Her Worship Atukwasa Justine
The Assistant Registrar of the High Court of Uganda: Mpigi High Court Circuit
Areas of Practice:
Brief Overview And Experience
She is The Assistant Registrar of the High Court of Uganda: Mpigi High Court Circuit. She has 21 years of judicial experience working with the Justice, Law and Order sector. Since September 2020 to date she has organized the court case management system all files are update no more missing files, she organized the court archive, during the recent visit by The Hon Principle Judge he commended that Mpigi will be a model court, and was awarded for this.
She worked at the Land Division as an Assistant Registrar from April 2018 to August 2020. Assisting the Deputy Registrar in performing administration of duties assigned to the registry. Judicial functions in her jurisdiction making monthly reports managing court premises, equipment/ tools and other logistics.
Overseeing the proper management of registries, planning for and managing court sessions in consultation with the Registrar. She also set up the mediation registry at the land division.
8th December 2015 to date.
She worked as an Assistant Registrar. She was assigned the duties of supervising the registry at the family division High Court, managing the day today activities of the division, writing briefs for the judges, organizing sessions, handling interlocutory matters, organizing and attending meetings taking custody of the court seal, assets and handling any other duties assigned to me by my superiors.
Ag. Assistant Registrar 10th November 2014
She assisted the Deputy Registrar with following responsibilities; management of the day today activities of the division, perusal and allocation of files to the Judges in the division, hearing of interlocutory applications, identification of applicants for grant of letters of administration, certification of documents, handling complaints from the court users and staff and general supervision of the staff at in the division. She spear headed the shifting of the division from crusader house to the current court house and organizing it.
Chief Magistrate courts of Judicature August 7th 2008
Charged with the adjudication of Land, Commercial, Family and all civil cases. In the same regard, I ensure that Justice for all people is achieved in accordance with the Constitutional mandate; administering justice in the name of the people and in conformity with the law, values, norms and aspirations of the people. In her day to day activities as Chief Magistrate, she perused court files on a daily basis, writes judgments, rulings and delivering them, supervised staff, advised litigants on legal matters and matters pertaining to their cases, and handled complaints from the Public about any court activities and staff. She drew and submit annual and quarterly work plans for the court. She chaired district coordination committees, that brought together all stake holders in the administration of justice, visited detention centers and police stations, where possible monthly or quarterly. She visited the sub courts in the magisterial area. She took charge of four different magisterial areas as a chief magistrate Mityana, Nabweru, Jinja and Mengo Chief Magistrates Courts.
Part – time Lecturer at the Law Development Centre July 8th 2013 to July 2014.
She facilitated in Criminal and civil proceedings at the bar course. She also taught civil procedure and human rights to the diploma in law and human rights students. This training prepares the students for legal practice. As part of her duties she mentors, guides and coaches students.
Magistrate Grade One, January 2000 to 7th August 2008 Worked at Mengo, Buganda Road, Mukono and Jinja chief magistrates’ courts. Throughout this period, she performed the duties above as a Chief Magistrate save with limited powers of supervision of only staff attached to her court and she often took charge of the station in the absence of the Chief Magistrate.
Liaison/Protocol Officer CHOGM 2007August 2007 to November 2007:
She was part of this first ever and historical event where she worked as a Liaison/Protocol Officer and did her work with excellence.
“Judge” in Moots at Law Development Centre July 2005 to date:
She presided over moots which dealt with civil proceedings, criminal proceedings, commercial transactions, international transactions, domestic relations, land transactions, legislative drafting, professional conduct, revenue law and taxation. Writing rulings, judgments and delivered them;
Advocate High Court of Uganda February 2000 to date: – entered on the roll of Advocates.
Legal Assistant Ndaula & Co. Advocates and Mwanja, Magezi & Waibale & Co. Advocates, 1998 – 2000: where she undertook the following assignments;
While with Ndaula & Co.Advocates, she was the only legal assistant at Kalisizo where the chamber is situated.
She managed the branch office of Mwanja, Magezi and Waibale in Jinja district with four staff under her. Undertook research for the senior Advocates, wrote submissions, Interviewed and advised clients. Adjourned cases in court.
Registered companies, partnerships and other legal documents. Filed documents, drafted court papers, perused files.
Vacation employment at Kituuma Magala and Co. Advocates 1997.
Duties: As done at Mwanja Magezi & Waibale Advocates above.
Key skills
- Result oriented, she has always delivered to expectation at the various stations she has served. this can be reflected in the statistics and commendation by the Chief Registrar for the performance while heading Mengo court as a Chief Magistrate in a letter dated 17/December /2014.
- Leadership skills – She has held leadership positions both in judiciary and outside as can be demonstrated in responsibilities held here under.
- Conflict and problem solving skills: which is part of her everyday work.
