Dr. Joseph Baguma
Dean Faculty of Health Sciences KAPATU.
Areas of Practice:
He is the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Karamoja Peace And Technology University. He is a Member of the Health and Medical Advisory Council for the CLASI.
Degrees / Certificates Obtained
- Master of Public Health (MPH) Royal Tropical Institute, Affiliated to Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005.
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB), Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, 1999.
Key Experience Record
Senior Health Manager, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Uganda Country Program August 2020 to – Current)
- Coordinate planning, organisation and delivery of integrated & comprehensive preventive, promotive and curative health services refugees, and host communities.
- Provide technical oversight, supportive supervision to health program and ensure that health programming is consistent with Ministry of Health, UNHCR/SPHERE, and IRC standards.
- Provide effective oversight for data collection, analysis & utilization to track progress of projects’ implementation, evidence-based decision making for program performance improvement and timely organizational and donor reporting.
- Oversee effective management of medicines and medical supply chain to ensure a seamless availability of essential medicines and supplies at IRC supported health facilities and compliance with pharmaceutical management standard operating procedures.
- Provide continuous Professional Development to health care workers accordance with MoH quality standards.
- In collaboration with the grants unit, develop high quality concepts for potential health projects and provide technical input during proposal development.
- In collaboration with the MEAL coordinator, provide technical inputs into design of health assessments and program evaluations and the resultant reports.
- Represent the IRC in district, regional and national health coordination meetings, and technical working groups.
Executive Director, THETA-Uganda, Jan 2011 – Jan 2019.
- Served as Executive Director for THETA-Uganda, a health development national non-governmental organisation and supervised four managers for; Clinical services, Health Systems Strengthening, Monitoring Evaluation, Accountability & Learning and Finance Administration Manager.
- Led the development of annual workplan and budget ensuring alignment of the health programme outputs to the overall strategic plan of the organisation.
- Provided strategic leadership to programme development and oversight for effective implementation health projects.
- Provided oversight for workplan implementation and budget performance, providing timely support to the managers to ensure optimal use of resources and delivery of planned outputs.
- In collaboration with the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, oversaw development of organisation project management tools, program reporting standards, best practice documentation and dissemination based on THETA-Uganda programme monitoring and evaluation framework and donors’ specific requirements.
- Provided oversight on the timely development of programme quantitative and qualitative reports internal programme learning and for dissemination to different audiences including the THETA -Uganda Board of Directors, Ministry of Health, and Donors.
- Participated in the recruitment, orientation and mentorship of senior staffs and conducted performance reviews and feedback for directly supervised staffs based on the individual staff annual performance targets.
- Supported continuous programme quality improvement through oversight on programme monitoring and evaluation, development of programme quality improvement plans, capacity building of teams and use of data for monitoring performance and quality improvement
• Coordinated the development successful grant proposals as part of programmes development which resulted into awards from CDC/PEPFAR, USAID and SIDA. - Represented the THETA-Uganda in Ministry of Health Technical Working Groups on Maternal Newborn and Child Health, Non-Communicable Diseases and Public Private Partnership in Health as well as in donor liaison meetings with CDC, USAID and SIDA.
Health and Nutrition Coordinator, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Uganda UNHCR partnership program, Jan 2009- Dec 2010.
- Served as country Health and Nutrition Coordinator overseeing three refugee settlements and directly supervised four health project managers.
- Led the development the health and nutrition sector components of the annual workplan and budgets ensuring alignment of the health and nutrition sector outputs to the GTZ Uganda country humanitarian strategy.
- Provided technical leadership for coordinated implementation of quality health and nutrition interventions across the three refugee settlements consistent with the Ministry of Health and UNHCR /SPHERE standards.
- Ensured health and nutrition services were evidence-based and case management was based on Ministry of Health and UNHCR health standards.
- Provided technical support for the medicines and supplies chain management including selection, quantification, procurement, and rational use and ensured a seamless availability appropriate medical and nutrition supply for the three refugee settlements.
- In collaboration with the monitoring, evaluation and learning Manager, developed/adapted tools for data collection, best practice documentation and report writing based on GTZ, Ministry of Health, UNHCR and donors’ specific standards/requirements.
- Participated in annual joint assessment missions including age, gender, and diversity to provide a platform beneficiaries’ participation in planning and feedback for effective programming.
