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  >  Ms. Asiimwe Annitah Patience

Ms. Asiimwe Annitah Patience

CEO and Head of the Secretariat. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Legal Affairs KAPATU.

Senior Legal Consultant | Advocate of the High Court of Uganda and all courts subordinate thereto | LLB (Hons) Mak | Dip. LP (LDC) Dip. LL (LDC |

Brief Overview And Experience

She is the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Legal Affairs Karamoja Peace And Technology University. She is the Treasurer and Member of the Executive Council of CLASI. She is a Founding Member of the Catholic Lawyers Society International. She is an Advocate of the High Court of Uganda and all courts subordinate thereto and a Senior Legal Consultant at M/s Twinobusingye Severino & Co. Advocates.

Membership To Professional Bodies

  1. Uganda Law Society.
  2. East Africa Law Society.
  3. Uganda Catholic Lawyers Society.
  4. Catholic Lawyers Society International.