Hon. Prof. Dr. Romano Nkumbwa Byaruhanga Ph.D.
Chairperson of the Health and Medical Advisory Council for the CLASI.
Areas of Practice:
Ph.D. Medical Science Karolinska Institute – Sweden || M.Med (Obs/Gynae – University of Zimbabwe || M.B Ch. Makerere University || Fellow of the East, Central and Southern Africa College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – East Central Southern Africa Association of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists) || Senior Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist – St. Francis Hospital Nsambya- Kampala-Uganda || Hon. Prof. Mother Kevin Postgraduate School of Medicine, Uganda Martyrs University- Uganda || Board Chairperson – Mulago Specialized Women and Neonatal Hospital- Kampala-Uganda ||
Brief Overview And Experience
I am an Obstetrician / Gynaecologist by training with 26 years of experience as a specialist in a clinical setting. My professional interest lies in improving perinatal and newborn care both at the facility and community level, and management of high-risk pregnancies as well as infectious diseases in pregnancy with special reference to malaria, STI , HIV/AID. I am also a Master trainer against Sexual Gender-based Violence in the Great Lake Region in SubSaharan Africa and an advocate for Reproductive health and rights. Other aptitude includes clinical protocol /guideline development, curriculum and training material development, and in-service and preservice training for different health cadres (Midwives, intern doctors, and community health workers).
Academic Record
- 2019 Fellow of the East, Central and Southern Africa College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. East Central Southern Africa Associations of Obstetrics and Gynecologists.
- 2009 Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science. Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
- 1996 Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. University of Zimbabwe.
- 1987 Bachelor of Medicine /Bachelor of Surgery. Makerere University
Key Experience Record
(1st September 2021 – present): Board Chairperson Mulago National Women and Neonatal; Specialized Hospital.
(1-08-2014 – Present): Senior Consultant Obstetrician / Gynaecologist at St. Francis Hospital, Nsambya.
(15-11-2010 – Present): Honorary Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Services of Uganda Martyrs University.
(1/12/2014 – September 2015): Consultant Obstetrician / Gynaecologist at St. Francis Hospital, Nsambya, Uganda Government.
(1/07/97 – November 2014): Obstetrician / Gynaecologist at St. Francis Hospital, Nsambya, Uganda Government.
(July 2010 – Present): Honorary lecturer in the Department of Community Health and Behavioral Science, Makerere University, School of Public Health College of Health Sciences.
(January 1992 – April 1996): Senior Resident Medical Officer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Zimbabwe.
(July 1987 – December 1991): Medical Officer at St Francis Hospital Nsambya. Uganda Government.
(September 1990 – July 1991): National AIDS Coordinator for the Catholic Church. Uganda Episcopal Conference.
(July 1986 to 1987): Intern, Uganda Government.
Clinical Experience
Programs on Sexual Gender Based Violence under International Conference on the Great Lake region /Regional Training Facility:
- Tailor Made Training –Improving response from Uganda Police Health Centers to cases of SGBV under Maastricht School of Management.(April 2021 –Ongoing)
- Consultant and Master Trainer with a main obligation to carry out research, design training curricula, develop course materials, and to train and monitor National Trainers against Sexual Gender Based Violence in the Great Lake region. (2017 – 2018)
Studies of Perinatal and Newborn the Ugandan setting: These publications contributed to the knowledge of the issues perinatal care period and increase on strategies for Newborn care especially in Sub Saharan African, Uganda in particular.
- Prospective study to explore changes in quality of care and perinatal outcomes after implementation of perinatal death audit in Uganda Victoria Nakibuuka Kirabira, Mamuda Aminu, Juan Emmanuel Dewez, Romano Byaruhanga, Pius Okong, Nynke van den Broek BMJ Open 2020;10: e027504. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027504.
- Byaruhanga RN, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Kiguli J, Balyeku A, Nsabagasani X, Peterson S. Hurdles and opportunities for newborn care in rural Uganda. doi: 10.1016/j.midw 2010.02.005.Midwifery.2010.
- Peter Waiswa, Stefan Peterson, Gertrude Namazzi, Elizabeth Kiracho Ekirapa, Sarah Naikoba, Romano Byaruhanga, Juliet Kigguli, TAbner Tagoola, Margaret Nakakeeto, George Pariyo. The Uganda-NewbornStudy-UNEST: -an-effectiveness-study-on-improving-newborn-health-and-survival-in-rural Uganda. Trials 2012,13:213;
- Romano N Byaruhanga, Anna Bergstrom, Jude Tibemanya, Christine Nakitto, Pius Okong. Perceptions among post-delivery mothers of skin to skin contact and newborn baby care in a periurban hospital in Uganda.Midwifery,2008; 24,183-189.
