Mr. Timothy Amanya
Advocate of the High Court of Uganda and all courts subordinate thereto
Areas of Practice:
Advocate of The High Court of Uganda and all courts subordinate there to | Master of Laws / LL.M (UWC) | Bachelor of Laws / LL.B (NU) | Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice – Law Development Centre, Uganda
Brief Overview And Experience
Mr. Amanya Timothy has a remarkable professional experience in law and in-house legal counsel services. He is a holder of an Honors Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LL. B) from Nkumba University; a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (PGDLP) from the Law Development Centre, Kampala and a Master of Laws (LL.M) from the University of the Western Cape. Amanya is an enrolled Advocate of the High court and all courts subordinate to it. Timothy is a member of the following professional bodies; The East African Law Society, The Uganda Law Society (Member of the Professional & Ethics Committee of the ULS), The Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda (Secretary to Council) and Uganda Catholic Lawyers’ Society. He has also attended and continues to attend various professional trainings in continuous legal profession development and in Corporate Governance. Timothy is also an academic and researcher with keen interest in Law and its linkage with
Leadership, Corporate Governance; Management, Economics & Natural Resource Management, Banking & Finance and Technology.
Career Objective
I am a highly motivated and active person with enthusiasm for furtherance of knowledge, willingness and eagerness to learn and support functions willing to achieve high progress through a continuous learning process, research and keeping myself dynamic, visionary, in excellent performance of my duties; mindful of the changing scenario of the world with keen interest to work towards achieving the set goals and objectives of the involved Entity as well as personal goals.
Academic Record
- University of the Western Cape- South Africa, Master of Laws (LL. M/Transcrim) (2018 – 2018)
- Law Development Centre, Uganda, Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (PGDLP) (2016 – 2017)
- Nkumba University, Uganda, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) (2012– 2016)
- St. Augustine’s College, Wakiso, Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (U.A.C.E) (2010 – 2011)
- St. Augustine’s College, Wakiso, Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E) (2006 – 2009)
Employment History
2017 – 2018 and 2019 – to date: Legal Officer, Finance Trust Bank (U) Limited
Achievements and Responsibilities:
- Design litigation strategies and procedures, institute legal proceedings on behalf of the company in line with the legal policy, under the guidance of the Head of Department.
- Represent the institution in the courts of law, arbitration proceedings in line with the legal provisions, and monitor progress of litigation cases to ensure the interests of Finance Trust are protected.
- Draft / Review contracts and design legal instruments as may be required by the Bank and line with the Law and Bank risk appetite framework; Review loan files, recommend disbursement in line with applicable laws, and Bank policy.
- Ensure that the documents creating charges on collaterals/securities are of legal consequence by instructing the clerk to conduct searches on the authenticity of the securities at the land registry for land titles, registering mortgages, creating charges and caveats on chattels as and when required.
- Interpret legislation and regulations governing Finance Trust and provide legal advice to Management and staff.
- Conduct recoveries of stuck and written off loans as and when instructed by instituting suits against the defaulting customer in line with legal provisions.
- Provide legal advisory to Bank staff and customers as well as Management when required. As and when required, monitor the performance of the approved bank’s court bailiffs and external lawyers.
- In line with the departmental operational plan, conduct legal awareness for Bank staff; Ensure registration of Bank’s intellectual property rights. Prepare management reports of the legal function in line with the operational plan.
- Working closely with and guide the Credit Documentation and Special Assets Management units in the Credit Department in matters relating to credit, security perfection, pursuing and processing all bad debt recovery strategies; such as issuance of statutory notices, repossession of assets and commencement of the security realization process and recovery through the most appropriate, effective and efficient debt recovery mode.
- Receiving Court papers instituting cases against FTB and processing the same by securing supporting documentation and instructing Counsel to defend the Bank.
