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Prof. Dr. Albert Mumma Ph.D.

Member of the Board of Directors for the CLASI.

Areas of Practice:

Member of the Board of Directors for the CLASI.

Ph.D. (Law) Cambridge University, UK || LL.M, Yale University, USA || LL. B (1st Class Honors), University of Nairobi, Kenya || Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Kenya School of Law, Nairobi, Kenya || Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi, Kenya || Advocate of the High Court of Kenya || Member, National Environment Tribunal || Member, Environmental Law Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature || Chairman, Faculty of Law Academic Programs Committee || Member, Faculty of Law Committee on Distance Learning || Member, Faculty of Law Research and Publications Committee || Chairman, St Peters School for the Mentally Handicapped, || Member, Friends of City Park, Nairobi; || Member, Editorial Board, Law Society of Kenya Journal; || Editor, Journal of Environmental Law and Policy in Africa; || Trustee and Chairman Minna Memorial Trust. ||

Brief Overview And Experience

He is a Member of the Board of Directors for the Catholic Lawyers Society International (CLASI). Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi; Member, Law Society of Kenya; Advocate of the High Court of Kenya; Member, National Environment Tribunal; Member, Environmental Law Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature; Chairman, Faculty of Law Academic Programmes Committee; Member, Faculty of Law Committee on Distance Learning; Member, Faculty of Law Research and Publications Committee; Chairman, Former Chairman, Law Society Environmental Law Committee; Chairman, St Peters School for the Mentally Handicapped, Member, Friends of City Park, Nairobi; Member, Editorial Board, Law Society of Kenya Journal; Editor, Journal of Environmental Law and Policy in Africa; Trustee and Chairman, Minna Memorial Trust.

Key Experience Record

Dr. Mumma is a lawyer with 18 years’ experience both in the academic field and in the practice of law. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Nairobi. He is a specialist in the legal and policy arrangements relating to institutional development, environmental and natural resources law, administrative law, tort law and the governance of legal forms of associations. He also has expertise in human rights law. He has supervised and guided several postgraduate students in writing their thesis and three have graduated successfully (Pamela Andada, Bernadette Njoroge and Maurice Odhiambo McOloo). He has also examined six Masters theses. Currently he is supervising the doctoral dissertation of Mr Nyaberi.

Dr. Mumma has worked professionally at national, regional and international levels. His experience includes assignments in the UK, in Eastern and Southern African countries, in the Horn of Africa as well as in Uganda and Zambia specifically. He prepared the initial draft of the Water Act 2002 as well as the Kenya Roads Board Act, 1999 on behalf of the Government of Kenya. Both statutes were subsequently enacted by Parliament. He was part of a team advising the East African Community Secretariat with regard to the legal and institutional arrangements for the common management of the Lake Victoria environment. This assignment resulted in the establishment of the Commission for the sustainable management of Lake Victoria. He has also been part of a team advising the East African Community on guidelines for regional environmental assessment.

Several of the assignments in which Dr Mumma has been engaged have involved producing publications as a Consultant to institutions. In this respect, he has advised the United Nations Environment Programme as a Consultant on the Compendium of Judicial Decisions in the Field of the Environment, published between 1998 and 2000. At the request of the Law Society of Kenya he prepared the Kenya Law Society Human Rights Report in 2003 and in 2004. He has also been a contributor to the Yearbook of International Environment Law in 1999, 2002 and in 2003.

Dr. Mumma is a frequent speaker at international and local conferences and an experienced facilitator of workshops and meetings. For instance he gave the Key Note Address at the Issue Based Workshop on Ensuring Compliance, Dams & Development Project, UNEP, June 14/15th 2004. He has also participated in programmes for continuing legal education. He was the contact person for the American Bar Association project to support legal education at the University of Nairobi. He has experience in drafting rules and syllabi for teaching purposes in the context of his work as the Chairman of the Faculty of Law Academic Programmes Committee. In this respect he was a key facilitator of the preparation of the rules governing the new Masters of Laws programme at the University of Nairobi. He is currently the Chairman of the Academics Programmes Committee, which is responsible for the implementation of the new LL.M. programme.

Academic Record

  1. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B 1st Class Honours), University of Nairobi, 1981 to 1985.
  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Studies, Kenya School of Law, 1985 to 1986.
  3. Master of Laws (LL.M) Yale University Law School, USA, 1986 to 1987.
  4. Ph.D. Cambridge University, UK, 1988 to 1991.

