Mr. Muhinda Didas
Legal Assistant, M/S Mugisha & Co. Advocates
Areas of Practice:
Brief Overview And Experience
To build and broaden my skills in management, legal profession, leadership, communication and create more relationships for the success of the company. To become the best ever Legal practitioner with creativity and Excellent Legal standards in Uganda, Africa and the whole world at large.
Academic Record
2016/2017: Post graduate diploma in legal practice DIP.L.P (LDC), Law Development Centre in Uganda
2011 – 2015: Bachelors of Laws Degree LLB (Hons) Nkumba University, Entebbe – Uganda
2009 – 2010: Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE), St. Kalemba Secondary School Nazigo – Kayunga.
2005 – 2008: Uganda Certificate of Education ( UCE ), St.Joseph Voc.School – Mbarara.
1998-2004: Primary Education (PLE), St.Joseph’s Kyabirukwa primary School.
Membership To Professional Bodies
- Member, Uganda Law Society.
- Member, East African Law Society.
- Alumnus Student Law Society, Nkumba University, Entebbe
- Alumnus, Nkumba University.
- Alumnus Law Development Centre, Kampala.
Key Experience Record
January 2020 – To Date: Legal Assistant, M/S Mugisha & Co. Advocates, Kampala – Uganda.
- Assisting Senior Counsel in Court and in all legal matters.
- Offering legal representation in Court on behalf of the firm’s clients.
- Offering counseling services and legal advice to our clients in case they need legal representation.
- Providing leadership to the firm as well as supervising and offering advice in all the firm legal matters.
- Collaborating with client company in-house counsel on multi legal issues as well as Advisory ie licensing, immigration matters, developing credit policies, labour matters
- Drafting, reviewing, and negotiating all forms of commercial and land sale agreements
- Analyzing Clients legal claims and developing strategies for successful outcomes.
- Developing and implementing clients company-wide policies, procedures, and programs to enhance workflow and ensure legal compliance.
- Identifying & developing new business opportunities for the Law firm matters
- Increasing firm operational efficiency through restructured litigation request guidelines and workflow, while ensuring legal risks are minimized and business objectives maintained even for our clients.
- Giving general legal advice to clients on all real estate & land conveyance matters.
- Preparing and also approving all legal documents prepared for any real estate and land transactions or matter.
- Negotiating on behalf of the firm and its clients in case of any transaction in terms of the agreements, production of internal authorizations of proposed deal from parties.
- Advising clients on law relating to disputes in which they’re involved & dispute resolution strategy
- Drafting any necessary documents for such disputes & guide clients through a trial or any other form of settlement.
- Law firm’s company clients.
August 2017 – December 2019: Legal Assistant, M/s Asiimwe, Namawejje & Co. Advocates, Lumumba Avenue-Kampala.
- Drafting minutes for all meetings.
- Drafting resolutions & filing for all the company meetings
- Ensured legal compliance of the company ie filing the company’s annual returns in the company registry, registration of documents, resolutions etc..
- Coordinating the publication and distribution of the company’s annual report and accounts and interim statements
- Communicating with the shareholders and arranging payments of dividends
- Presenting the company’s annual report to the shareholders in the annual general meeting.
- Ensuring the company is running accordance to the Articles and memorandum of association.
- Responsible for perusal of all documents addressed to the company and make any further correspondences.
- Providing legal advice to the company.
- Undertaking the duty of carrying out due diligence on any given property, which would be subject of a transaction involving the company.(both legal and physical due diligence)
- Drafting & executing of land sale agreements on behalf of the company.
- Negotiating and finalizing all company’s transactions.
- Registering of company and clients’ interests ie procuring their title deeds from the land registry.
April – June 2017 – (clerkship) posted to M/s Asiimwe, Namawejje & co. Advocates, Lumumba Avenue-Kampala – by the Law Development Centre.
- Interviewing clients for case gathering information about a particular case.
- Analyzing the elements a particular case and undertake a detailed research,
- Identifying appropriate laws, judicial decisions, legal articles and other materials that are relevant to assigned cases.
- Preparation of reports for determining how the case should be handled.
- Drafting pleadings and motions to be filed in the court
- Obtaining affidavits
- Drafting contracts, mortgages and separation agreements.
- Assisting attorneys in court
- Drafting legal letters and making any correspondences required. interalia.
2014 – 2015: Mobiliser and Law students’ representative to the Guild, Nkumba University.
- Organizing executive law school meetings.
- Representation of the Law students to the guild body
- Organizing elections within the law school.
2014 – 2015: Chairperson – Nkumba University Isingiro Students’ Association (NUISA)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
- Bridging the Nkumba University Isingiro Students and the University body.
- Promoting togetherness within Nkumba University Isingiro Students
- Formulated a constitution to Govern the Nkumba University Isingiro Students’ Association.
2014 – 2015: Chairperson – Hope Initiative Club, Nkumba University.
Responsibilities and Achievements:
- Organizing the monthly debate on both academic and political issues such as electoral reforms under Center for constitutional Governance.
- Organizing the Nkumba University Guild Presidential debate.
- Acting as a link between Club members and Centre for Constitutional Governance (CCG)
2013 – 2014: Justice Nkumba University Law Society
Responsibilities and Achievements:
- Hearing disputes at the Law society Court as an appellant court.
- Writing and delivering reasoned judgments. In 2013, I created a precedent in the judgment where a student had been denied to stand for law society presidency because of having two retakes in the previous term. I declared the law society’s constitutional article Null and Void as it barred a student to exercise his or her political interests.
2012-2013: Judge, Nkumba University Law Society
Responsibilities and achievements:
- Hearing disputes at the Law society Court and delivering reasoned judgments
2011 – 2012: Court Registrar Nkumba University Law Society.
Responsibilities and achievements.
- Registering cases, giving them court reference number and hearing dates.
- Allocating case files to the judges and justices for determination.
2010 – 2011: Nkumba University Law School Executive Committee Member.
Responsibilities and achievements:
- Organizing Law School functions.
- Mediating between Law School students and administration.