Mr. Walusimbi Adam
Director Communication and Public Relations KAPATU.
Areas of Practice:
Brief Overview And Experience
He is the Director Communication and Public Relations for Karamoja Peace And Technology University. He is a Ugandan journalist with passion for photography, writing and all things media. Adam Holds a First Class Honours Degree in Journalism accompanied by years of experience working across Uganda, generating relatable, engaging and articulate content for various entities. A strong believer in teamwork, data driven analysis and decision making. He is a co-founder of ML Media Lab Entebbe, a Ugandan media agency that provides high quality media services and consultancy to entities and individuals across Uganda.
Key Fields of Expertise
- Writing and proof reading
- Photography
- Videography
- Graphics design
- Website management
- Social media management
- Public Relations
- Advertising
- Multimedia
Key Experience Record
Media Consultant, ILO PROSPECTS Project, International Labour Organization (Uganda) / Prime Time Communications (October 2022 – Present)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Writing and editing high-quality content and visually impactful success stories of the ILO PROSPECTS (Partnership for improving prospects for forcibly displaced persons and host communities) Project. This is a unique four-year partnership (2019–2023), Spearheaded by the Government of the Netherlands, that brings together the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank (WB).
- Develops copy while maintaining brand voice and adhering to legal requirements. This content produced is published on traditional news platforms, ILO and other PROSPECTS partners’ websites, annual reports, donor reports, publicity material et al.
- Produce and oversee video productions of ILO Prospects events such as conferences, workshops, trainings, and donor visits across Uganda.
- Strengthens content by editing and proofreading it before submission.
- Capture photographic evidence of the success stories such as project beneficiaries and innovations in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement, Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Imvepi Refugee Settlement et al.
Media Consultant, GIZ Responsible Fisheries Business Chains Project, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) / ML Media Lab Entebbe (September 2022 – December 2022)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Conducted aerial and ground photography documentation of landing sites, fishermen, fish factories and other beneficiaries of the GIZ Responsible Fisheries Business Chains Project sponsored by the German Agency for International Cooperation across Uganda. The works I produced were published in the traditional media, annual reports, online media, donor reports, magazines and other stakeholder publications.
Media Consultant, KJE-NOWO Project, AVSI Foundation / Prime Time Communications (July 2022)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Capturing, Editing and Publication of photos and success stories of the Kampala-Jinja Expressway (KJE) – No One Worse Off (NOWO) project, a social safeguard project aimed at supporting Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) to meet the global safeguard standards as they undertake the infrastructure project to develop a limited access tolled expressway in the central and eastern part of Uganda – the Kampala-Jinja Expressway project (KJE). The project was implemented by AVSI Foundation working under a consortium led by Cities Alliance, and comprising of the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Slum Dwellers International (SDI), Platform for Vendors Association (PLAVU), and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). The works I produced were published in the traditional media, annual reports, online media, donor reports, magazines and other stakeholder publications.
Media Consultant, Game Connect Project, AVSI Foundation / Prime Time Communications (April 2022 – May 2022)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Photographing and documentation of success stories of the Game Connect Project in urban and rural refugee communities in Uganda. The Game Connect project is a Sport for Protection (SfP) intervention implemented by the AVSI Foundation in consortium with Right to Play, Youth Sport Uganda, Uganda Olympic Committee and UNHCR. Funded by the Olympic Refugee Foundation, Game Connect’s main objective is to improve the psychosocial wellbeing and mental health for refugees and host community members aged 15-24 years. The project targeted people in Kampala, Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, and Palabek Refugee Settlement. The works I produced were published in the traditional media, annual reports, online media, donor reports, magazines and other stakeholder publications.
Media Consultant, Dairy Value Chain Project, Agricultural Business Initiative (aBi) / Prime Time Communications (October 2021 – December 2021)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Photographic and written documentation, editing and publication of human-centered success stories of the beneficiaries of the Dairy Value Chain (DVC) Project in 10 Districts from Southwestern Uganda. The 3-year project worth UGX 3.9 billion was funded by aBi (Agricultural Business Initiative) and implemented by the Uganda Crane Creameries Cooperative Union (UCCCU) with the aim of empowering dairy cooperatives in Southwestern Uganda to become strong, efficient and able to competitively access markets for their milk and milk products for increased household incomes.
Digital Communications Manager, Hon. Kakembo Michael MP, Entebbe (September 2021 – February 2024)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Running the official social media platforms of the MP to ensure smooth communication with the public
- Creating content for the pages i.e. from photos, videos, graphics and text which is also shared with various news organizations covering the MP’s activities. To accomplish these tasks, I use software like; Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects, Audition, In Design, Illustrator, MS Word among others
- Creating and managing social media adverts for the pages and managing online VISA payments
- Traveling with the MP on official duties across the country to document and publish his work.
- Liaising with various media houses to secure media appearances for the MP
Co-Founder, Board Member and Digital Chief, ML Media Lab Entebbe (August 2021 – Present)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- In August 2022, Media Lab signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Nkumba University to enhance the practical training and learning of Journalism and communication. I was part of the team that developed, facilitated and drafted the MOU, and continue to serve in implementing it as a facilitator of digital communication and photojournalism to Nkumba University students.
- Managing and supervising all digital related communications and productions by the company.
- Creating digital content for use on the company official social media platforms.
