Her Worship Harriet Nalukwago Ssali
The Registrar of the Supreme Court of Uganda.
Areas of Practice:
Academic Record
- Makerere University Kampala Uganda, LLB Bachelor of Laws (1995-1999)
- Law Development Centre Uganda, Diploma in Legal Practice (1999-2002)
- Birmingham City UK, MBA International Business (2001-2002)
- National University of Ireland in Galway, Certificate in International Criminal Justice (2016)
- Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIMA) UK, Professional Diploma in Marketing awarded, Associate CIM (ACIM) (2016)
Brief Overview And Experience
2020 to date: Registrar, Supreme Court
Achievements and responsibilities:
- The Presidential Election Petition 2021. As the first female registrar to handle a Presidential Election Petition, I solely handled the registration, scheduling, filing and applications of Counsel during The 2021 Presidential Election Petition at the Supreme Court of Uganda.
- I manage all affairs of the Supreme Court with judicial powers within my respective areas of jurisdiction, under the provisions of Order 46 of the Civil Procedures Rules of Uganda and the Supreme Court rules.
- As Registrar I take all preliminary steps to ensure all cases are prepared for trial. I have a deputy registrar to whom I delegate some matters.
- I organised the first of its kind registry database as well as the restructuring of the registry.
2020: Deputy Registrar Jinja High Court, Mukono High Court
As Deputy Registrar of the High Court I heard a majority of interlocutory applications, identified parties for letters of probate, sit as taxing master, supervise execution of court orders and decrees, allocate cases to judges, sign and seal court documents as well as supervise lower magistrate courts within my jurisdiction. At the International Crimes Division I spearheaded the passing of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence based on the ICC Act which Rules were passed in March 2016; I have organised legal representation for the victims and witnesses participation and protection; I oversee court management and trial support, interpretation of judicial proceedings, defence counsel management and enforcement of sentences.
2019 – 2020: Deputy Registrar Jinja High Court, Jinja High Court.
As Deputy Registrar of the High Court I heard a majority of interlocutory applications, identified parties for letters of probate, sit as taxing master, supervise execution of court orders and decrees, allocate cases to judges, sign and seal court documents as well as supervise lower magistrate courts within my jurisdiction. At the International Crimes Division I spearheaded the passing of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence based on the ICC Act which Rules were passed in March 2016; I have organised legal representation for the victims and witnesses participation and protection; I oversee court management and trial support, interpretation of judicial proceedings, defence counsel management and enforcement of sentences.
2016 –2019: Deputy Registrar International Crimes Division of The High Uganda, International Crimes Division Court Uganda
As Deputy Registrar of the High Court I heard a majority of interlocutory applications, execution of court orders and decrees, allocated cases to judges, signed and sealed court documents. At the International Crimes Division I spearheaded the passing of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence based on the ICC Act which Rules were passed in March 2016; organised legal representation for the victims and witnesses participation and protection; I oversaw court management and trial support, interpretation of judicial proceedings, defence counsel management and enforcement of sentences.
Institutional Value
Value Addition: Proper management of resources in the courts. Jurisdiction’s alignment with maximum service delivery to all people. Coordinated planning and inclusive output for all staff under my supervision. Fairness in all mandatory duties.
Past Stations In The Judiciary
2016 – to 2017: Acting Registrar Court of Appeal / Constitutional Court.
- I managed all affairs of Court of Appeal with judicial powers within my respective areas of jurisdiction, under the provisions of Order 46 of the Civil Procedures Rules of Uganda and the Court of Appeal rules.
- As Registrar I took all preliminary steps to ensure all cases are prepared for trial. I have 3 deputy registrars: the deputy registrar in charge of civil matters, deputy registrar in charge of Criminal matters and the deputy registrar in charge of Constitutional matters.
- I organised the first of its kind appellate mediation as well as the restructuring of the registry.
2015 – 2016: Deputy Inspector of Courts.
- As Deputy Inspector of Courts I deputised the Inspector of Courts and was responsible for the inspection of all magistrates and registrars in the Republic of Uganda totalling to over 500 employees and ensuring that they upheld the Judicial Code of Conduct.
2012 – 2017: Deputy Public Relations Officer, Judiciary.
- As Deputy PRO I was involved outreach and communications on radio and tv; public speaking, giving presentations on legal topics to groups; relationship management with courts and partners on the international justice scene; excellent writing skills and dealing with high level officials. Creating awareness about judiciary innovations like the Small Claims Procedure, Information Desks, Mediation, Sentencing Guidelines and Plea Bargaining.
