Mr. Onyango Owor
Advocate. Managing Partner, Onyango & Co. Advocates.
Areas of Practice:
Dynamic Attorney especially known for developing case strategies and with excellent communication and people skills. Flourishes in challenging environments and acclimatizes to changing demands of the legal field.
Professional Experience
October 2011- Present: Managing Partner,
- Onyango & Co. Advocates (Advocates, Solicitors & Legal Consultants)
- Responsible for the day to day management of the law firm and representing clients in both criminal and civil cases.
March 2014-Present,
- Listed as Assistant to Counsel of the International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands
October 2013-Present,
- Commissioner for Oaths
November 2008- September 2011, Senior Partner, Mukiibi, Kawooya, Onyango & Co. Advocates (Advocates, Solicitors & Legal Consultants)
- Retained to represent different clients on a number of cases involving international criminal law, International Human Rights Law and Municipal law.
June 2012-January 2013; Lead consultant;
- Mango Tree social enterprise on various tax implications of their local and international transaction (Pro-bono work through Thomas Reuters Foundation-Trust law Connect) .
Mango Tree is a social enterprise that aims to empower Africans by providing African educators with the best educational tools and methods possible, and to serve as a socially responsible business model for Uganda. More than 12,000 teachers have been trained to use Mango Tree’s products and more than 875,000 Ugandan children are using Mango Tree educational tools in their classrooms. Mango Tree works in more than 5 African Countries and sometimes imports educational materials,
Relevant Cases
June 2011 –To-date; War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.
- Co-lead counsel by Mr. Kwoyelo Thomas a former Lords’ Resistance Army Commander. Mr. Kwoyelo is charged with violations of Uganda’s 1964 Geneva Conventions Act, including the grave breaches of willful killing, Murder, taking hostages, and extensive destruction of property in the Amuru and Gulu districts of northern Uganda.
- Mr. Kwoyelo is the first person to be tried by Uganda’s newly formed International Crimes Division (ICD), a division of Uganda’s High Court. The division has jurisdiction to try genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, terrorism, human trafficking, piracy and any other international crime defined in Uganda’s Penal Code Act, the 1964 Geneva Conventions Act, the 2010 International Criminal Court Act (ICCA), or any other criminal law.
- I have successful represented Mr. Kwoyelo, as co lead counsel, before the International Crimes Division, Constitutional Court and Court of Appeal (an Appeal before the Supreme Court of Uganda is yet to be determined).
- I am also representing Mr. Kwoyelo before the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR/COMM/431/12 Thomas Kwoyelo Vs Uganda).
July 2010 –To-date; Counter Terrorism; Represented 12 persons accused of cross border terrorism in Uganda.
- This trial is before a single judge of the International Crimes Division of Uganda and has been referred to the constitutional court to determine matters related to renditions and violations of fundamental human rights. Three of the persons I represented have since been discharged from the trial but after taking plea.
Other Cases
- Constitutional Petition No.8/2013; Professor J Oloka Onyango and 9 others .vs. The Attorney General concerning the constitutionality of the Anti- Homosexual Act.
- Constitutional Petition No.13/2013; Centre for Domestic Violence Prevention and 8 Others .vs. the Attorney General challenging the Anti-Pornography Act.
- Constitutional Petition No.3/2013;United Organisation for the Batwa Development in Uganda and 11 Others .vs. The Attorney General, Uganda Wildlife Authority, National Forestry Authority challenging the displacement of the Indigenous Batwa people from their ancestral lands.
- Constitution Petition No 56/2013.Human Rights Network Uganda and 3 others .vs. The Attorney General challenging the Constitutionality of the Public Order Management Act.
Other Relevant Experience
October 2011-July 2014; Negotiation and Dispute Resolution.
- Represented over 30,000 families in Mubende and Kiboga Districts in Uganda who were evicted from forest reserves by a private agro forestry company without due process and compensation by the Government of Uganda. The Government and the Private Company agreed to resettle the families
January 2011 –August 2011.
Private Investigations
- Hired by the Coalition on Human Rights & Constitutional Law to carry out a private investigation into affairs leading to the death of a key personality.
January 2012; Complimentarity under the Rome Statute.
- Hired by Advocates Sans Frontiers to facilitate a training for civil society organisations in Soroti (Eastern Uganda) on “the dynamism and reality of the principle of complimentarity” and on “Transitional justice options for Uganda”.
September 2010; Transitional Justice.
- Hired by the Uganda Coalition on the International Criminal Court (UCICC);To give a comparative analysis of the ICC Act 2010 of Uganda and facilitate the training of Judicial Officers and prosecutors on the ICC Act and other transitional justice mechanisms Uganda could adopt after the 21 year old war in northern Uganda ended.
