Mr. Akuku Saviour Olikare
Advocate of the High Court of Uganda.
Areas of Practice:
Brief Overview And Experience
Akuku Saviour Olikare is an enrolled Advocate of the High Court of Uganda and sub-bordinates Courts thereto and thus on roles of Advocates of the Republic of Uganda eligible to practice with valid Practicing Certificates, I have over 14 years of working experience in banking sector and over 10 years in Legal practice, my experience in the banking sector is multi-function consisting of litigations, documentations, executions, perfection of documents, rendering of legal advices, providing legal opinions on any legal issues, contract reviews, supervision of boundary openings and surveys, sub divisions, compensation and ensuring compliance with tax and stamp duty law(s) as well as providing secretarial service to all Committee/Management and Board meetings thus I have wide and far reaching experience in Corporate governance/Law, Banking practices and procedures as well as court matters. Further I am experienced in Land and Company matters and processes. Real estate management and dealings and construction contract management.
I have a post graduate diploma in Legal Practice from Law Development Centre (LDC) Kampala, a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Makerere University and in the process of enrolling for Company Secretariat course at Institute of Chattered Secretaries Association.
I like sports generally (football, swimming, pool table, table tennis, long tennis, volley ball), I further like traveling, camping, site visits, volunteer with disadvantaged groups/social responsibilities and appreciate nature and prayers.
I am an experienced resource and have in depth experience of provision Board management and affairs. legal advice and company secretary services to Tropical Bank Ltd, MED-Net, a non-governmental organization (NGO) for a period of 1(one) year before over seeing its transformation to VisionFund Uganda Limited, a Company limited by shares and an affiliate sister company of World Vision Uganda (World Vision International) and VisionFund International and further services to clients as an Advocate. Todate overseeing management of vibrant, well established and professional Firm Waymo Advocates and also founder in Shule Foundation, a non-governmental organisation offering free rehabilitation of street children, paying school fees and reuniting them with their parents.
Academic Record
- Law Development Centre: Post Graduate Diploma (2007-2008)
- Makerere University: Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (2002-2006)
- Law Development Centre, Diploma in Law (1998-1999)
- Mvara Secondary School, UACE (1996-1998)
- Metu Secondary School, UCE (1991-1995)
- Moyo Town Council Primary School, PLE (1986-1990)
Key Experience Record
October 2014 – Current: Managing Partner Waymo Advocates.
Main Purpose:
- Accountability for the operations of the Firm
- Compliance with taxes and firm regulations vide practice legislations
- Keeps the Partners informed on regular basis of activates of the Firm
Responsibilities And Duties;
- Responsible for day-to-day management of the business affairs of the law firm.
- Identifying the Firm’s short-term strategies for realizing the long-term goals established by the Partners of the firm.
- Communicating decisions reached in implementation of Firm Policies and objectives.
- Effective correspondences both internally and externally of the firm’s determination to maintain the highest professional standards in performance of legal work.
- Providing legal work at the appropriate price for the client while maintaining a level of profitability to ensure the viability of the firm and its continued performance.
- Giving guidance and direction, determining accountability and monitoring the work of the Finance and Administration.
- Supervising the financial affairs of the firm through the Administrator including but not limited to the following specific functions:
- Develop, review and prepare for final presentation to the Partners the annual budget, including the projected income, the anticipated expenses, and sources and applications of funds (including capital acquisitions, decrease of liabilities, working capital requirements, etc.).
- Provide, as part of that presentation a three to five year pro forma by quarters estimating revenues, expenses, sources and applications of funds.
- Provide succinct and descriptive management reports to the Partners throughout the year on a regular basis with respect to any variances between actual results and budgeted results.
- Supervise, through the Administrator timekeeping, disbursements accounting and effective billing rates of the firm and ensuring systems that support the accounting for those items are functioning effectively and efficiently.
- Ensure prompt and appropriate billings and collections at appropriate invoices.
- Ensure effective representation of Firm clients in courts of Law and maintaining comprehensive case file records including court decisions in respect to each file handled by the Firm.
- Overseeing the effective communication and update of Firms website and ensuring periodic update of clients and public on importance legal matters.
- Determine the salary of lawyers and paralegals becoming associates of the Firm and establish the allowances of law school students on internships and providing over all supervision role.
- Determine from time to time based on appropriate evaluations the remuneration of non-lawyer personnel based on Partners & Administrator recommendations.
- Determine through the budgeting process and from input from Partners, the rates of charge and other billing methods to be used by the firm from time to time.
- Cause the Partners to review at least annually the work performance of all associates and paralegals.