- Lisa M Askie, Lelia Duley, David J Hendersan-Smart, Lesley A Stewart on Behalf of the PARIS collaborative group. Antiplatelet agents for the prevention of preeclampsia. A met analysis of individual patient data Lancet Vol 367 2007.
- Anna Bergstrom, Romano Byaruhanga, Pius Okong. The Impact of newborn bathing on the prevalence of neonatal hypothermia in Uganda: A randomized controlled trial. Acta Paediatrica, 2005; 94:1.
- Romano Byaruhanga, Anna Bergstrom, Pius Okong. Neonatal hypothermia in Uganda: Prevalence and risk factors. J Trop Pediatric, 2005; 51: 212-215.
- Anna Bergstrom, Romano Byaruhanga, Pius Okong. Comparison of tympanic and rectal thermometry: Diagnosis of neonatal hypothermia in Uganda. J Neonat Nurs 2004; 10:76-9.
Studies on Maternal and Perinatal audits and quality Care Health System strengthening. Involved in studies and projects implementation on improving Health systems geared at Maternal and perinatal health improvement.
- African Centre for Global Health and Social Transformation (ACHEST) Jan 2021 –April 2022 Team leader for ACHEST in Clinical Skills Uptake and mentorship for Reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and Adolescent health for the Eastern Uganda Region under Ministry of Health /World Bank.
- Lwanga H, Atuyambe L, Sempewo H, Lumala A, Byaruhanga R. An exploratory study of men’s perception and experiences during pregnancy and delivery in Uganda. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2017 Jun 19;17 (1) 196. doi 10.1186.
- Lumala A, Sekweyama Abaasa A, Lwanga H, Byaruhanga R. Assessment of quality of care among in patients with postpartum hemorrhage and severe preeclampsia at St. Francis Hospital Nsambya: A criteria based audit. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2017 Jan 13:17(1) 29. doi 10.1186.
- V.Nakibuuka, M. Aminu, J. Dewez, R. Byaruhanga, P. Okong, Nnyke Renkevan den Broek. Changes in quality of care and perinatal outcome after implementation of perinatal audits in Uganda 2008-15: A prospective study. Lancet Global Health 7: S40 2019.
- Spira C, Kwezira A, Jacob S, Amongin D, Ngonzi J, Namisi CP, Byaruhanga R, Rushwan H, Cooper P Et al. Improving the quality of maternity services in Uganda through accelerated implementation of essential interventions by health care professional associations. Int J Gynaecol 2017 Oct,139(1) 107-113.
- Diego Ayres-de-Campos, Catherine Y. Spong, Edwin Chandraharan, for the FIGO intrapartum fetal monitoring consensus panel. FIGO Consensus guidelines on intrapartum fetal monitoring. 2015.
- R Byaruhanga, D G Bassani, A Jagau, P Muwanguzi, A L Montgomery, J E Lawn. Use of wind-up fetal Doppler versus Pinard for fetal heart rate intermittent monitoring in labour: a randomised clinical trial. BMJ Open 2015;5: e006867. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014006867
- Saving Mother Giving Life (SMGL I & II) project: 2012 – 2016 The SMGL initiative phase I was implemented in four districts namely Kabarole, Kamwenge, Kibaale and Kyenjojo located in Western Uganda with a goal of reducing maternal mortality by 50% in the 4 rural districts over a 17-month period using a fully functioning District Health network to enable women access to quality basic and emergency obstetrics care 24 hours, 7 days per week. Acted as the project Supervisor for three Professional Association involved in Project. Budget UGX 1,553,000,0000 (USD 425,479).
- WHO Maternal Death reviews in Uganda 2012-2013 Contracted through the Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists to do a systematic review of maternal deaths in health facilities in Uganda with a view of generating recommendation for health system improvement.
- Anthony K Mbonye, Miriam Sentongo, Gelasius K Mukasa, Romano Byaruhanga, Olive Sentumbwe, Mugisa, Peter Waiswa, Hanifah, Naamala Sengendo, Patrick Aliganyira, Margaret Nakakeeto, Joy E Lawn and Kate Kerber for the Uganda Decade of Change and Future Implications Analysis Group. Newborn survival in Uganda: a decade of change and future implications. Health Policy and Planning 2012;27: iii104–iii117.
