Mr. Vincent Paul Mayanja
Technical Consultant for Media for CLASI.
Areas of Practice:
Brief Overview And Experience
A highly motivated, versatile, skilled writer and journalist with a sound background in leadership as well as a bias in humanitarian service delivery across the social spectrum. I have an understanding of the development needs of society at all levels. I have succeed at helping relief agencies in search of tangible financial solutions to pressing humanitarian and developmental demands by highlighting gaps and solutions through analytical and investigative journalism.
Core Competencies
- Novel analytical writer.
- Ability to pin-point conflict in a situation as this is what propels human drama.
- Team leader as well as a team player.
- Development, current affairs and policy analyst.
- Self-motivated, responsible, and able to work under pressure.
- Proficient use of the Internet and other modern medias.
- A belief that timeliness is currency.
- The ability of Choosing Words Carefully.
- Consummate editor with creative skills rooted in human relations.
- Critical and Persuasive writer.
- Ability to adopt to any situation in the field.
- Strong writing and oral skills.
- Possessing the broad knowledge on the fundamentals of economics, statistics, mathematics, history, science, health care, business, and governmental structure.
Key Experience Record
(1995 – Jan 1997): Editor of The Citizen Newspaper, Kampala – Uganda
Initially hired as features editor, I was asked to take over as Chief Editor when the then editor fled to exile after government harassment. I was as well the country stringer of Agence France Presse (AFP).
- As well as reforming the paper’s layout, I coordinated the activities of the news room and managing editorial staff.
- Provided leadership and support to a team of freelancers who became the backbone of the paper’s output.
- I managed to double the paper’s circulation from a mere 2000 copies.
- I made the paper the lead source of information about the security situation in central Uganda then.
(April 1995 – December 2007) International Journalists, AFP Correspondent in Uganda.
I took over as the Agence France Presse (AFP) correspondent in Uganda covering mainly hard news as well as analytical feature articles about the day to day interesting topics in the country. I was also intermittently hired by the Italian News Agency (ANSA) for stories in Uganda.
- I made AFP the leading foreign agency when it comes to the news in Uganda with precise and timely coverage of events as they happen.
- Contributed to the highlighting of the plight of the people – especially children caught in the war between government forces and the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in the north of the country. The atrocities in that war were covered worldwide basing on AFP reports.
- Unravelled the veil off ballot box stuffing in western Uganda in the 2001 General Elections.
IRIN Stringer in Uganda (2004 – 2013)
I joined a team of stringers in the region for the Integrated Regional Information Network commonly known as IRIN, which was a humanitarian information arm of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Activities (UN-OCHA) that acted as a news agency focusing on humanitarian stories in locations that are often forgotten, under-reported, misunderstood or ignored. I contributed to IRIN’s desire of creating greater awareness and understanding of regional issues and events, and the role of an early warning mechanism for a better-informed and more effective humanitarian action, media coverage and advocacy.
- Contributed to bringing to the fore the humanitarian situation pertaining to years of fighting in the north of the country, and helped upping the notion by Mr, Jan Egeland, the former United Nations Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, who stated that the situation in northern Uganda was a forgotten humanitarian emergency.
- Written on the plight of children in a war situation and healthcare needs prevalent in the same situation and the destitution as witnessed in northern Uganda until 2006 when the war subsided.
- Highlighted the dangers of climate change on Uganda through news articles depicting environmental degradation.
- Written on the negative impact of war on the cultural identity of the people.
- Written articles on HIV/AIDS and the fight against the disease.
- Highlighted through writing the financial grant gaps for relief intervention in Uganda’s many humanitarian relief operations.
Other Assignments
Consultancy work. Kizito Lumu and Company Advocates-Kampala (2010/11): Evaluation of the Rights of the Landlocked countries under the United Nations law of the Sea and their implications for Uganda.
Political leader: I have been a local political leader which gives me the ability to have a more critical look at the situation in any society, rather than being a mere events commentator.
Fundraising and Grant consultant: In 2012/2013 worked on a successful fundraising drive for Jinja Municipality for its paint the city clean project that showcased Jinja’s tourism, investment opportunities and development potential.
Academic Record
Bachelor of Laws Makerere University of Kampala 2022
Bachelor of Development Studies – BDVS (Hons)
Makerere University of Kampala (August 2006 – Jan 2010)
- Specialisation: International Relations.
- Supervisor: Mr. Nyanja Musoke.
Diploma in Journalism, Kitwe Literature Centre – Zambia Sept (1990 – 1991)
Awards Won
- In 1989, 1992 and 1995 I won international awards of the International Network of Young Journalists for proficiency in media work in my country, Uganda. The INYJ is an affiliate of the Union Catholique international de Presse (UCIP) and it is a world forum of professional journalists below the age of 35.
- Won numerous certificates emanating from my professional work.
Political Roles
- Founder Member of the Uganda Young Democrats and Secretary for International Relations.
- Chairman of the Democratic Party, Kampala District 2009 – 2010.
- Deputy Secretary General of the Democratic Party 2010 – 2015.