Dr. Rev. Sr. Kaahwa Maria Goretti Ph.D.
Director Presidential Education for Peace Scholarship Program for Karamoja (PEPSKA).
Areas of Practice:
She is the Director Presidential Education for Peace Scholarship Program for Karamoja (PEPSKA).
Personal Attributes
- High integrity
- Team player
- Hard working
- God-fearing
- Dependable and trustworthy
- Good communicator
- Innovative and creative
Summary Of Academic Qualifications
Duquesne University USA-Doctor of Education (Ph.D.) in Curriculum Designing &Reform; Master of Science of Education (MS.Ed.) in School Administration- Duquesne University USA; Bachelor of Education –Duquesne University; USA. Diploma in Education -Makerere University Uganda; Quality Assurance (QA) Certificate- Oldenburg University German; Certificate in Introduction to the Montessori Method of Early childhood education in US; Certificate in Quality Assurance-Uganda; Certificate in Distance Education- International Extension College of Cambridge; Certificate in Stress management- in (UMU), Uganda; Certificate in Performance Management by BTC; Certificate in Resource Mobilization, Fundraising and Proposal Writing, Uganda; Certificate in theology of reconciliation in Duke University USA; Certificate in National Quality Assurance Training; Certificate in Leadership Training of women in Higher institution of Learning.
Professional Profile Summary And Competence
I have thirty years of experience and capacity building in technical fields of Teacher Training, Supervision and Monitoring, Mentoring, Community Mobilization, Research, Writing, Publishing, Consultancy and Curriculum Designing. I am a religious Nun from the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Theresa from Uganda. I have been serving as Senior Lecturer of Professional Studies, specialized in Curriculum Studies at Kyambogo University (KYU).
I have held various positions of responsibilities on different committees in my University, other Universities, and community as shown on my CV. I am exposed to all levels of leadership, and cultures. I have carried a number of responsibilities which have positively impacted the University, team leading in Distance Education, Supervising dissertation, writing and revising modules for training teachers developed and designed programs for different communities and schools.
Writing and publishing books and articles. I am a National Trainer for Ministry of Education and Sports for PIASCY programmes and monitor and program assessor for NCHE. As a senior Lecturer I have supervised many Doctoral, Masters, Degrees and Diplomas. I have also participated in many researches which have been funded by NGOs, public and private sectors.
I have under taken major scholarly work in curriculum development in harmonizing East African and African Education. I also have sufficient proficiency in Information Technology (IT). As a community mobilizer, I have carried out many workshops for community empowerment, and women from grass-root levels.
I am also a voice to voice less in terms of justice and peace, a member of JupNet, and Global & Local Initiatives. Currently I have worked with women about model home initiatives in Western Uganda, and the impact of Domestic violence on education in Primary schools in Northern Uganda; what is peace building and understanding in Northern Uganda.
I am currently working as Quality Assurance Director at Kyambogo University, and I am the initiator of UUQAF, and QAEAN. I am on the monitoring team for the National council of Higher Education (NCHE); I am also a member of Board UMU; Member of NAPE; ARU; UNATU; UUQAF; EAQAN; JuPNET; KyUSA, UMU- Fort Portal Campus and GLI.
Education Background
- 1999-2002 -Duquesne University USA-Doctor of Education (Ph.D.)
Thesis: Teachers as agents of change: an explorative study about teachers from Uganda (2002): The purpose of this study was to explore and examine the role of the teachers as agents of change in Ugandan Education. The inquiry of this study was to explore the methods the teachers used to be effective change agents in the middle of restructuring and adopting policies as result of government responses to the new social political and cultural expectations.
- 1996 -1998- Duquesne University USA- Master of Science of Education (MS.Ed.) in Secondary School Administration.
- 1994-1996 Bachelor of Education –Duquesne University USA
- Certificate in theology of reconciliation in Duke University USA;
- Certificate in National Quality Assurance Training;
- Certificate in Leadership Training of women in Higher institution of Learning
- 2007- Oldenburg University German-Certificate in Quality Assurance
- 2009- Nairobi, Kenya Certificate of Quality Assurance (QA)
- 2008- Certificate in Distance Education
- 2006 – International Extension College of Cambridge -Certificate in Distance Learning.
