Dr. Peter Wanyama Obanda Ph.D.
Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs KAPATU.
Areas of Practice:
He is the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, Karamoja Peace And Technology University.
Education Background
- University of Twente & Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands), 2006 – 2010, Degree of Doctor (PhD in Procurement Management)
- Maastricht School of Management, 2004 – 2005, Masters of Philosophy (Maastricht School of Management).
- Maastricht School of Management, 2005 – 2005, Dutch Association for Purchasing Management (NEVI).
- Uganda Management Institute, 2000 – 2001, Masters in Management Studies (HRM), (Uganda Management Institute).
- Uganda Management Institute, 1998 – 1999, Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (Uganda Management Institute).
- Makerere University, 1989 – 1992, Bachelor of Arts with Education (Honours) degree, Makerere University.
- Senior Lecturer & Dean School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Kyambogo University.
- Head of Department, Procurement and Marketing.
- Chairman, Contracts Committee Kyambogo University 2013- March 2019.
- Coordinator, Graduate Programmes (MBA, Msc SCM & MOPP) School of Management & Entrepreneurship, Kyambogo University.
- Member, Research Grants and Publications Committee, Kyambogo University.
- Head of Management Section, Department of Business Studies – 2004.
- Head of Research Section, Department of Business studies – 2003.
Academic And Work Life
• I hold a PhD (Procurement, 2010) from Twente University, Twente, The Netherlands; a Master of Philosophy (Maastricht School of Management, 2006); Masters in Management Studies (Uganda Management Institute, 2003); A Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (Uganda Management Institute, 1998) and a Bachelor of Arts with Education degree (Makerere University 1993).
• I worked as a secondary school Teacher in St. Peters College Tororo from 1993 to 1996. I thereafter joined the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo (ITEK) in September 1998 as a Part-time Lecturer. Upon completion of my Masters in Management Studies (Uganda Management Institute) I was appointed on probationary terms as a Lecturer in the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo in 2003. In 2005, the 2 Universities recognized me for my academic and managerial competencies where I headed the Research and then Management Sections from 2004 to 2005 in the Department on Business Studies and was hence nominated to pursue a Doctorate degree in Procurement in the Netherlands. During the validation/integration of staff in Kyambogo University service, I was retained as an Assistant Lecturer in 2006. I have since risen both in the academic and administrative ranks over the years. I am currently a Senior Lecturer and Dean of the School of Management and Entrepreneurship since 1st December 2020.
• Am the former Chairman of the Kyambogo University Contracts Committee since 16th February 2013 after nomination by the University Secretary and approval by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development and Secretary to the Treasury. My mandate was renewed from 11th March 2016 till March 2019.
Achievements / Competencies
• I have a keen interest in promoting the best practices in public procurement as well as excellence in undergraduate and graduate training, research, innovations and knowledge transfer, a role I have executed successfully here at Kyambogo University. For example, I have supervised over 15 Masters Students to completion and examined over 60 Masters Dissertations at Uganda Management Institute as an External Examiner.
• During my stint as Head of Research and then Management Section, I was in charge of the quality and implementation of academic programs within and those coordinated by my sections including curriculum development and review; proper planning, coordination and implementation of both undergraduate and graduate academic programs, optimal utilization of teaching and research facilities.
Strategic development and implementation: I participated in the initiation and played a key role in the development of the Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management programme and the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management. This enabled the University obtain funding for the capacity building for its staff with 3 PhDs in Procurement currently in the Department of Procurement and Marketing. I am knowledgeable and have gained skills in establishment of new structures for example I was the pioneer Coordinator, Graduate Programmes (Master in Business Administration, Master of Science in Supply Chain Management and Master of Science in Organization and Public Policy Management) in the School of Management & Entrepreneurship, Kyambogo University. I was instrumental in the establishment of the research guidelines to provide a more conducive environment for promotion of graduate training and research. This included sourcing of competent Examiners and organizing viva voces as well as workshops for the dissemination of research outputs from the University.
Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations: Kyambogo University lacked an Investment Policy and or a Private Public Partnership framework to guide the Management and University Council. I was appointed a member of an Adhoc Committee on 10th May 2016 which has since been adopted as the Investment Policy for the University. The policy among others provides for governance strategies to enhance University revenue to attain financial sustainability by maximizing total return on investments whilst containing risk. This is under the principle of ensuring value for money, by the optimal allocation of risks to private parties and maximization of the benefits to be obtained from expertise and financing by private parties. This was followed with a further appointment to a Committee to draft guidelines for the Investment & Resources Mobilization Policy. I headed the Committee to review the Kyambogo Univesity Human Resource Manual.