- Generating and supervising digital content creations such as; logos, banners, animations, commercials etc. for company clients.
- As a Board Member of the company, I engage in and chair high level strategic meetings for and on behalf of the company, as well as our clients who may require our assistance in pitching and negotiating media related ideas and budgetary requirements.
Co-founder and Editor (www.nkumbatimes.com), ML Media Lab Entebbe (February 2018 – Present)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Transformed Nkumba Times from a student run online newspaper to a fully fledged news website providing news from Nkumba and beyond, well on its way to becoming a national news company.
- Edits, writes and supervises all content created and posted on the website by various contributors.
- Manages social media platforms by sharing engaging content linked to the website so as to drive traffic.
- Training Nkumba University students in digital communications and website management by using the website as a training platform.
- Liaising with partners and other stakeholders in order to advance the growth of Nkumba Times.
Digital Communications Manager, M/S Twinobusingye Severino & Co. Advocates, Kampala (January 2019 – July 2021)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Manage and create content for the firm website (tseverinoadvocates.com). This includes gathering and formatting news articles published about the firm by various news outlets and uploading them to the website
- Editing staff profiles, CVs and uploading them to the website
- Managing and creating content for the official social media handles of the firm’s Managing Partner, Counsel Twinobusingye Severino
- Liaising with IT experts to ensure smooth running of the website and it’s functionality using the Word Press Content Management System
- Gathering video and audio content related to the firm from news outlets and other service providers. Editing promo clips to be used in Public Relations and social media promotions on WhatsApp Status, Instagram Stories et al
- Setting up and managing a digital reception system that combines the firm website with social media and other forms of communication to streamline communication between the firm and its clients. With this system, a client could book an appointment via WhatsApp, conduct a consultation via Facebook Messenger, conduct a video call with their attorney via Skype, or any other platform of their choice.
Freelance Content Writer, World Bank / IDA Projects’ Portfolio – Ministry of Education and Sports, Kampala (September 2018 – July 2019)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Wrote and edited high-quality content and visually impactful success stories of the Early Grade Reading (EGR) program in Primary Schools in various parts of Uganda. The EGR program is part of the Uganda Teacher and School Effectiveness Project (UTSEP) which is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Sports to proliferate the use of local languages as a tool of instruction in lower primary schools in the country side
- Coordinated with subject matter experts for interviews and content generation which was in various dialects across Uganda
- Developed copy while maintaining brand voice and adhering to legal requirements. This content was published in various media and presented to donors and other stakeholders at the 2018 annual general meeting attended by the Minister of Education and Sports
- Strengthened content by thoroughly editing and proofreading it before submission
- Captured photographic evidence of the success stories i.e school buildings, students reading textbooks, accessing free meals at school, among others. These photos were distributed globally via local and international media
Digital Communications Assistant, AMICAALL Uganda Chapter, Kampala (September 2016 – January 2018)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Created and designed various materials for print and digital publishing while maintaining brand identity
- Used digital illustration, photo editing software and layout software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design and MS Publisher to create designs
- Maximized donor support by developing content for media relations, corporate communications and social media posts under the supervision of the Public Relations officer
- Worked with the Public Relations officer to design and execute communications campaigns as per the organization’s objectives
- Managed and created content for the organization’s website and social media platforms
- Attended official functions to capture, edit and produce photo and video content
Internship Student, Urban TV, Kampala (June 2016 – August 2016)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Attended press conferences, court sessions among other events from which I generated stories
- Worked hand in hand with professionals who have been in the media for a long time and was exposed to real life journalistic working conditions such as riots, teargas among others
- Pitched stories in morning editorial meetings and worked with reporters to publish the ones that were approved by the editor
- Learnt video editing by working alongside news video editors in a fast-paced newsroom environment
- Conducted training interviews of fellow interns and company staff to present to internship supervisors
- Compiled a comprehensive internship report summarizing my accomplishments and challenges faced during my internship
- Cultivated news sources in various entities across the country that come in handy when creating media related content
Free Lance Writer, Campus Bee, Kampala (January 2015 – January 2018)
Achievements and responsibilities:
- Utilized exceptional writing, editing and proofreading skills to produce engaging content on topics like sports, politics, and entertainment while I was studying at Nkumba University
- Interviewed individuals by phone and in person to write stories for the website
- Generated and edited engaging audio and video content which I submitted to my editors who then shared on social media and the website
- Generated story pitches to the editor on various topics
- Provided breaking news content such as photos and short videos of the latest happenings around the University
- To accomplish my tasks, I used software such as Photoshop, Premier Pro, Audition, Word and others
Academic Record
Nkumba University/Bachelor of Science in Journalism (Hons), Entebbe (August 2016 – October 2018)
- First Class (Honours)
- Dean’s List (Certificate of Appreciation for Excellent Performance 2018)
- Published Dissertation (The Impact of Social Media Use on News Consumption Among The Youth in Uganda. A case study of Nkumba University)
- Co-founded and edited an online University news website named “Nkumba Times” (nkumbatimes.com)
Nkumba University/Diploma in Journalism, Entebbe (August 2014 – October 2016)
- Class II Diploma
- Authored stories in the University magazine
- Did internship at Urban TV
- Attended media seminars and fieldwork
Membership To Professional Bodies
- Uganda Journalists Association