- 2005 – Makerere University-Certificate in E-Learning
- 2005 – Makerere University-Certificate in Basics of Computer
- 2004 – Uganda Martyrs University -Certificate in Guiding and Counselling
- 2004 – Uganda Martyrs University-Certificate in Stress Management. (BMCI Campus)
- 2002-Duquesne University USA-Certificate in Montessori Methods.
- 1994 – 1996 – Duquesne University USA – B.Ed.
- 1985 -1986- Makerere University -Diploma in Education (Dip. Ed.).
- 1981-1983- Kyebambe Girls S.S.S -Advanced Certificate of Education (ACE).
- 1980-1983- St. Maria Goretti S.S.S. Uganda- Examination of Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE)
Positions Held
- Director Quality Assurance: Kyambogo University since 2008 update
- President of Ugandan Universities Quality Assurance Forum and Founder
- Mult-International Quality Assurance Trainer
- Founder of East African Quality Assurance Network
- Founder of African Universities Consortium
- Focal person of KyU in Gender Equity Research Alliance (GERA) since 2018 update
- Central Regional Coordinator of GERA2019 update
- Member of Uganda National Equity and Inclusion (UNEI) since 2019 update
- A Lecturer at Senior Commandant College Kimaka
- Member of national Elder Council
- A member of Senate KyU
- A Member of graduate Board
- Member of Higher Programs and appraisal Committee in the School of Education
- Member and Country Representative of East African Quality Assurance Net work
- Representative School of Education: Post Graduate Committee Representative since 2004-2016
- Representative School of Education: Grant and Publication Committee KYU since 2003
- Representative Academic Staff for Staff Development:
- Vice Deputy Chairperson Emeritus for Academic Staff in KYUASA
- Representative Faculty of Education: Exhibition Committee
- Grassroots Literacy Campaigns: (Girl child, empowerment of Women) since 2002
- Team Leader: Workshops for empowering Leaders since 2002.
- National Trainer for Ugandan Universities Quality Assurance Forum (UUQAF) since 2012
- First Representative of Ugandan Universities on EAQAN
- ANILNR Member: Assessing the National and International Literacy and Numeric Reports since 2009
- IUCEA Member: Consultant in the Research of Inter University Council of East Africa 2005-2015
- Member on the Board of Bishop Magambo Counselling Training Institute
- Member on the Board UMU Fort Portal Campus
- Team Leader: Consultant in research of CODESRIA Higher Education Project
- National Mentor: CARD Community Action Research Disability in Uganda since 2006
- KAAChief-Editor: School of Education Journal Educamate since 2007
- Editor: African Journal of Education Science and Technology
- Patron KYU: Young Christian Association (YCS) at Kyambogo University
- Patron KYU: Youth Alive (YA) in Kyambogo University
- Patron KYU: Young Leaders Association
- Religious Leader : Uganda Martyrs’ Chaplaincy KYU
- Reach Uganda Humanity Educare Organization Kabarole Ugand
- Supervisor/Director of Masters and Doctoral students
- External Examiner: BMCTI, Dar-es-salaam, UCU, BMCTI, MKU, NKUMBA, Republic of Rwanda University, UMU, Busitema, Kampala International
- Monitoring and assessor for National Council of Higher Education (NCHE)
- Adjunct Lecturer at Mount Kenya University (MKU)
Academic Dissertations Directed And Supervised
- The Challenges and the Opportunities of higher Education in the development of Uganda: A case study of Development Studies Programme of Uganda Martyrs and Makerere Universities 1996-2007 (2010)
- University Quality Assurance and Students Employability in Public Universities in Uganda: A case of Kyambogo University.
- Performance Management and Job Performance of academic Staff in Makerere University.
- Quality Assurance Practices and Students employability in public universities in Uganda: a CASE STUDY OF Kyambogo University.
- Factors influencing students’ participation in Sports Programmes in selected Ugandan Universities (2005).
- Gender disparity and women empowerment: post-Conflict Analysis and Management of Girl –Child Education in Kasese District (2010).
- The impact of infrastructure and formal dimension in secondary schools in Kampala District (2010).
- Financing and sustainability of private secondary schools in Uganda: A case Study of Mbarara Municipality (2009).
- Fringe Benefits and Motivation of Teachers in selected Private Secondary Schools (2009).