- Liaising with external Counsel on the lead times of the Court processes and regularly meet to agree on strategy; and Attending Court where FTB is sued or is suing as a representative of the Bank to ensure and monitor the proper legal representation of FTB by external Counsel, and Representation in Labour Matters and Drafting of Pleadings.
August 2019: Assistant Lecturer, Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi
Achievements and Responsibilities:
- Involved in setting coursework assignments and marking the same.
- Mentoring– Providing students with guidance and technical support on course.
- Assisting in Teaching and course material and outline structuring and designing course materials.
- Providing guidance on the preparation of assignments based upon published assessment criteria.
- Assisting academic staff with development or update of learning materials in hard copy or online through gathering and collation of course materials.
- Complete short reports on the students to feedback to the supervising academic.
- Replies to student enquiries.
2017: Volunteer Assistant, Legal Aid Clinic, Law Development Centre.
Achievements and Responsibilities:
- Ensuring timely management of legal related cases for clients as and when they arise.
- Providing legal counselling to the indigent and Educating the indigent communities about the law in Uganda and interpretation of the laws & Fundamental Human Rights with how to pursue the same in the available avenues under the Law.
2015-2017: Paralegal Officer, Abbas Advocates.
Achievements and Responsibilities:
- Record keeping, file and database management.
- Drafting the necessary court and legal documents for clients and the firm such as MOUs, Employment contracts; and Providing well-researched and practical legal opinions regarding matters being handled by the Firm.
2013-2014: Attorney General, Nkumba University Law Society, Nkumba University (NULS)
Achievements and Responsibilities:
- Advising the NULS upon all matters of law connected with NULS and upon all matters of law referred me by the Executive and the Society at Large, advising the Executive upon all matters of a legislative nature and superintend all Executive measures of a legislative nature, and conducting and regulating all litigation for and against the Society or any of the NULS Departments.
Workshops / Seminars Attended
- Trial Advocacy Training, a Rule of Law Program using the NITA accredited method of learning by doing organized by JAU & ULS in Partnership with the Judiciary of the Republic of Uganda. (25th – 28th July 2022)
- 10th Transnational Justice Summer School at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Key Note Lecture: “The Bemba Appeals Judgment – A Milestone in International Criminal Law” by Judge Piotr Hofmaoski. (18th June – 6th July 2018)
- Economic Crimes and Cyber Crimes Conference (ECCC), Cape Town South Africa. Theme: “Combating Economic Crime and Cyber Crime in Africa: Recent Trends and Challenges.” Key Note Address by Prof Mark Pieth. (5th October 2018)
- “A public Dialogue on a Uganda that Students Want,” Entebbe, Uganda. Key Note Address by Hon. Miria Matembe. (12th November 2013)
- Career and Destiny Jamboree by BridgeHead24 and NSSF, Entebbe Uganda. Theme: “Dynamics of Employment; A Focus on the Increasing and Professional Demand” Key Note Address by Milka Singh S.A (12th – 23rd March, 2013)
- 3-Days Capacity Building Training for Nkumba University Health Club, Entebbe-Uganda. Theme: “Embracing Fundamental Health Rights in a Contemporary Society.” Key Note Address by Mr Mulumba Moses (ED – Centre for Health and Human Rights Development, Ntinda, Uganda). (9th -11th September, 2015)
Personal Skills
- Effective and efficient Legal Research & writing skills.
- Efficient multitasking system and excellent time management.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills oral and written.
- Good organisational skills.
- Team player and productively organized.
- Well-developed Analytical, Attention to detail, Logical Reasoning and sound judgement.
- Creativity; Numeracy; Reliability and Willingness & readiness to work and learn under new environment and challenges.
Membership To Professional Bodies
- Uganda Law Society (ULS), Member of the Professional Ethics and Conduct Committee of the ULS (2020 to date)
- East Africa Law Society.
- Uganda Catholic Lawyer’s Society.
- Institute of Corporate Governance Uganda (ICGU) – (Secretary to Council)