- To evaluate the progress of each associate and paralegal and consider what adjustments in salary or status should be made.
- Recommend to the Partners on bases of individual evaluation and assessment which Associates should be considered for partnership in the firm.
- Determine the cash position of the Firm from time to time and identify whether special distributions to Partners might be warranted and make appropriate recommendations to the Partners.
- Approve all material expenditures or financial commitments by any individual Partner and employees made for the Firm’s account and providing blanket authority to commit without prior approval within stated and recorded limits.
- Make recommendations to the Partners of persons authorized to draw cheques, drafts and orders on the bank accounts of the firm and have access to any safety deposit box of the Firm.
- Determines what standing and ad hoc committees are necessary to assist in carrying out any of the functions.
- Recommend to the Partners the members and chairperson of Committees and ensure that all committees function effectively.
- Delegate to standing and ad hoc committees or Partners, specific tasks to be accomplished, such committee or Partner to be required to promptly report its findings and recommendations to the Managing Partner for decision and action.
- Oversee the planning, equipping, and maintenance of suitable office facilities (including space, leasehold improvements, furniture, fixtures and equipment) in consultation with Partners and Committees.
- Negotiations of mergers, construction contracts and execution, real estate management.
- Perform such other duties, functions or activities as delegated by the Partners. firm.
- 1999-2001: Legal Assistant, Sempasa & Co. Advocates (Closed)
Responsibilities And Duties:
- Filling court papers in Magistrates Courts, High Courts and Court of Appeal.
- Effecting service of summons and other legal processes.
- Drafting affidavits in regards to process services.
- Conducting research on legal issues.
- Drafting of agreements and eventual execution.
- Drafting caveats and registration thereof.
- Handling transfers, sub-divisions, registration of caveats and mortgages in Ministry of Lands Water and Environment.
- Registration of Business Names and registration of Debentures and other documents at Uganda Registration Service Bureau.
- Fixing and obtaining hearing notices from court and service thereof.
- Recoveries and payment follow ups.
- Taking records in court proceedings.
- Estates Management (periodic inspections and ensuring compliance with rent payments).
2001-2008: Legal Assistant – Tropical Bank Ltd
Responsibilities And Duties:
- Registration of Mortgages, caveats, transfers, releases and sub divisions in Ministry of Land Water and Environment (Land Registry).
- Registration of Chattel mortgages, Debentures, Resolutions and other documents in Uganda Registration Service Bureau.
- Filling court papers in Courts of Judicature.
- Effecting court summons and other legal matters.
- Drafting and filling affidavit in regards to process service.
- Conducting legal research.
- Fixing and obtaining hearing notices in court.
- Conducting searches in Ministry of Land Water and Environment and Uganda Registration Service Bureau.
- Filling maintenance within Legal department of the Bank.
- Preparation and processing release of securities.
2008-2011: Legal Officer – Tropical Bank Ltd
Responsibilities And Duties:
- Drafting and preparation of mortgage deeds, credit facility agreements, personal guarantees, corporate guarantees, powers of attorney, consents, resolutions, debentures and filling all company forms.
- Undertaking any research in interest of the company.
- Rendering legal opinion and advice to the management of the company.
- Witnessing signatories to deeds and other documents.
- Carrying out searches in respect of tittles in Ministry of Land Water and Environment and Uganda Registration Service Bureau.
- Registration of mortgages, chattel mortgages, debentures, resolutions and filing all company forms and other documents.
- Identification of legal risks associated with mortgages and proposing mitigating measures
- Visiting properties pledged as securities, boundary openings and surveys.
- Taking minute of all committee meetings and occasionally board meetings.
- Compiling reports and bindings for board discussions.
- Preparing documents for transmission to external lawyers.
- Attending Court proceedings in all cases of the company.
- Coordinating all legal transactions with company’s external lawyers.
- Coordinating recovery process with recovery department and external lawyers.
- Disposing of securities in accordance with provision of contracts and agreements in liaison with company’s external lawyers and debt collectors; bailiff.
- Ensuring safety of all securities in company’s
- Attending garnishee proceedings in courts of judicature.
2011-September To October 2014: Legal Officer, Head Of Debt/ Recovery Department, Executive Assistant To The CEO And Company Secretary
Main Purpose Of The Job:
- Bank’s/Micro Finance Legal Advisor.
- Minimization of loses on Company’s lending portfolio.
Responsibilities And Duties:
Company Secretary;
- Ensuring compliance with Bank/Micro Finance regulations in operation, advising on implication of new legislations and proposing compliances measures.
- Ensuring departments comply with pre-determined obligation based on applicable laws and regulations in place and providing them with such information.