- Managerial and supervisory skills: She has headed four different magisterial areas successfully and has been on various organizational committees as shall be indicated later.
- Financial accountability and discipline skills. She was a treasurer for the Uganda Judicial officers’ association, the Common Wealth Judges, and Magistrates association and the National association of women Judges. Positions she held successfully.
- Facilitating and teaching, lecturing and public speaking skills demonstrated as a part-time lecturer and facilitator at different trainings.
- ICT: able to use IT for various programs.
Scholarly Works
- Justine Atukwasa the effects of Corruption on the administration of Justice in Uganda. Thesis for my Masters in Management at Uganda Management Institute
- Justine Atukwasa the effects of corruption on administration of justice in Uganda – lessons from two Chief Magistrate’s Court in Kampala and Mukono Districts article published in the African Journal of Public Affairs. Vol. 5 number 3. December, 2012.
- Research on Workers and the work men’s Compensation Act in Uganda.Consultancy with Center for Domestic Violence Prevention (CEDOVP) on engagement with the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) for effective implementation of the domestic violence Act.
- Consultancy of the strategic plan for Uganda Judicial Officers Association
Membership To Professional Bodies
2020 to date: Legal adviser Dream Alive Investments limited an investment group of friends.
2020 to date: Member of Building Bridges an investment club of some women judicial officers, Pulling resources together for investment.
2020 to date: Member Hearts of Hope a group of judicial officers coming together in times of Bereavement.
2010 to date: Established Katende charitable group for sensitizing and empowering the Vulnerable People of the community.
2005 – 2007: Secretary Group four investments, responsible for the coordination of the Association’s activities.
2003 – 2006: Cell leader Rhema Dimensions Worship Centre Bwebaja Kajansi.
2001 – to date: Legal Advisor World Outreach Ministries Seguku Kampala.
1996 – 1997: Secretary Kinkiizi Students Association (KIMUSA).
Key Experience Record
2009 – 2014: Vice Chair Board of Directors Foundation for Human rights initiative (FHRI). She chaired and steered board meetings in the absence of the chair. Handle other organizational assignments when they arise.
2011- 2018: Member of Law Council as representative of Uganda Judicial Officers Association. Attend meetings and handle all business of the day that includes among others approval of applicants for enrollment as advocates, approval of law firm names, and inspection of chambers.
2006 – 2009: Treasurer for the National Association of Women Judges Uganda (NAWJU).
2006 – 2009: Treasurer Uganda Judicial Officers Association.
2005 – 2006: Assistant treasurers National Association of Women Judges.
2004 – 2006: Assistant Treasurers Uganda Judicial Officers Association.
2004 – 2006: 2nd Treasurer East African and Judges and Magistrates Association (EMJA). As treasurer for the various organizations she was responsible for collection and banking of monies paid by members, Account for monies received and spent, fundraise funds for facilitation of associations’ activities. In respect of NAWJU they undertook various projects where she participated.
Responsible for organizing association’s events as national Annual General Meetings, where she would be in charge of payments for the event and refunds for members’ transport and allowance and these both at national and International Conferences.
1992 – 1993: Head Girl Bishop Comboni College.
1996 – 1997: Secretary General Kinkiizi Makerere University Students’ Association (KIMUSA).
1994 – 1995: Assistant Secretary (KIMUSA).
Key Milestones
She was commended by the Chief Registrar for good performance while heading Mengo Court as a chief Magistrate. He noted that had brought continued confidence and faith in the court.
She participated in the drafting of proposals for projects that included implementation of the Domestic Violence Law.
She also simplified the Domestic Violence Act together with her worship Jolly Nkore Shwanda 2012.
She was part of the team that drafted the strategic plan for the Uganda Judicial Officers Association 2008.
She has done consultancy with Center for Domestic Violence Prevention (CEDOVIP), as a sole consultant 2013. The consultancy was for understanding engagement with the Justice Law and Order sector on the implementation of the Domestic Violence Actor.
She was nominated by the Foundation for Human Rights Initiative to represent the organization at the International General Assembly of Human Rights Defenders in Yerevan in the republic of Armenia in 2010.
She wrote an article that was published in the African Journal of public affairs volume 5 numbers 3. December 2012.
She has been a legal voluntary legal advisor for my local church.
Academic Record
- Partial awards to attainment of a Masters in law University of Haifa Israel.
- Master of Management Studies (MMS) of Uganda Management Institute.
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Law and Justice of Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Management (UMI)
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice of the Law Development Centre, Kampala
- Bachelor of Laws of Makerere University.
- Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) of Immaculate Heart Senior Secondary School.
- Uganda Certificate of Education Bishop Combines College (UCE),
- Primary Leaving Education (PLE).
Trainings facilitated:
August 2012 Community service challenges and successes – Community Service Secretariat.
