Rwanda’s Covid-19 Response”, Denis Bikesha and Allan T Moore, in: J.Grogan and A. Donald (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic (Routledge, May 2022).
- “Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts and the Discovery of Mass Graves”, Julia Viebach, Denis Bikesha and Allan Moore, in: Melanie Klinkner & Ellie Smith, Mass Graves, Truth and Justice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Investigation of Mass Graves, (Edward Elgar, will be published in Feb. 2023)
- Dispensing Criminal Justice in Rwanda: The Role of Gacaca Courts, Denis Bikesha, Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd, Claremont, Cape Town, South Africa (will be published in December, 2022)
- Global and Local Governance and Transitional Justice: The Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda, Denis Bikesha & Ruth Amir, in: Nitza Nachmias and Goldstein Rami (ed.), Human Rights interdependence in national and international politics: Checks and Balances Effect on Global South politics, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group (will be published in early 2023).
April 2022 – Present: Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Responsibilities included; Collection and legal analysis of laws on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Rwanda.
September 2021 – December 2021: Ministry of Local Government. Responsibilities included: Lead Consultant on Drafting Legal Framework for Sectoral Decentralisation in Rwanda.
September 2019 – June 2020: Rwanda Law Reform Commission. Responsibilities included: Harmonisation of National Legislation with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol, Drafting laws related to; (i) Persons with disabilities in Rwanda and (ii) Sign language.
April 2016 – August 2016: Rwanda Law Reform Commission. Responsibilities included: Lead Consultant in the assignment “Carrying out a Study on users’ Perception on the Quality and Impact of Rwandan Laws”
March – April 2016: International Alert, Rwanda Senior legal consultant on the study about Women’s rights over land in Rwanda.
2014 – 2015: American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABAROLI). Responsibilities included: Senior consultant for American Bar Association (ABA) in Rwanda; African Centre for Justice Project that was responsible for training staff from the Judiciary, Prosecution and some Nongovernmental Organisations.
2014 – 2019: Three Stones Consulting Ltd Senior Consultant in charge of legal services (Business Law and NGOs working in the area of governance).
April 2013 – July 2013: American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABAROLI). Responsibilities included: Consultant for American Bar Association (ABA) to carry out needs assessment to establish a Training Institute Rwanda targeting judicial personnel of Rwanda.
May 2011: Lead 4 Tomorrow Senior Legal Advisor