- Identification of legal risks associated with banking practice and ensuring compliance in line with proposed measures.
- Preparations and review of contracts, MOU’s and policies to ensure compliance with legal provisions in place and protection of Bank interest.
- Drafting and review of internal documents of the Bank/Micro Finance.
- Provision of legal support to all department of the Bank/Micro Finance.
- Ensuring compliance with tax regulations and organising sensitisation trainings/lectures in tax related issues and new developments.
- Supporting and ensuring compliance with employment and labour laws in areas of employment and displinary measures.
- Preparing and reviewing corporate documentation, maintenance of records of correspondence with shareholders with regard to payout of dividends, share transfers, resolutions and any other shareholder’s correspondence.
- Provision of legal opinions on both local and foreign legislation on matters affecting the Bank.
- Coordination and advice on various corporate actions initiated by the Bank/Micro Finance including all processes related to issuance of bonus shares, rights issues etc.
- Issuance of Board, Annual General Meetings and or Extra Ordinary General Meeting notices, minutes of meeting and organization of all meetings.
- Preparation of agenda and compilation of all materials and parks for Board meetings, Annual General Meetings and Extra Ordinary General Meetings in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer and the Board Chairperson.
- Ensuring adequate information flow between members of the Board, timely distribution of Board packs/materials, organisation of meeting room and essential equipments.
- Supporting regional and international shareholders by ensuring compliance and implementation of policies.
- Supervising Banks external team of legal counsels, follow up of all external legal files and maintaining detail record for all legal files.
- Responsible for safety of all bank securities in relation to lending portfolios, ensuring their release upon approval and maintaining proper record thereof.
- Overseeing professional development of staff by training and equipping them with skills.
- Accurately recording minutes and decision of the Board.
- Ensuring that Board policies and decisions are conveyed to the relevant departments of the Company for them to effectively implementation.
- Implementing and offering support in good corporate governance in ensuring effective record keeping of Board correspondence, minutes and up-to-date membership register, making/filing of Annual Returns and registration of resolutions.
- Ensuring adherence to the Memorandum and Article of Association of the Bank and ensuring compliance with statutory requirements of Bank e.g. annual returns.
- Currying out legal audit to ensure compliance within and without the Bank.
- Preparations of Powers of Attorneys and verifying legal status and authenticity of those submitted by clients.
- Ensuring effective protection of the Bank/Micro Finance copy right, enforcing breach of the rights under the provisions of the Intellectual Property Act.
- Extraction, registration and ensuring implementation of Board Resolutions.
- Organization of board development session to ensure effective Board.
- Maintaining an accurate and up to date Board and Company profile.
- Enhancing shareholders value through accurate feedback.
- Maintaining effective communications and pro-active relationships with branch and field offices and head office.
- In close collaboration with HR, ensure right program staff are recruited, retained, well mentored and coached for development.
- Supporting business growth by providing cost effective legal advice to the Board.
- Any other job as may be delegated or assigned by management from time to time.
- Legal Officer And Executive Assistant;
- Ensuring compliance with regulations issued from time to time by Bank of Uganda.
- Proactively guiding the management on all legal matters affecting the Bank, its affiliates and other related parties, and ensuring adherence to the Companies Act, FIA, CMA Act, Bank of Uganda Act and other legislation, including subsidiary legislation in the form of Rules, Gazette notices, Regulations etc.
- Reviewing of the Bank’s legal documentation e.g. mortgages, letters of offer, facility agreements, debentures and personal guarantees or any other security documentation to ensure that the Bank’s interests are well protected.
- Representing the Bank/Company before courts of law and local authorities if required.
- Effectively pursuing claims of the Bank and defending it against any claims.
- Overseeing effective litigation resource for both internal and external protection of the Bank against fraud and theft.
- Drafting legal pleadings in defense of the Bank/Company’s interest in court cases.
- Proactively reviewing any changes in legislation, thereafter forwarding the same timely in the form of legal updates to respective departments for action and compliance.
- Attestation of documents and witnessing of the same on behalf of the Bank.
- Ensuring execution of mortgage deeds, credit facility agreements, personal guarantees, corporate guarantees and drafting of powers of attorney, consents, resolutions, debentures and filling all company forms.
- Carrying out searches in respect of tittles in Ministry of Land Water and Environment and Uganda Registration Service Bureau.
- Preparing legal memos and rendering legal opinion and advice to management on best way to resolve cases without exposing the company’s image as well as mitigating its loss.
- Undertaking any research in interest of the Bank/Company.
- Registration of mortgages, chattel mortgages, debentures, resolutions and filing all company forms and other documents.