July 2005 – 2011: Facilitated as moot judge at the Law Development Centre in all the fields.
July 2003: Facilitated in FIDA organized trainings (children’s desk) in community sensitization about children’s rights.
February 2004: Carried out similar training in Mpigi and Luwero districts.
November 2005: Facilitated at a one week Seminar organized by FIDA – Tororo Branch and presented a paper on HIV and the Law.
December 2007: Facilitated at one-day workshop organized by FIDA at Kati Kati Lugogo. FIDA rethinking process.
Trainings Attended:
2015: African Human Rights System in comparative perspective. Centre for Human Rights. University of Pretoria.
2014: Colloquium for Judges and Magistrates on the challenges faced by the Banking Industry and possible solutions.
2014: Mediating the litigated case – Pepperdine School of Law.
2014: Pedagogy training – Law Development Centre.
2013: Training on sentencing guidelines – Judicial Studies Institute.
2011: Training on Judicial Independence – delivery, pluralism and challenges in the Common wealth – common wealth Judges and Magistrates association – Kuala Lumpur.
2010: Training on Judicial challenges in a changing world – International Association of Women Judges – Seoul Korea.
2007: Mediation seminar – commercial court in conjunction with Judicial Studies Institute. Grand Imperial Hotel Kampala.
2007: Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2007. Briefing and training of Liaison/Protocol Officers organized by the CHOGM 2007 Secretariat – Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Hotel Equatorial – Uganda.
2007: Small Claims Procedure in Uganda dissemination workshop organized by DANIDA strengthening Judiciary Programme – Hotel Equatorial-Uganda.
2007: Training on new amendments in the Magistrates Courts Act and the Penal Code Act organized by The Judicial Studies Institute-Judicial Studies Institute Kampala – Uganda.
2007: Annual General Meeting and Conference of the East African Magistrates and Judges Association (EAMJA) Constitutionalism: The East African Experience –organized by Judges and Magistrates Association of Tanzania (JMAT) – Kunduchi Beach Hotel – Dar es Salaam Tanzania.
2007: Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2007 training for Liaison/Protocol Officers organized by the CHOGM 2007 Secretariat Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Hotel Equatorial – Uganda.
2007: Domestication of International Legal Instruments organized by Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) – Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel –Entebbe.
2007: International Judicial Conference on Justice and Human Rights in the Nation of Uganda with particular emphasis on trafficking in children – organized by Restore International – Speke Resort Munyonyo, Kampala – Uganda.
2007: A National Dialogue on International Justice Systems and the International Criminal Court: Opportunities and Challenges for Uganda – organized by Uganda Law Society in conjunction with the Friedrich Ebet Stiftung – Hotel Africana – Uganda.
2007: Writing Effective Judgments for Magistrates organized by the Judicial Studies Institute – Uganda in conjunction with Seattle University School of Law – United States of America.
2007: Induction Course for Chief Magistrates and Grade One Magistrates on Land Justice organized by the Judicial Studies Institute and Danida –Ridar Hotel – Uganda.
2006: National Consultation Conference on Legal Empowerment of the poor organized by The Commission on legal Empowerment of the poor in collaboration with International Law Institute – Uganda – Speke Resort Munyonyo – Uganda.
2006: The role of National and Judicial Institutions in Peace Building and Security organized by International Law Institute – Uganda, with support from the Austrian Government.
2006: Annual General Meeting and Conference of the East African Magistrates and Judges Association (EAMJA) organized by Uganda Judicial Officers Association – Speke Resort Munyonyo, Kampala – Uganda.
2006: Mediation and conciliation seminar at International Law Institute in conjunction with the Austria Development Agency.
2005: Regional workshop on the Independence of the Judiciary and rule of law: strengthening constitutional activism in East Africa organized by Kituo Chakatiba – Hotel Africana Uganda.
2003: Judicial Symposium on Environmental Law and Procedure in Uganda organized by NEMA, JTC, and Greed Watch – Botanical Beach Hotel Uganda.
2003: Implementing Judicial Reform; Candid self-re-appraisal is key to Delivery of quality Justice, Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel Entebbe.
2003: Workshop for Magistrates and Registrars on the new code of conduct, organized by JTC Hotel Equatorial.
2003: Chain linked and Juvenile Justice organized by Chain linked Initiative- Grand Imperial Hotel Kampala.
2003: Sensitization seminar on Community Service for Magistrate Grade Ones towards a National Rollout organized by National Community service Committee – Sunset Hotel Jinja.
2003: Workshop for Magistrates and Registrars on the New code of conduct organized by JTC at Hotel Africana.
2002: Attended training on jurisprudence of equality and International Human Rights law organized by National Women Judges at Botanical Beach Hotel.
2000: Induction course for Magistrates Grade One.