Management of High Risk pregnancies in Low Resource settings: I have participated in research at prevention and improving care for high risk pregnancies.
- Nakabuye B, Bahendeka S, Byaruhanga R. Prevalence of hyperglycemia first detected during pregnancy and subsequent obstetric outcome at St. Francis Hospital Nsambya. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2017 May 2:10 (1) 174. doi 10.1186.
- M.F. Van Oostwaard, Ewoid Schuit, Dimitri NM Papatsonis, Mark Brown, Romano N Byaruhanga, S. Bhattacharya, D.M Campell, L.C Chappell, F Chiaffarino, et al. Recurrence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: an individual patient data meta-analysis. AmJ Obstet Gynaecol 212:624, 2015.
- Anatoli Kamali, Helen Byomire, Catherine Muwonge, Julie Bakobaki, Clare Rutterford, Pus Okong, Albert Profy, Romano Byaruhanga, Stella Namukwaya, Sheena McCormack, Heiner Grosskurth, Andrew Nunn, Charles Lacey. A randomized placebo controlled safety and acceptability trial of PRO2000 vaginal microbicide gel in sexually active women in Uganda. Sexually transmitted infections 2010;86(3) :222-6.
- R.N. Byaruhanga, Chipato, S. Rusakaniko. A randomized controlled trial of low dose aspirin in women at risk from pre-eclampsia. International journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics 60; 1998: 129-135.
WHO Technical Consultation: 21-23 June 2022:
- To assess evidence on community-based delivery of IPTp (c-IPTp) Virtual meeting – 21-23 June 2022 MUST Data Science Research Hub. Mbarara University of Science and Technology in collaboration with (1) Massachusetts General Hospital – MGH, (2) Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT, (3) Kwame Nkurumah University of Science and Technology – KNUST, and (4) College of Ophthalmologists of Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa – COECSA: (Jan 2022 – present).
- Scientific Advisory Board member.
Uganda / Ministry of Health: (2015-2016)
- Consultancy to assist at drafting the Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS) Strategy 2015/2016 to 2019/2020.
The MUM project in Uganda, (2013 to present)
- The Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) for Ugandan Mothers (MUM) project was a three-year project to expand the provision of private sector maternal health care in up to 30 districts of Uganda, ensuring that more women have access to essential safe motherhood services and products. The MUM partnership consists of Population Services International (PSI), the Program for Accessible health, Communication and Education (PACE), and the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Uganda (AOGU) and TransAid.
WHO Maternal Death reviews in Uganda (2012-2013)
- Contracted through the Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists to do a systematic review of maternal deaths in health facilities in Uganda with a view of generating recommendation for health system improvement.
WHO (16-20th May 2011)
- Expert Consultation to Review the English Draft version of the Recommendation for Clinical practices on emergency Obstetrics and Neonatal care manual.
Uganda/Karolinska Institutet/Makerere University/Ifakara Health Institute/London School of hygiene and Tropical Medicine/Evaplan (2010-present)
- Researcher on Expanded Quality Management Using Information Power (EQUIP) to improve maternal and newborn health in Tanzania and Uganda
Uganda / Saving Newborn Lives initiative (SNL) (2006 – present)
- Researcher on project for Improving newborn health and survival in Uganda through a community based intervention and linkage with health facilities in Iganga / Mayuge Districts Uganda.
- Consultant and co-investigator on formative research on newborn care in the community in Uganda (2006-2008)
Uganda / Ministry of Health (2006-present)
- Consultant and member of National Steering Committee on Newborn Health Uganda /Infectious Disease Institute (2009)
- Drafting of training materials for integrated clinical management of common infectious diseases in adults and children.
Uganda / WHO MIM / TDR Grants (2006-2009)
- Principal Investigator of clinical trial. Safety and efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine therapy for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy in Uganda Perinatal Anti Platelet Review of International Studies Collaboration (PARIS) (2005-2007).
- Member / Researcher on use of anti-platelet agents to prevent and decrease morbidity, mortality secondary to preeclampsia
Uganda / Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation/Med Biotech Laboratory Uganda. (2004- 2006)
- Co-Investigator/Mentor for Research Fellows on Study on Standardized of Low Assay for monitoring HIV progression in Pediatric HIV/AIDS patients.