- The Impact of Non Formal Vocational Skills training program on the Re-Integration of Former Child Labourer into communities: Lira District (2009).
- Parents involvement in quality assurance in public primary Schools of Jinja Municipality in Jinja District.
- Physical Proximity of Mothers inlaw and marital stability in Bazar ward-south division Fort Portal municipality, Kabarole District.
- Parents’ story telling patterns and children literacy outcomes in Uganda: A case of Sironko District.
- Clinical Supervision and student teachers’ school practice performance in selected Primary Teachers’ Colleges in Central Uganda.
- Language Policy implementation and the quality of instruction in lower primary classes in Uganda: A case of Kayunga Sub county: Kayunga District.
Inter University / Community Activities
- Defending of doctoral dissertations (Kenyatta, Tanzania & Uganda)
- Viva Panel from three Universities Kenyatta, Tanzania, and Uganda (KYU)
- Supervising Diploma, Master and Doctoral Theses / Dissertations, for KYU, Kenyatta, Uganda Martyrs Universities.
- Writing Modules for UMU-Curriculum Development module
- Writing NAPE reports for primary teachers and other stake holders.
CODESRIA Research: This research was done between Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenyatta Universities. It was funded by CODESRIA Organization. It was about the University Management on the Implications the Corporate Planning is having on the Academic and Administrative Culture of Public Universities in East Africa. In Uganda Makerere was the case.
Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) Research: This was funded by IUCEA. We were a team of eleven members from Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. The research was about Basic Performance Indicators of selected Universities in East Africa. In Kenya the selected universities were Nairobi, Maseno, USIU and Africa Nazarene. IUganda the sampled universities were Makerere, Kyambogo, Uganda Christian University and Kampala University. In Tanzania the selected universities were Dar es Salaam, Mzumbe, Hubert Kairuiki, and State University of Zanzibar.
Multi grading in Kalangala– comparing the results with Zambia. This research is done between Zambia and Uganda and sponsored by British Council (still going on).
Writing Professional Courses For African Virtue University: this professional committee Members came from 15 African Universities. Those who spoke French and English. We designed professional courses which are curriculum studies, education philosophy, education psychology, Research methods, and methods of instruction.
Programs Developed
- Mentoring program – Novice Teachers (Though worked for one year).
- Masters in Curriculum Leadership (Still in HOD).
- Masters in Governance in progress
- Masters in Teacher Education in progress
Research Consultancy Activities with Kenyatta, Moyo, and Tanzania: I have done some consultancy work with Senior Staff Command and stall College in research activities. I have my own team of research assistance whom I am modelling into researchers. I have been contacted to advice on number of researches especially with our staff, who are doing doctoral degrees from the different universities. I have also done some consultancy work on advising some headmasters and principals on cross cutting issues. The duration of each consultant activity depends on individual projects.
External Examining at Uganda in Uganda Christian University, Uganda Martyrs University and in Kinyatta University, University of Dar-es-saalam. Bishop Magambo Counselling Institute. This is in terms of approving the grades by the internal examiners about College Practice and writing reports, plus sharing and delivering the report with the internal examiners. Chairing the viva dissertation defences.
Assessing the work of Leliane Fonds Foundation Organization.
Leliane Fonds Foundation is a NGO set up in Netherlands for the rehabilitation of children and youngsters with disabilities in the developing countries. Is done to assess the Lilliane Foundation, if the organization is meeting the expectations of their clients.
Harmonization of east African education; Was contracted by IUCEA and Ministry of Education and Sports to do the research on behalf of Uganda.
Research about the impact of domestic Violence in Uganda and America (in progress)
Story telling children who have been in war-torn areas (research and book writing)
Consultancy for AfroEducare for leadership of school Administration
Consultancy for Women model Initiative Home in Rwenzori Kingdom
Consultancy on Technical Education of Women in the prison
Consultancy on Gender and Vocational Education
- Performance Management and Quality of Lecturers’ Services at Makerere University. EAJEST, Vol. 2 No1, (2020)
- Graduates’ Employability: Has the Expansion of the University Sector in Uganda improved Employment Prospects for Graduates? ‘Employers’ and Lecturers’ Perspective’ Article Number – 03548D366963, Vol.13(1), pp. 66-71, January 2021AJEST, Vol. 5, (2021)
- Rapid Transformation of the Higher Education Sector and Graduate Productivity in the Ugandan labor Market ( 1 No. 3 (2020). AJOL
- Quality Assurance in Kyambogo University in Collaboration with the Association of African universities (AAU) (2018).
