Dr. Julius Matsiko Ph.D.
Head of Bio-Chemical and Mechatronics Engineering KAPATU.
Areas of Practice:
He is the Head of Bio-Chemical and Mechatronics Engineering, Karamoja Peace And Technology University.
Work Experience
Julius Matsiko is a Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Muni University. Prior to this post, Julius Matsiko was working as the Deputy Director Research, Innovation, Consultancy, and Extension at Kampala International University (KIU) and one of the significant achievement was to see KIU rank as the best private University in Uganda. Julius Matsiko has also served as a Part-time Lecturer at Busitema University, and as a Teaching Assistant at the College of Education and External Studies at Makerere University and the Department of Chemistry at Ndejje University.
Julius Matsiko holds a Doctorate Degree in Environmental Science from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing-China, a Master of Education in Educational Psychology, a Master of Science in Chemistry, and a Bachelor of Science with education, all from Makerere University in Kampala-Uganda.
Research And Scientific Contribution
Matsiko has trained in environmental monitoring techniques for a wide range of environmental pollutants, and has hands-on experience with the analysis of samples from different environmental media and basic data analysis using common statistics soft wares. His research interests include; Environmental monitoring, Environmental impact assessment, Environmental engineering, Theoretical and computational environmental chemistry, Ecological toxicology, Climate change, and Data analysis. He was a member of the welfare and interpersonal harassment committees at the School of Psychology, Makerere University, and a member of the University’s exhibitions committee of Busitema University.
He has co-authored and published a number of articles and these can be found at https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&hl=en&user=RuTQYQ8AAA AJ Matsiko has also made poster presentations, and participated in conferences like The 1st International High-Level Forum on Toxicology and Health of Air Pollution in Beijing-China in 2018, and The 9th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry in Hangzhou-China.
He has also achieved academic awards like the award for Excellent International Graduate in 2019, the Shimadzu Award in 2018, and the CAS–TWAS Presidents’ Fellowship for International PhD Students.