Imperial College London, Institutet of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, MRC Clinical trial unit, MRC Programme on AIDS in Uganda, Indevus Pharmaceutical Inc. (2001-2004).
- Co-Investigator for Microbicides Initiative Phase II trials in Uganda (MIA 001 & MIA 002). Randomized Controlled trials for Dextrin Sulphate and Pro 2000.
Uganda / Association of Obstetrician/Gynecologist of Uganda with Society of Obstetrician& Gynecologists of Canada (1999-Present)
- Coordinator and Facilitator for ALARM International course in Uganda.
Uganda/MOH and WHO (2000-2001)
- Consultant for Establishing Guidelines for Intermittent presumptive with Sulphadoxine/Pyrimethamine in Pregnancy and National Guide lines for Case management.
Uganda/MOH (2000-2003) Community outreach Consultancy.
- Support supervision to District Hospitals (Mityana, Nkokonjeru) and Makindye division in Kampala, Uganda.
Uganda/The FIGO Save the Mother Initiative: The Uganda-Canada Collaboration (1998-2002)
- Facilitator in District on Community Intervention on decreasing maternal morbidity and mortality in Kiboga District.
Uganda/JHPIEGO/WHO/Ministry of Health (1997-2001)
- Drafting /Finalizing on the Obstetric/Gynaecology Internship Curriculum for Uganda.
Uganda/MOH and WHO (2001)
- Consultant/Facilitator for the integration of STI and Reproductive cancer screening services in to Reproductive Health Services.
Uganda /UNDP (December – June 1997)
- Consultant for TOKTEN at Iganga Hospital in Iganga Uganda.
Uganda, UNDP (September 1991)
- Consultant for Behaviour Change in relationship to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. UNDP.
Supervision And Defence
SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS: Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology of Mother Kevin Post Graduate School
Uganda Martyrs University. Nkozi since 2011 to present.
Defence To Students From Other Universities
Makerere University, College of Health Science. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- External Examiner for Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University 2019 – Present
Uganda Christian University Mukono
- External Examiner for Uganda Christian University Mukono in the Faculty of Health Science in the Save the Mothers Program for the Master of Public Health (2013 too Present)
Mbarara University School of Science and Technology
- External Examiner for Mbarara University School of Technology and Science in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology for the Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology (2013 too Present)
Karolinska Institute
- I have participated in Post Graduate Master degrees in Public Health Sciences, Health Economics, Policy and Management (2012-2014) and Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME), Medical Management Centre (MMC)
Awards / Honors
- 1995-First prize for best scientific presentation at Annual Medical Research day. Faculty of Medicine Institute of continuing Health Education 1995 University of Zimbabwe.
- 1997 –Travel grant to participate in Advanced International Training programme on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Sweden.
- 2003- Travel Grant to participate Advances in labour and Risk Management (ALARM) Program in Ottawa Canada.
- 2013- Travel Grant to participate in workshop on Maternal Death Surveillance & Response workshop – Ethiopia.
- 2014-Grant to participate in Making It Happen Conference hosted by the Centre for Maternal and Newborn Health (CMNH), Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in Liverpool (UK)
- 2017-Appreciation in recognition for loyalty and Dedicated Service through various ranks at St Francis Hospital, Nsambya over 31-year service.
- 2019-Appreciation in recognition of your Dedicated Service to the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Uganda – AOGU.
Membership To Professional Bodies
- Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist of Uganda (President 2011-2013).
- East, Central and Southern Africa Association of Obstetrical & Gynaecological Societies (Treasurer 2006-2009).
- International Federation of Gynaecologist and Obstetricians (FIGO)
- Uganda Medical Association.
- Medical Licensing and Examination Board of Uganda medical and Dental Practitioners’ Council (Member).
- Director-Kampala Medical Chambers Limited.
- Director – JOWIRO Investment limited
- Director –International Health Network
Countries Of Professional Experience
- Uganda.
- Zimbabwe.
- Sweden.
Relevant Publications And Presentations
- Victoria Nakibuuka Kirabira, Mamuda Aminu, Juan Emmanuel Dewez, Romano Byaruhanga, Pius Okong, Nynke van den Broek Prospective study to explore changes in quality of care and perinatal outcomes after implementation of perinatal death audit in Uganda BMJ Open 2020;10: e027504. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2018-027504.