2011 – 2012: Masaka High Court as Ag. Deputy Registrar
- (Functions of a deputy registrar mentioned above)
2010-2011: Family Division of the High Court as Assistant Registrar.
- (Functions of a deputy registrar mentioned above)
Other Roles
- Visiting Professional, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia – UN ICTY 2014 – 2015
- Deputy Registrar, High Court of Uganda, Judiciary (2014)
- Assistant Registrar, High Court of Uganda, Judiciary (2010 to 2013)
- Program Officer, QUISP, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Industry (2009 – 2010) Program
- Director, Public Defender Association of Uganda (2009)
- Head of Programmes, International Law Institute – African Centre for Legal Excellence (2008)
- Program Manager, Public Defender Association of Uganda (2007)
- Lecturer, Uganda Christian University, Mukono (2006)
- Lecturer, Kampala International University (2004)
- Advocate, Buwule and Mayiga Advocates (1996-2004)
Special Expertise
Civil and Criminal Law Adjudication of cases
- Heard and handled all interlocutory matters and delivered rulings.
- Drafted legal opinions involving various civil cases, including sovereign immunity and defamation.
- Observed court proceedings. Analyzed applications in both Civil and Criminal proceedings and made recommendations to the presiding judges in the division/circuit.
- Interacted and worked daily with judges, advocates, court staff and litigants in all areas of adjudication.
Pre-Trial Proceedings.
- Organised and prepared the court and advised the judges during pre-trial hearings at the International Crimes Division and Pre-Hearing Conference at the Supreme court.
- Researched case law on pre-trial motions, and drafted legal memoranda.
- Researched and drafted legal memoranda for pre-trial motions on complex evidentiary issues.
- Observed pre-trial motions, assessors’ selection during criminal trials.
Normal Court Proceedings
- Attended, observed and participated in court proceedings, and participated in sentencing conferences. Performed tasks under supervision of the Judge such as interlocutory matters.
- Gained insight into judicial decision-making process by observing court proceedings and hearing interlocutory matters. Participated in routine court operations, registration of new matters, filings, court proceedings and CCAS system. Documented outcome of court proceedings in the form of reports and provided computer assistance to the judge during court sessions.
Legal Process in Appellate Courts.
- Prepared, analyzed and processed legal documents and correspondences relating to appellate courts.
- Heard interlocutory matters and drafted and finalized legal documents and memoranda.
- Prepared and delivered rulings conducted legal research and prepared written reports, searched legal documents to investigated facts and determined course of action.
Legal Advice.
- Researched legal issues, drafted and edited affidavits statements and other correspondence in connection with courts.
- Provided legal advice to the judges.
- Review proposed actions for legal issues and research statutory and regulatory requirements to ensure proposal is legally correct.
- Designated State brief to the various criminal matters.
- Provided legal advice on all aspects of the law.
International Law.
- Served as Judicial Affairs advisor to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM).
- Visiting Professional at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.(ICTY)
- Advised the Heads of Departments and Chief of Staff on domestic operations, fiscal law, rules of engagement, and international criminal law.
Most Relevant Publications
- “Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court” Observer’s Note on Part 9 International Cooperation and Judicial Assistance, 3rd Edition, Triffterer/Ambos, Verlag. C.H. Beck, OHG, Germany, 2015 (also 1st and 2nd editions of the same Commentary)
- “The ICTY and its Relationship with National Jurisdictions” chapter for “The Legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia” edited by Bert Swart, Alexander Zahar and Goran Sluiter, Oxford University Press, 2011.
- “State Cooperation and Transfer” Chapter for “Routledge Handbook of International Criminal Law”, edited by William A. Schabas and Nadia Bernaz, Routledge 2010.
- “The Rome Statute and Domestic Legal Orders, Volume II” Chapter on Canada with Darryl Robinson, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 2005.
- “The International Criminal Court, Elements of Crime and Rules of Procedure and Evidence”, Chapter 14 “Enforcement”, Editor Roy Lee, Transnational Publishers, 2001, Ardsley New York.
Also Related:
- “The Office of the Ombudsperson: a case for fair process” chapter for Strengthening the Rule of Law through the Security Council, edited by Jeremy Farrall and Hilary Charlesworth, Routledge, 2016.
- “No Hiding Place: How justice need not be blinded by borders” chapter for “Combatting International Crime: The Longer Arm of the Law” edited by Steven Brown, Routledge- Cavendish, (2008).