- Children’s conceptions of peace in two Ugandan primary schools: Insights for peace curriculum (2017) SAGE.
- Teacher Training Education and Development in last 50 years of Independence 2014
- Quality Assurance Policy for Kyambogo University 2009
- Article about Importance of Literature Review (2011)
- Article About Action Research 2009
- Self Assessment report for Faculty of Science 2008
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2008). Research Methodology Facts: Made Simple. Technical Association Ltd: Kampala, Uganda (Book).
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2008). Kyambogo University Quality Assurance Awareness Workshop. Technical Association Ltd: Kampala, Uganda ( Book).
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2008). Kyambogo University Quality Assurance. Technical Association Ltd: Kampala, Uganda (Book).
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2007). A Search Engine for Leaders, Communicators, and Researchers, and Educators. Technical Association Ltd: Kampala, Uganda (Book).
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2005). Make a difference and be a mentor to a novice teacher. Kampala Ukinzi: Kampala
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2005). Teacher Education in the Changing Society: Strategies to meet the New Demands of teachers. Kintantale: Kampala, Uganda (Book)
- Kaahwa, M.G. & Auma O. (2007). Technology of teaching and learning Process- Preparing a Conscientious Teacher in Kyambogo University. Ukinzi: Kampala, Uganda
- Kaahwa, M.G. & Auma O. (2004). Kyambogo Build your Culture Now. Kampala, Uganda.
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2002).Teachers as Change Agents. UMI Dissertation Services: Michigan, USA.
- Kaahwa, M.G.(2005). Does Education System in Uganda meet the expectations of its Clients. Christian Journal: Kampala. Uganda.
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2004). Qualitative Research Design. Ukinzi: Kampala, Uganda.
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2006) Quality teachers produce Quality Learners Ukinzi: Kampala, Uganda.
- Kaahwa, M.G. (2004, 2005). What is Mentoring? Mukono Publishing Company:
- M. G. (2005). Make a difference and be a Mentor. Mukono Publishing Company: Uganda
- Kaahwa, M.G. (1997). Impact on Politics on Education in Post Independent Uganda. Educational
- Journey: Pittsburgh (USA)
- Kaahwa, M. G. (1994). Weekend of Grace. Grace Journal: (USA)
- Kaahwa, M.G. (1996). Christ Alive in out Times. Grace Journal: Pittsburgh, USA.
Unpublished Work
- The new Era of Information and Communication Technology: Innovative Teaching and learning revolutionizing the Society.
- Internationalization of Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Higher Education and Development
- Aids in Africa: A Pastoral Therapeutically Approach
- Leadership and Education
- Aging in Africa
- Women: Break the Culture of Silence
- Who is a charismatic Leader
- An excellent Leader
- Teaching is Loving
- Technology and Education
- Challenges for Tomorrow 2004
- Challenges facing Kyenjonjo in Education
- Successful mentors are made not born
- Is Ugandan Education Meeting the Job Market
- Quality Assurance and Higher Institution of Learning
- The contribution of Batooro Culture to development of productivity, nurturing and ulfilment of modern world.
- Policy Formulation and school supervision
- Methods of Instruction
- Written Curriculum Design & Development (UMU)
- Basics of counselling
- What is research?