- Spira C, Kwezira A, Jacob S, Amongin D, Ngonzi J, Namisi CP, Byaruhanga R, Rushwan H, Cooper P Et al. Improving the quality of maternity services in Uganda through accelerated implementation of essential interventions by health care professional associations. Int J Gynaecol 2017 Oct,139(1) 107-113.
- Lwanga H, Atuyambe L, Sempewo H, Lumala A, Byaruhanga R. An exploratory study of men’s perception and experiences during pregnancy and delivery in Uganda. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2017 Jun 19;17 (1) 196. doi 10.1186.
- Nakabuye B, Bahendeka S, Byaruhanga R. Prevalence of hyperglycemia first detected during pregnancy and subsequent obstetric outcome at St. Francis Hospital Nsambya. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2017 May 2:10 (1) 174. doi 10.1186.
- Lumala, Sekweyama Abaasa A, Lwanga H, Byaruhanga R. Assessment of quality of care among in patients with postpartum hemorrhage and severe preeclampsia at St. Francis Hospital Nsambya: A criteria based audit. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2017 Jan 13:17(1) 29. doi 10.1186.
- De Bernis L, Kinney MV, Stones W et al and Lancet Ending Preventable stillbirth series advisory group. Stillbirth: ending preventable deaths by 20130. Lancet 2016 Feb 13;387 (10019) ;702-16.
- Diego Ayres-de-Campos, Catherine Y. Spong, Edwin Chandraharan, for the FIGO intrapartum fetal monitoring consensus panel. FIGO Consensus guidelines on intrapartum fetal monitoring. 2015.
- R Byaruhanga, D G Bassani, A Jagau, P Muwanguzi, A L Montgomery, J E Lawn. Use of wind-up fetal Doppler versus Pinard for fetal heart rate intermittent monitoring in labour: a randomised clinical trial. BMJ Open 2015;5: e006867. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014006867.
- Nakibuuka V.K, Okong P, Waisswa P, Byaruhanga R.N. Perinatal death audits in peri urban hospital, Kampala, Uganda.Afri. Health Sci 2012 12(4)435-32.
- Anthony K Mbonye, Miriam Sentongo, Gelasius K Mukasa, Romano Byaruhanga, Olive SentumbweMugisa, Peter Waiswa, Hanifah Naamala Sengendo, Patrick Aliganyira, Margaret Nakakeeto, Joy E Lawn and Kate Kerber for the Uganda Decade of Change and Future Implications Analysis Group. Newborn survival in Uganda: a decade of change and future implications. Health Policy and Planning 2012;27: iii104–iii117.
- Peter Waiswa, Stefan Peterson, Gertrude Namazzi, Elizabeth Kiracho Ekirapa, Sarah Naikoba, Romano Byaruhanga, Juliet Kigguli, TAbner Tagoola, Margaret Nakakeeto, George Pariyo. The Uganda-NewbornStudy-UNEST: -an-effectiveness-study-on-improving-newborn-health-and-survival-in-rural Uganda. Trials 2012,13:213.
- Proscovia B Namujju, Lea Hedman, Klaus Hedman, Cecily Banura, Edward K Mbidde, Dennison Kizito, Romano N Byaruhanga, Moses Muwanga, Reinhard Kirnbauer, Heljä-Marja Surcel. Matti Lehtinen. Low avidity of human papillomavirus (HPV) type16 antibodies is associated with increased risk oflow-risk but not high-risk HPV type prevalence. BMC Research Notes 2011 4:170.
- Byaruhanga RN, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Kiguli J, Balyeku A, Nsabagasani X, Peterson S. Hurdles and opportunities for newborn care in rural Uganda. doi: 10.1016/j.midw 2010.02.005.Midwifery.2010.
- Proscovia Namujju Bazanya, Helja Marja Surcel, Reinhard Kirnbauer, Marjo Kaasila, Cecily Banura, Romano Byaruhanga, Moses Muwanga, Edward Mdidde Katongole, Pentti Koskela, Matti Lehtinen. Risk of being seropositive for multiple human papillomavirus types among Finnish and Ugandan women. Scandinavian Journal of infectious diseases 2010;42(6-7):52.
