His Worship Dr. Lubowa Daniel Ph.D.
The Assistant Registrar of the High Court of Uganda: Mubende High Court
Areas of Practice:
The Assistant Registrar of the High Court of Uganda: Mubende High Court | Ph.D. (Public Administration) London Bridge Business School | M.A (Economic Policy and Planning) Makerere University | LLB (Hons) Makerere University | B.Sc. (Forestry) Makerere University | Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice LDC | Post Graduate Diploma in Law Copenhagen University Denmark | LLM (Makerere University On going)
Key Fields Of Expertise
- Public Administration.
- Adjudication of cases.
- Litigation, Arbitration and Negotiation.
- Environment and Impact Assessment.
- Research Project Design, Implementation and Reporting.
- Policy Analysis.
- Academic and professional Writing.
- Advocacy, Networking and Training.
Academic Record
- Doctor of Public Administration – London Bridge Business School.
- A Economic Policy and Planning – Makerere University
- LLM (on going) – Makerere University.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Law – Copenhagen University, Demark.
- Post graduate Diploma In Legal Practice – Law Development Center.
- LLB (Hons) – Makerere University.
- B.Sc. Forestry Hons – Makerere University.
Key Experience Record
Aug. 2022 to-date: I was transferred to Mubende and I am currently Assistant Registrar Mubende High Court.
Jan. Aug. 2022: I was deployed as Assistant Registrar mediation registry at Commercial Court.
Aug. -Dec. 2021: I was appointed Assistant Registrar of Arua High Court.
July 2019 – Aug 2021: I was assigned to be Ag. Deputy Registrar in-charge of Arua High Court.
2018 – 2021: I was transferred from the office of the Deputy Chief Justice to Arua Chief Magistrate Court as Chief Magistrate. I also took charge of Nebbi, Koboko and Yumbe chief Magistrate Court.
2018 – 2019: Chief Magistrate Nebbi. I was assigned for care take Nebbi Chief Magistrate Court until a substantive chief magistrate no poster.
2015 – 2018: Private Legal Secretary to the Deputy Chief Justice. I was in charge of the office handling both technical and administrative responsibilities.
2015 –2018: Ag Assistant Registrar (Appellate Mediation project). As registrar in charge of the Registry I handled complete over 2,000 Cases during the period.
2013 – 2015: Personal Assistant – Deputy Chief Justice (Chief magistrate)
2011 –2013: Principal Magistrate Grade one, Mityana Chief Magistrate Court.
2010 – 2011: Senior Magistrate Grade one, Mengo Court.
2007 –2010: Magistrate Grade 1 Nakasongola Court
2003 –2007: Magistrate Guide 1 Moroto / Nakapiriti in Moroto Magistrate Area.
2001 -2013: Consultant Associate JRB Consulting Associates.
2001 -2003: Legal Associate, Kavuma Kabenge and Co. Advocates.
1990-2000: Research Associate Makerere Institute of Social Research for formulation implementation, monitoring and reporting on research projects, Supervise students and provide lectures.
1994 -1995: Research Scientist Forest Research Institute (FORI) . Responsible for Forest research project Design and Implementation.
1993 -1994: Seed source Development Officer, Uganda Tree Seed Project. Responsible for seed source Identification, development and genetic improvement.
1991 -1993: Forest officer, Forest Department. Responsible for managing National Silvi cultural Research plots.
Consultant Assignments
2018 to Date: Committee Member, UN Consultative African Initiative on Human Trafficking.
2001 to 2006: Consultant Oxfam –UPPAP, Ministry of Finance, Planning an Economic, Development. Providing Technical Support to Arua, Soroti and Mubende District Teams, Reviewing Bugiri and Masindi site reports and members of National writing teams.
2001 to 2002: Consultant Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Justice Law and Order Sector.
Participatory Poverty Assessment on Safety, Security and Access to Justice in Uganda.
1999: International Consultant International Research Group, Nairobi. Investigating the Civil Military Relations in Uganda.
1998: Consultant UNEB/USAID Programme for Improvement of Educational Quality in Uganda.
1995: International Consultant, Eastern and Southern African Universities Researcher Program at Daaresalaam. To study the Impact of Structural Adjustment on the de livery of Social Services in the region.