- The Benefits of Quality Assurance
- The Life Skills
- The Boundaries of a Health Life
- International Education in Kyambogo university
- The Importance of Career Guidance
- Students Leadership
- The importance of literature Review in Graduate School
- The challenges Facing Doctoral Students
- Developing Programs
- How to write a policy presented to UUQAF
Membership Of Professional Bodies
- Mentor Community Action Research Disability (CARD)
- Ugandan University Quality Assurance (UUQAF)
- East Africa Universities Quality Assurance Network (EAUQAN)
- African Professional Studies Association (APSA)
- National Assessment Progress Examination (NAPE)
- Uganda Teachers Union Association. (UTUA)
- African Religious Union. (ARU)
- Uganda Publishers Association (UPA)
- Kyambogo University Academic Staff Association (KYUASA)
- Kabarole Research Center (KRC)
Academic And Professional Activities
- Conferences -National & Internal (CV)
- Workshops/Seminars in many fields
- Moderation (PTC, Universities)
- Clinical Supervision (DEPE, Sec.Teachers)
- Supervising Doctorates, Masters & Diploma Dissertations
- Designing Programs (Masters & Undergraduates)
- Writing & Publishing (Books, articles. Brochures, Modules)
- Presenting academic Papers (Nationally & Internationally)
- Mentoring Research Projects
- Visiting Lecturer (UCU, UMU, JINJA, BMCI, Mkwaya Univesity)
- Research Activities
- Teaching/Learning
- Supervision of Students
- Quality Assurance Conference in Burundi, 2023
- Research In HE Conference 2022, Kenya
- Research in Public Universities 2012 (Uganda)
- African Universities Network 2012 (Kenya)
- Leadership for HIE 2013 (Uganda)
- Quality Assurance 2011Uganda
- Quality Assurance 2010 Kenya
- Quality Assurance Workshop 2009 (Kenya)
- Quality Assurance Workshop 2009 (Uganda)
- Quality Assurance Workshop 2008 (German)
- Research and Technology Management 2008 (Uganda)
- Inter University Council East Africa 2003 (Tanzania).
- Using National Assessment Results to Improve Education Quality (2006) (Uganda)
- Enhancing retention to learners friendly environment Kyambogo 2005 (Uganda)
- Evaluation Technique in Open and Distance Learning (2006) Kyambogo Uganda
- National Stake holders conference on UPPET (2006) Uganda
- African Professional Specialists 2006 (Kenya)
- Relations of Universities with Trade Industry (2006) Makerere University
- Modern University and Research Management 2007, Uganda
School Administration Experience
- Ugandan Universities Quality Assurance Forum (UUQF)
- General Trainer UUQAF (2013)
- Vice Chairperson Academic Staff (2014)
- Staff Development Representative of KyUASA (2013)
- Director Quality Assurance Office Kyambogo University since 2008 update.
- Team Leading Distance Education Rakai Centre.
- Chief-Editor Educamate Journal Faculty of Education
- Post Graduate Representative Faculty of Education (2002-2009)
- Research and Publication representative KYU (2002-2009)
- Patron of YCS and Youth Alive KYU (2002-2009)
- Chief-Editor of Educamate Journal KYU (2004-2009)
- Trustee of Engabu za Tooro 2003-up to date
- Assistant Diocesan Education Secretary Fort portal (1993-1994)
- Sensitization of Girl-Child Fort Portal Diocese (1993-1994)
- Deputy Principle Kinyamasika PTC, Fort Portal (1989-1992)
- Thomas Chaplain / Teacher (1995-1997) USA
- Headmistress at Masindi St. Theresa SSS (1985-1987)
Diocesan Leadership
- Investigation of Bishop Vicent MaCauley Sainthood since 2004
- Education Committee DST. (2004-2008)
- Leadership Workshops in Diocese
- Education Workshops KTA (2004-2008)
- Diocesan Charismatic Service Leader (1990-1999)
- General Secretary of the Chapter DST (1990,1994)
- Secretary of Fort Portal Diocese Synod (1990)
Teaching Experiences
- Since 2009 Training Primary teacher in PIASCY
- 2002-2013- Teacher at Kyambogo University (KYU), UNDERGRADUATE, DEPE , MASTERS & DOCTORATE
- External examiner Kinyatta University
- 2003-2009-Visiting Lecturer UMU
- 2002-2007- Uganda Martyrs University (UMU)
- 2006- External Examiner at Uganda Christian University
- 2005-2013- Teacher at Senior Command School and Staff College Kimaka Jinja
- 1995-2001- Duquesne University Pittsburgh USA
- 1999-2002- St. Mary of the Mount Pittsburgh USA
- 1995-1997- Canevin High School Pittsburgh USA
- 1997- Unity Acres Institute New York USA
- 1985-1987- St Theresa Masindi SSS Uganda
- 1989-1992-Kinyamasika Teachers Training College Uganda
- 1984- Diocesan Education Secretary
- 1994- St Mary Seminary Fort Portal Uganda
Professional Philosophy
A teacher is the light of the world:
Personal Philosophy
I am a product of my own choices.