- Anatoli Kamali, Helen Byomire, Catherine Muwonge, Julie Bakobaki, Clare Rutterford, Pus Okong, Albert Profy, Romano Byaruhanga, Stella Namukwaya, Sheena McCormack, Heiner Grosskurth, Andrew Nunn, Charles Lacey. A randomized placebo controlled safety and acceptability trial of PRO2000 vaginal microbicide gel in sexually active women in Uganda. Sexually transmitted infections 2010;86(3) :222-6.
- Romano N Byaruhanga, Anna Bergstrom, Jude Tibemanya, Christine Nakitto, Pius Okong. Perceptions among post-delivery mothers of skin to skin contact and newborn baby care in a per urban hospital in Uganda.Midwifery,2008; 24,183-189.
- Julie Bakobaki, Charles Lacey J, Michael I Bukenya, Andrew J Nunn, Sheena McCormack, Romano Byaruhanga, Pius Okong, Stella Namukwaya, Heiner Grosskurth, James AG White worth. A randomized controlled safety and acceptability trial of dextrin sulphate vaginal microbicide gel in sexually active women in Uganda. AIDS, 2005; 19(18):2149-2156.
- Anna Bergstrom, Romano Byaruhanga, Pius Okong. The Impact of newborn bathing on the prevalence of neonatal hypothermia in Uganda: A randomized controlled trial. Acta Paediatrica, 2005; 94:1-6.
- Romano Byaruhanga, Anna Bergstrom, Pius Okong. Neonatal hypothermia in Uganda: Prevalence and risk factors. J Trop Pediatric, 2005; 51: 212-215.
- Anna Bergstrom, Romano Byaruhanga, Pius Okong. Comparison of tympanic and rectal thermometry: Diagnosis of neonatal hypothermia in Uganda. J Neonat Nurs 2004; 10:76-9.
- Okong P, Byamugisha J, Mirembe F, Byaruhanga R, Bergstrom S. Audit of severe maternal morbidity in Uganda-Implication for quality of Obstetric care. Acta Obstericia et Gynaeclogica Scandinavia 2004.
- R.N. Byaruhanga. Improving health care by perinatal mortality audit and feedback. Tropical Doctor, 2000; 30: 94-97.
- R.N. Byaruhanga. Management of trophoblastic disease. Pan –African Psycho-Oncology society 2000 conference, Kampala Sept 2000.
- I.N. Kasumba, A.J. Nalunkuma, G. Mujuzi, F.S. Kitaka, R. Byaruhanga, P. Okong, T.G. Egwang. Low birth weight associated with maternal anemia and plasmodium falciparum infection during pregnancy, in a periurban/urban area of low endemicity in Uganda. Annals of tropical medicine & parasitology 94; 2000:1:7-13.
- R.N. Byaruhanga, T. Chipato, S. Rusakaniko. A randomized controlled trial of low dose aspirin in women at risk from pre-eclampsia. International journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics 60; 1998: 129-135.
Contributions to Books and Book Chapters:
- Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS) Strategy 2015/2016 to 2019/2020.
- Maternal Deaths Reviews in Uganda: Assessing the Chasm in quality of maternal health care. 2013. Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Uganda.
- The Clinical Mentorship manual for Emergency Obstetric, newborn care and safe anesthesia in low Resource settings .2012 Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Uganda.
- Maternal and Perinatal Death Review Guidelines. 2009.Reproductive Health Division. Ministry of Health.
- Care of the Newborn in Uganda. Studies of the use of simple affordable effective interventions. 2009. Karolinska Institutet.
- Implementation Framework for the Newborn Component of the Child Survival Strategy in Uganda.2009/10 -2014/15 Child and Reproductive Health Divisions, Community Health Department. Ministry of Health.
- Situational analysis of New Born Health in Uganda Health. Current status and opportunity to improve 2008. Ministry of Health, Save the Children, UNICEF, WHO.
- Home and Community New-born Care Practices in Uganda. Designing by Dialogue – Formative research towards a Behaviour Change Communication Strategy. 2008. Save the Children Uganda.
- Third Edition of the Alarm International Program Syllabus: A program to reduce Maternal and Neonatal Mortality and Morbidity-Chapter on Malaria in pregnancy and HIV and pregnancy. 2004.The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.
- Obstetric/Gynaecology Internship Curriculum for Uganda.2001 JHPIEGO/WHO/Ministry of Health.
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.Advanced International Training programme. 1997.Department of Women’s and Children’s Health for Obstetrics and Gynaecology Uppsala University.