- Visiting properties pledged as securities to the Bank/Company and boundary openings (i.e. physical inspection).
- Taking minutes of all Committee meetings.
- Preparing documents for transmission to external lawyers and receiving updates reports.
- Coordinating and monitoring external legal services and ensuring effective legal representation of the Bank/Company.
- Receiving and ensuring all securities received are keep safely.
- Implementing an effective custody and retrieval system of all loan securities.
- Receiving instructions, peruse files and assess the merit of each case/circumstances and further undertaking recovery measures for full repayments of loans.
- Ensuring effective departmental record and correspondence maintenance and registers.
- Ensuring compliance laws and maintaining an up to date trading licenses.
- Ensuring periodic renewal of tenancy agreements and execution of new ones.
- Engaging with third Parties to resolve claims against and for the Bank/Company.
- Handling staff and customer enquiries in regard to securities.
- Overseeing debt collection and recovery.
- Any other related duties that may be assigned from time to time.
- Monitor supplier duration.
- Inclusion of product/service supply.
- Monitor store stock.
- Monitor supply intervals as against departmental demands.
- Confirm payments for services and supplies.
- Chair procurement meetings.
- Presentation of agenda.
- Discussion and verification of bids
- Technical advice on quality.
- Provide legal advice and guidance.
- Procedure of procurement.
- Compliance with policy.
- Sourcing of bids/invitations.
- Bid opening and listing.
- Announcing winning bidder.
- Advertisements.
Disciplinary Committee;
- Review disciplinary notices.
- Compliance with notice periods/durations.
- Ensuring disclosure of offence.
- Review displinary charges vis-à-vis policy and Employment Laws.
- Ensure charges are compliant with policies
- Ensure laws are complied with.
- Chair disciplinary meetings.
- Ensure fair hearing.
- Permit legal representation.
- Ensure the offender understands the proceeding.
- Provide legal advice and guidance.
- Ensure compliance with policies.
- Ensure compliance with Laws.
Head Debt Collection/Recovery Department
- Ensure proper supervision and management of Bank’s loan recovery activities to minimize loss and to ensure sustainable growth.
- Coordinate and monitor activities of external debt collectors in liaison with Branch Managers.
- Advices the Operation’s Manager on suitable strategies on debt collection.
- Prepare confidential reports on identified irregularities discovered leading to bad debts.
- Daily analysis and review of Portfolio at Risk (loans above 60 day).
- Institution of legal proceedings against defaulters.
- Ensure proper procedures are followed in liquidation of customer collaterals.
- Represent the Company in public auctions for sale of reposed securities.
- Initiate and monitor transfer of nonperforming loan portfolio to the Recovery Officers and External Debt Collectors.
- Periodic review of recovery procedure in line with applicable laws.
- Carry out periodical visit to delinquent customer securities and give advice on the condition of the security.
- Negotiate with debtors to ensure full recovery.
- Train and guide staff on the best practice in the recovery of delinquent loans.
- Prepare quarterly recovery reports.
Key Performance Measures;
- Ensure effective Customer satisfaction and service score.
- Ensure properly drafted service level agreements that promote the company’s interest for agreements between the company and its clients and service providers.
- Ensure that credit transaction documents are properly filed to ensure the company’s protection.
- Manage the relationship between the company and its external advisers and provide guidance to them on bank matters referred to them for assistance.
- Manage relationship between the company, board members, management and staff.
- Transformation of the present company from company limited by guarantee to one limited by shares.
Personal Competencies:
- A structured approach to dealing with complex and variable work environments in an independent manner.
- Ability to balance opposing business requirements.
- Ability to balance long term and short term requirements independently.
- Strong evaluation, communication and reporting skills
- Able to provide advice and cause/effect evaluation to support business decision making.
- Independent and logical thinker, yet an achiever and implementer.
- Leads by example.
- Good at information management and value addition through management reporting.
- Builds relationships and networks easily.
- Has a strong service and professional ethics.
- Extremely trust worthy, reliable and honest.
Other Trainings Attended
2015: Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) by Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Sensitization coverage:
- Enacted in March 2010 by US Government.
- To prevent Tax evasion through off shore assets by US citizens and residents.
- Requires reporting of non US Banks (Foreign Financial Institution) and their US customers to the US authorities IRS.
- IRS enforces FATCA by imposing a 30% withholding tax penalty on all Financial Institution that do not comply.
- The FATCA has come into effect on the 1st day of July 2014.
- It requires Financial Institutions (taking deposit or similar fund investment in course of banking or similar business to;
- Sign agreement with US Government (IRS).