Board Governance: As Chairman of the Contracts Committee, I was able to work with Kyambogo University Management and subsequently the University Council in overseeing the procurement function. In this endeavor, I introduced an annual conference to evaluate the University’s procurement practices and performance in terms of the budgets, work plans, procurement plans and reports (including the PPDA Audit reports). This is for all User Department Heads which has been entrenched in the procurement culture of the University among others. This has re-engineered the procurement management process in the University making it more effective and efficient in its governance and operation.
Am a member and Consultant with the Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda.
Financial Management: As the Head of the Research and the Management Sections in 2005 and as the Ag. Head of Department of Procurement and Marketing, my roles entailed among others; soliciting for funds for research and general development; maintain and be accountable for an update of inventory for all equipment and assets movable and immovable which are key aspects if financial management. I have since acquired skills and competencies in financial management particularly accountability and value for money as the Dean School of Management and Entrepreneurship.
Team and Performance Management: Am a team player in the School of Management & Entrepreneurship which is multidisciplinary in nature. I have gained experience and understanding in the area of organizational leadership, management and coordination at a large university. A key focus area that I have been able to master is the recruitment, nurturing, development and retaining a critical mass of staff. I have been able to retain high performing undergraduate students, nurture and develop them into Lecturers some of who have completed or are pursuing PhD programmes in various disciplines. I am a keen advocate for incentivizing staff.
Furthermore, I was requested to serve as a Master of Ceremonies for the launch of AfDB/HEST project by the Minister of Education. This requires a strong command of communications skills and teamwork. This was against a backdrop of an existing fully fledged University Department of Public Relations.
National and International Representation: I have been able to research and present academic papers at both National and International fora which include:
- Obanda W. Peter., (2012). SMEs and public procurement contracts in developing countries. 5th IPPC Conference, Seattle, USA.
- Obanda W. Peter., (2011). Facilitating SMEs access to public contracts. 20th IPSERA Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands.
- Obanda W. Peter., (2010). Bid protests as a measure of integrity: A descriptive study of municipalities in Uganda. International Public Procurement Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
- Obanda W. Peter., (2009). A comparative analysis of bid protests in Uganda and USA. International Purchasing & Supply Educational Research Association Conference 2009, Oestricht, Germany.
- Obanda W. Peter., (2017). Towards Lean Procurement. 15th Forum for Heads of Procurement & Disposal Units. Ministry of Finance 29th November.
- Obanda W. Peter., (2015). Public procurement process design and SMEs access to Contracts in Developing Countries. Kampala International Design Conference, Makerere University.
Individual Publications
- Peter W. Obanda., (2018). Public Procurement Reforms and Their Aftermath: Implications for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Uganda. 8th International Public Procurement Conference, Arusha, Tanzania.
- Peter W. Obanda., (2017). Public procurement process design and SMEs access to Contracts in Uganda. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, August, Vol.4. issue 3, pp 274-278.
- Peter W. Obanda., (2012). SMEs and public procurement contracts in developing countries. 5th International Public Procurement Conference, Seattle, USA.
- Peter W. Obanda., (2011). Facilitating SMEs access to public contracts. 20th IPSERA Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands.
- Peter W. Obanda., (2010). Fighting Corruption in Tactical Procurement. Thesis. ISBN 978-90-8570-601-41. CPI Wöhrmann Print Service, The Netherlands.
- Peter W. Obanda., (2010). Bid protests as a measure of integrity: A descriptive study of municipalities in Uganda. International Public Procurement Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
- Peter W. Obanda., (2009). A comparative analysis of bid protests in Uganda and USA. International Purchasing & Supply Educational Research Association Conference 2009, Oestricht, Germany.
Joint Publications
- Ismael Barugahare, Dr. Charles Ndandiko, Dr. Francis Ssennoga and Dr. Peter Obanda (2018). Organizational e-readiness and adoption of e-procurement in Ugandan armed forces: A case of Uganda police Force. The Art of Public procurement, ISBN 978-90-365-4561, The Netherlands.
- Rachael Nakaggwa, Peter W. Obanda and Samuel Pule (2016). Community Participation and Water Payment Compliance: A Case Study of Kitgum Town – Uganda. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research ISSN 2348-3164 (online) Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp: (229-245), Month: April – June, Available at: www.researchpublish.com Page | 229 Research Publish Journals Grace Makumbi1, Peter W. Obanda and Samuel Pule (2015). Freight Forwarding Outsourcing and Supply Chain Efficiency among Manufacturing Firms in Uganda: The Case of Mukwano Industries Ltd. International Journal of Operations and Logistics Management Volume 4, Issue 1 Pages: 72-90 March, e-ISSN: 2309-8023 p-ISSN: 2310-4945
- Paul Cankwo, Peter W. Obanda and Samuel Pule (2015). Tactical Procurement Management and Service Delivery in Local Governments of Uganda: A Case of Nebbi District Local Government, European Journal of Logistics Puchasing and Supply Chain Management Vol.3, No.1, pp.12-28, March