Employment Record And Professional Training

1995 to date: Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi where he lectures undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is the Chairman of the Faculty’s Academic Programmes Committee which has drafted regulations introducing a new Masters (LL.M.) programme which commenced at the University of Nairobi in 2004.

1998 – 1999: Part time lecturer, Onati Institute for the Sociology of Law, Spain.

1991 – 1994: Researcher, Simmons & Simmons Solicitors & Assistant Editor, Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, published by Sweet & Maxwell. During this time he was also a part time lecturer at Kings College, University of London.

1988 – 1991: Doctoral Candidate, University of Cambridge. Holder of a Cambridge Commonwealth Scholarship. Wrote a doctoral thesis on the law relating to the management of water pollution.

1986 – 1987: Master of Laws student, Yale Law School, Fulbright Scholar. Specialization in international and comparative law. Joined the Faculty of Law in July 1987 as a Lecturer.

1981 – 1985: LL.B. student, Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi, graduated at the top of the class and was awarded the Gandhi Smarak Prize for overall best performance.

Scholarly And Literary Works


  1. Environmental Law: Meeting UK & EC Requirements, McGraw Hill, London (1995)
  2. Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, Sweet & Maxwell, 1993, (Asst. Editor)

A Selection of Articles & Chapters in Books:

  1. “The Poverty of Africa’s Position at the Climate Change Convention Negotiations”, UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, vol. 19, 2000/2001, No. 1 at p. 181.
  2. “Judicial Review of Administrative Action, in European Environmental Law: A Comparative Perspective, in G. Winter (ed), Tempus Series, Dartmouth (1996), at p. 129
  3. “Foundations of Environmental Law” in Approaches to Environmental Litigation and Advocacy, IUCN-ROSA, Handbook Series No 3 (2002) at p. 1
  4. “Land Tenure and Water Resources,” in In Land We Trust: Environment, Private Property & Constitutional Change, Juma, C & Ojwang J.B. (eds) Initiatives Publishers/ACTS press, (1996), at p. 143, with A.F. Juma & C Torori).
  5. “Legal Aspects of Cultural Landscapes Protection in Africa,” in Cultural Landscapes: The Challenges of Conservation, World Heritage Papers, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, (2003) at p. 156.
  6. “Kenya’s New Water Law: An Analysis of Implications for the Rural Poor,” International Workshop on African Water Laws: Plural Legislative Frameworks for Rural Water Management in Africa, 25/28 January 2005, Johannesburg, South Africa, B. van Koppen, J. Butterworth & I. Juma (eds) – has been peer reviewed and is awaiting publication.
  7. “The Use of Compliance Monitoring in Water Pollution Prosecutions,” Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 5/2, (1993), at p. 191.
  8. ‘Preservation of Public Security Through Executive Restraint of Personal Liberty: A Case Study of the Kenyan Position,” Law & Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 21 Jahrgang – 4, Quartal, 1988 at p. 445
  9. The Impact of Law on the Management of Wetlands: The Case of Kenya,” The People’s Role in Wetlands Management, M. Merchand & H.A Udo Haes (eds), Leiden, 1989, at p. 601.
  10. “The Protection of the Water Environment Through Private Court Action”, Water Law, vol. 3/2, 1992, 51.

Recent Conference Papers:

  1. “Policy, Regulatory and Organizational Framework Concerning Dam and Other Water Infrastructure Decision Making In Kenya,” paper presented at the Ministry of Water/UNEP workshop, Hotel Intercontinental, March 2004.
  2. “The Role of Administrative Dispute Resolution Institutions and Processes in Sustainable Land Use Management: The Case of the National Environment Tribunal and the Public Complaints Committee of Kenya,” Paper presented at the Colloquium of the IUCN Academy on “Environmental Law and Land Use’, Nairobi 4/10th October 2004
  3. “Background to Environmental Law – Common Law Jurisdictions”, Paper presented at the Symposium for Environmental Law Lecturers from African Universities, Nakuru, 29th September to 2nd October 2004.
  4. ‘Policy, Legal and Institutional, Reforms as a Strategy for Promoting Sustainable Management of Biodiversity in Eastern Africa.” Paper presented at the RPSUD Workshop on “Biodiversity Research for Livelihood Support and Food Security”, Nakuru 15/17th November 2004.
  5. ‘Gaps and Inconsistencies in the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, 1999,” Prepared for the workshop on “Community Based Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Livelihoods, 24th March 2004.

Note: I have not been able to identify details of other publications and conference papers because of a fire which destroyed my documents in July 2002.