1992: African Academy of Sciences Mbabane, Swaziland Part of the Pan African team to structure the African position for the Rio De Janerio Global Conference.
Publications And Studies
Lubowa D. Clinical Structure. Process and Quality of care among HIV/AIDS Patients in Uganda. A concept paper, 2001.
Lubowa D. Household Structure, Investment Decisions and Health Seeking Behaviour of HIV/AIDS Patients in Uganda .Research Paper, 2001.
Lubowa D. The Political Economy of Development in Africa: Reflections in Civil Society Poverty Eradication Efforts in Uganda Paper presented in the 14th to 18th September 2001 Conference Nairobi .Kenya.
Lubowa D. Challenges of Primary Care Oriented Health Systems: Questioning The Existing Education a Models. Paper Presented in Brazil 5th- 10th October 2001.
Lubowa D. Governance and Forest Management in Uganda. Paper Presented to the Faculty of Law, Makerere University, 2000.
Lubowa D. Business and Polities in Africa: Recent Successes and Challenges Ji)}” women in the Two Worlds. 1999.
Lubowa D. Demand for Basic Education in Uganda. Makerere University, 1999.
Lubowa D & Lubowa M. The Rise of Women Traders ‘Movement in Uganda, Paper Presented at the 5th OSSREA Congress,3’d -9th Novemher,1995 Cape Town South Africa.
Lubowa D. Public Agencies as principal Managers of solid Waste. Paper presented at the 21st UWEC Conference 4th- 8th September, 1995 Kampala Uganda.
Lubowa D. Sustainable Management and Governance of Natural Resources in Uganda .Paper presented during the 12th -13th May 19950SSREA Workshop Kampala Uganda.
Lubowa D. Forestry in Africa historical and Political Perspectives from Uganda. Published by African Academy of Sciences Whydah Newsletted 1992.
Lubowa D. Fatigue Stress and Boredom at Work Places: Causes Explanation and Possible Remedies. Published by UNACOH.
Lubowa D. The Importance of Cosmology in Hambley and Onweng (Eds) Grassroots Indicators IDRC Publication.
Lubowa D & Mwesigye. F Family Planning for Men: A possible breakthrough for fertility Decline in Uganda. Makerere University. 1998 Mulindwa. Patrick (Eds).
Lubowa D. Woodlot Agro forestry Technology and it’s Socio Economic Impact in Uganda. Paper presented for the AAAS, 1999.
Lubowa D& Mulumba Population Dynamics and the Conservation of Bwindi Forest .Paper presented for the AAAS.
Lubowa D. Attracting and Protecting Foreign Direct Investment in Uganda’s Eco Tourism Unpublished.
Lubowa D. Rural Household tree planting in Uganda: The case of Mubende District. Makerere University 1999.
Lubowa D. The Context of tree planting in Uganda .Special Project of Makerere University.
Lubowa D. The Expanding Social Role of Women Organizations in Uganda .Paper presented for the Center for Field Research International. UTA 1999.
Lubowa D. Non-governmental Organization CNGO’s) Social Provision in Uganda Paper prepared for the Carnegie Foundation of New York, USA.1999.
Lubowa D. Women Providing for Women: Towards Female Social Autonomy in Uganda Paper prepared for the Global Fund for Women, USA 1995.
Lubowa D. The Expanding Social Role of Religious Organizations in Uganda. Paper prepared for the Earhaunt Foundation USA. 1998.
Lubowa D. Conservation Versus Livelihood.: Resource Access Issues following the gazette of Semiliki national Park Uganda. Makerere University, 1997.
Membership To Professional Bodies
- UN Steering g Committee on Human Trafficking
- Uganda Judicial Officer Association (UJOA)
- Uganda Law Society (ULS)
- Member of the Network of the AIDS researchers of Eastern and Southern Africa (NARESA)
- Uganda Wild Life Society (UWS)
- Founder Member of Uganda National Environmental Law Society.
- Center for Peace Research.
- Member of Makerere Institute of Social Research.
- Member Uganda Forestry Association (UFA)
- Member Soil Science Society of East Africa.(SSSEA)
- Member of African Academy of Sciences.(AAS)
- Member for the Association of Community and Occupational Health.