- “Towards Meaningful Adherence to Multilateral Instruments for International Cooperation: the Challenges to Effective Mutual Legal Assistance” Treaty Enforcement and International Cooperation in Criminal Matters, Rodrigo Yepes-Enriquez and Lisa Tabassi (eds.), T.M.C. Asser Press, 2002, The Hague, Netherlands.
Most Relevant Seminars
I have lectured and delivered presentations extensively over my career at a number of conferences/seminars. This is only a representative sample:
- Panelist at the International Bar Association conference on ‘The challenges to undertaking domestic and hybrid trials for atrocity crimes’ 2022
- Judge at the ICRC National Inter-University International Humanitarian Law, Moot Court Competition, 2019
- Trainer and Facilitator with the United Nationas Assistance Mission to Somalia (UNSOM) in Mogadishu and Baidoa, Somalia in Gender and Justice from 2020 to 2022.
- Delegate in the GCTF – (Global Counterterrorism Forum): Initiative to Counter Unmanned Aerial System Threats, Fourth Regional Workshop, 28-29 May 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- ICC delegate: As a Ugandan delegate to the 17TH ICC Assembly of State Parties. I represented Uganda in all deliberations and sittings together with the Ambassador Mirjam Blaak, Netherlands & Belgium and Ambassador Duncan, New York during the Assembly of State Parties Conference in the Hague, 2018.
- Trainer on Combatting the Financing Terrorism – World Bank Lebanon, 2018.
- Appointment to the Training of Trainers Program on Combatting the Financing Terrorism – World Bank Lebanon, 2017.
- Graduate, Chartered Institute of Marketing – UK as Deputy PR of the Judiciary, 2016
- ICC delegate: As a Ugandan delegate to the 14TH ICC Assembly of State Parties I represented Uganda in all deliberations and sittings together with the Ambassador Mirjam Blaak, Netherlands & Belgium and Ambassador Duncan, NewYork during the Assembly of State Parties Conference in the Hague, 2015.
- Consultant for and submitted Registry Guidelines for the International Crimes Division, funded by Avocat Sans Frontiere, 2015.
- Facilitator, M.C Asser Instituut, the Hague Netherlands, Supranational Criminal Law Lecture series. Delivered a lecture on the International Crimes Division, the first domestic court to try war crimes in Africa, 2015. See: http://www.asser.nl/education–events/events/?id=845
- Visiting Professional, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Hague Netherlands, 2014 – 2015
- Board member Micro Justice Uganda, a non-governmental organisation providing legal aid at the grass roots, 2014
- Member of the Judicial Integrity Committee. The Judicial Integrity Committee is mandated to promote and strengthen Judicial Integrity within the Judiciary and improve service delivery, 2012 – 2013.
- Chairperson Common Wealth Magistrates and Judges Association. Chaired the Spouses’ Committee, during the organisation and setting up of the conference in Munyonyo, Uganda, 2012.
- Trainer and Facilitator with the Judicial Studies Institute I trained judicial staff in Ethics, Integrity and Codes of Conduct, 2012.
- Member of the Peer Committee Peer Committee of High Court was put in place to oversee actions of staff in the judiciary in terms of ethical behaviour to ensure that these officers uphold the Judicial Code of Conduct, 2011.
- Founder of the CSR Chainlink in Uganda The CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Chainlink brings together North and South actors as well as creating a link throughout the chain of CSR stakeholders – 2009.
- Winner of a grant from the Danish Development Research Network (DDRN) Third Call for Proposals for Member Driven Activities. Corporate Social Responsibility Workshop – Kampala, Uganda, August 2008.
Membership To Professional Bodies
- Member of the National Association of Women Judges, Uganda
- Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda
- Rotarian – Rotary club of Kampala Ssesse
Other Relevant Facts
I am passionate about justice and all of my career has been dedicated to working with institutions or in roles where I can make a contribution in support of it. I have been privileged to have the extraordinary experience of serving both as a Deputy Inspector of Courts and Deputy Public Relations Officer of the Judiciary as well as a Registrar in the appellate courts namely yhe Court of Appeal/Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.
Having handled the Presidential Election Petition of Uganda at the Supreme Court and Election Petition Appeals at the Court of Appeal/Constitutional Court as well as participating in the development and establishment of the International Crimes Division of Uganda; I now hope to contribute better at the level of a Judge of the High Court.
It is my hope to share my national and international experience as a Judge of the High Court to better the Judiciary and sister institutions.