- Carry out onboarding i.e Identify individual customer (US persons) and clarify their status, obtain FATA status of entity customer, have in place system to store data collected.
- Searching: i.e search existing customer bases for US persons, with account above 50,000 USD.
- Monitoring: i.e Existing customers, change in circumstances, entity accounts that rises above 50,000 USD and obtain documents.
- Reporting: i.e To IRS, file/send reports on names, addresses, TIN and gross proceed and income.
- Withholding: i.e 30% in penalty from July, 1st 2014.
2014: Debt Management Skills Training.
Topics covered:
- Legal aspects/Educating customers/clients.
- Problem resolution/Establishing the “real” problem/issues.
- Quantifying the clients/customers.
- Building Debt rapport/Resolving non-payment issues.
- Analyzing existing information/Fact finding questions.
- Establishing a workable Repayment Arrangement Policy.
- Making and monitoring achievable arrangements.
- Identifying and controlling company risk and exposure.
- Your policies and procedures/your documentation.
- Management responsibility/support/reporting accurately.
- What to say to a debtor and how to deliver the message.
- Changing your approach/Removing constrains.
- Solving customer/debtor issues/Formulation an action plan.
- Improve ways of collecting debt in tough times.
- Handle current nonpayment-delaying excuses.
- Get to the heart of the customer’s problem.
- Spot and counter payment-delaying tactics.
- Keep customers happy and still get paid today.
- Negotiation tactics to secure difficult payments.
- Deal with abusive/emotional debtors who are under financial strain/options to offer if customer cannot afford to pay.
2013 Credit Management and Policing (Loan Officer Training Program).
Topics covered:
- Policy guidelines.
- Appraisals and accessing client credit worthiness.
- Documentations Agreement and its features).
- Verification of ownership (Land (titled and kibanja, motor vehicles).
- Consents and Powers of Attorney.
- Seizure of collateral / security and disposal of collateral / security.
2013 Effective Board Management (Institute of Chartered Secretaries Association)
Topics covered:
- Explain the part played by the Company Secretary in preparing for, during and after a meeting.
- Identify good practices, processes and procedures for Company Secretaries for effective board meetings.
- Draft minutes and develop an action log in line with best practice.
2012 Board Dynamics, Leading Change and Influencing.
Topic covered:
- Leading Change and Influencing
- Explain the Company Secretary’s role in influencing change.
- Demonstrate the skills the Company Secretary needs to influence change
- Describe strategies that influence change
- Board Dynamics
- Identify styles of behaviors that impact the dynamics of a board meeting
- Identity the challenges and solutions in conducting effective meetings
- Describe the techniques and skills a Company Secretary needs to support a productive working climate during a board meeting.
- Explain how a company secretary can help the chairman manage conflicts.
2010: Executing Effective Due Diligence.
- What it is.
- Importance
2008: Further Training in Customer Care.
- KYC.
- Customer information.
2007/8: Certificate of Merit awarded by Law Development Center.
Fields of award:
- Distinguished service to the Law Development Centre as Best Professionally Dressed Student.
- Distinguished service to the Law Development Centre as Member of the winning Football Team.
2006: Attended Customer Care Training at Hotel African.
Topics covered:
- KYC.
- Who is a customer?
- Customer care.
- Customer help desk.
- Handling of customers.
2004: Attended Workshop organized by Bank of Uganda under Institute of Bankers for Anti Money Laundering.
Topics covered:
- Meaning of money laundering.
- Types of money laundering.
- Reporting procedure.
- Danger and effects money laundering.
2003: Obtained Certificate in Computer Applications (CCA) Makerere Institute of Computer Science.
Topics covered:
- Introduction to computer and Computer Systems.
- Introduction to Operating Systems.
- Word processing.
- Microsoft Excel and Modelling.
- Micro Soft Power Point.
- Microsoft Access.
- PageMaker and Web Technology.
2001: Training workshop in Metal Health organization by Refugee Law Project Faculty of Law Makerere University.
Topics covered:
- Refugee experiences and mental health issues.
- Refugee helpers and their vulnerability to secondary Traumatic Stress Disorders (STSD).
- Sexual violence and associated health disturbances.
- Refugee youth and child related mental health challenges.
- Service delivery in institutions of displacement: the need for psycho-social interventions.
2000: Attended workshop on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Awareness.
Topics covered:
- Arbitration/Arbitrator.
- Mediation.
- Pleadings.
1993: Training Workshop for First Aiders by Uganda Red Cross Society.
- First aid.
1993: Lectures related to HIV/AIDS Programme.
Topics covered:
- Awareness.
- Preventive measures.
- Living positively.