June 2007-September 2008; Assistant Coordinator; Uganda Coalition for the International Criminal Court (UCICC)
Substantive work:
- Responsible for overseeing the planning and Implementation of the coalitions’ activities as well as supervising support staff.
- Provision of public Information: Responsible for providing public information on the Rome Statute, Jurisdiction of the ICC, Structure of the ICC, various situations before the ICC and how the court functions to various stakeholders including judges, nongovernmental organisations and the general public.
- Legislative and Policy analysis: Responsible for analysis of the ICC Bill, Campaigning and lobbying parliament to pass the ICC Bill into law, analysis of various laws, policies and practises of the government of Uganda and how these relate to her obligations as a state party to the Rome Statute.
- Development of ICC public information materials: Responsible for the development and distribution of literature like manuals, posters, leaflets and booklets on rights of accused persons before the International Criminal Court, Victim participation in proceedings before the court and Jurisdiction of the International Criminal court among others.
January 2006-Sept 2006, Field Public Information and outreach Assistant ICC Kampala.
- Implementing the ICC outreach plan: Responsible for identifying, liaising and working with different stakeholders on behalf of the court, training nongovernmental organisations on the ICC and how it functions, media research and identifying the publics’ informational needs.
September 2008-May 2010; Country Program Coordinator-Survivor Corps Uganda.
- Survivor corps was an American based NGO which assisted survivors/victims of violent conflict and events recover from their injuries and philological trauma. Survivor corps played a leading role in coordinating the Land Mine Survivors’ Network which successfully campaigned for the United Nations’ Backed ban on the use of landmines. The NGO had a program to assist in the recovery of victims of torture and persons with disabilities in northern Uganda. As country program coordinator I was responsible for;
- Strategy and management: Designing and implementing the strategic management plan for the program in Uganda as well as supervising the work of partner organisations and victim groups.
- Establishment partnerships: Represent Survivor Corps and explore/establish partnership relationships with relevant national and governmental and non-governmental organizations for peer support and campaigning as appropriate and provide guidance, direction and support to all national campaigns started or expanded with Survivor Corps leadership.
- Program oversight: Responsibility for planning, preparing and monitoring the program budget and Submission of monthly reports to Regional Director and/or Vice President of Programs on progress against priorities, network needs, challenges and staffing as well as on the general context of the country and region.
January 2005-July 2005. Intern, International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands.
- Legal and media research, drafting of public information materials for the Uganda audience, editing of the court’s daily and weekly press reviews, Participating in information dissemination strategy meetings of the court ,developing a communication and public information strategy for Uganda, monitoring Ugandan media coverage on the court and Identification of target audiences.
- LLM Chinese Business Law;(Candidate), China University of Political Science and Law
- Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (2005-2006), Law Development Center
- Bachelors of Laws; LLB. (Hons) (2000-2004), Makerere University
Courses And Seminars
- Advanced training on monitoring Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. Geneva Switzerland (6-10 May 2013)
- U.S Judicial system; International Visitors Leadership Program, U.S Department of State (4-22 February 2013)
- Human Rights Litigation in East Africa & the Great Lakes Region of Africa: A Comparative study of the Legal Frameworks; Advocates sans Frontiers & East Africa Law Society, (26th -28th September 2012)
- Jurisdictional Bases for War-crimes Prosecutions; Defending war-crimes accused, and other practical and legal challenges concerning the defense of war-crimes cases in Uganda, The Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG) (9th-10th Sept & 28th-29th Oct 2010)
- Certificate in Good Governance and Conflict Management; International Law Institute (4th – 8th December 2006)
- National Civil Society Training on conflict sensitive approaches to development; Safe world-UK (14th – 16th March 2007)
Professional Associations
- The Uganda Law Society; Member of the Rule of Law and Human Rights Committee.
- The East African Law Society; Member of pool of advocates to defend Human Rights Defenders in the Great Lakes Region on a semi Pro- bono basis,
- African Court on Human & Peoples Rights (for provision of Pro bono services).
- Uganda Network on Law, Ethics and HIV/ AIDS.
- Computer: MS word, Power Point, MS Access
- Languages: English (fluent in reading, speech & written),
- Bilingual(Swahili,Luo,Bantu languages)
“The International Criminal Court and the Juba peace process, Global Governance or Local Solutions?” Fountain Publishers (April 2015).
“Traditional Practices are not a viable alternative to the ICC- A commentary on the Juba Peace Agreement for Northern Uganda.” Access Victims’ rights before the International Criminal Court Victims’ Rights Working Group Bulletin Issue 97 Summer/Autumn 2007
“Manual for Training Civil Society Organisations in Uganda on the International Criminal Court” Uganda Coalition for the International Criminal Court (2007).