- Provided technical support to the health and nutrition team in data collection, quality assurance, analysis and usage for programme improvement as well as providing timely and high-quality analytical performance reports to the GTZ Senior Management Team Ministry of Health, UNHCR and other donors.
- Ensured programme quality improvement through periodic visits of project sites and health facilities team meetings, identification of quality gaps, development of quality improvement plans, mentorship of teams on use of clinical protocols and other standard tools, data use for monitoring performance and performance appraisal and feedback for directly supervised staffs.
- Led in the drafting of grants proposals for health and nutrition sector components for the GTZ humanitarian programme development.
- Monitored and tracked the budget performance of the health sector and nutrition sector and ensured all expenditures were with approved budget limits for planned activities’ outputs.
- Represented the GTZ in strategic platforms in relation to the health and nutrition sector including Ministry of Health, UN agencies (UNHCR, WHO, UNICEF and WFP), health cluster for UNHCR implementing partners and health related donor meetings to promote GTZ programme collaboration, visibility, and accountability.
Medical Director, Nyakibale Hospital, Directorate of Health Services Rukungiri District, Jan 2006 -December 2008.
- Served as Medical Director Nyakibale, a district referral hospital and supervised six medical officers, one principal nursing officer, one principal tutor and one senior hospital administrator.
- Provided strategic leadership for delivery of high-quality clinical services at a 200 -bed capacity hospital in line with the hospital’s strategic plan.
- Facilitated continuous capacity building and professional development of hospital clinical team including doctors, nurses, midwives, and other allied health workers to ensure delivery of high-quality services in accordance with MoH standards.
- Oversaw procurement and ensured continuous availability of medicines and medical supplies for the hospital operations.
- Ensured use of standard health management information system tools for data collection, analysis and timely submission of high quality and analytical health information reports to the District Health Office and Ministry of Health.
- Promoted data use for evidence-based decision making and continuous quality improvement for health services across all hospital units.
- Coordinated resource mobilisation including grants proposal writing and corporate fundraising to complement government grants.
- Established an emergency care unit at the hospital in collaboration with Harvard Humanitarian Initiative to facilitate access to high quality emergency health care.
- Represented the hospital in the District Health Management Team and Ministry of Health hospitals sub sector coordination meetings, and key stakeholders’ fora.
Medical Officer, Directorate of Health Services, Rukungiri District Local Government, Ministry of Health, Uganda.
- Served as Medical Officer in-charge Primary Health Care unit, Nyakibale Hospital, Rujumbura Health Sub-District, Rukungiri District Local Government.
- Managed outpatient consultations and conducted ward rounds on inpatient wards and attended to medical and surgical emergencies in the hospital while on duty.
- Led the annual planning and budgeting for Primary Health Care (PHC) services in the Health Sub District.
- Coordinated integrated service delivery at the health facilities including case management for communicable and non-communicable diseases, emergency obstetric and neonatal care, and community outreach services.
- Organised a referral system between different levels of health care and tracked referral outcomes to ensure a continuum of care for patients.
- Organised trainings for health care workers on essential health care package according to the health facility level in accordance with the Ministry of Health protocols.
- Established and coordinated integrated disease surveillance systems to effectively detect and response to epidemics in line with MoH IDSR guidelines.
- Consolidated, collated, analysed Health data of 13 PHC facilities, prepared reports for the district health office and supported data use at health facility level to improve service delivery.
- Represented the health sub-district in the district health management team, where I advocated for more resource allocation for Primary Health Care.
Other Responsibilities Held
- Part time Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Victoria University, Kampala 2015-2016.
- Secretary to the Board of Trustees THETA Uganda, Kampala 2011-2018.
- Chairman, Centre Advisory Committee (CAC), Mulago Centre, The AIDS Support Association (TASO), Kampala, Uganda 2012-2018.
- Treasurer, Board of Directors Save for Health Uganda, Kampala, Uganda 2009-2013.
- Member of the Board of Directors Community Health Financing Association of Eastern Africa, Kampala, Uganda 2006-2009.
- Secretary to the Board of Governors St. Charles Lwanga, Hospital Nyakibale, Rukungiri District, 2006-2009.
- Tutor, Community Based Education and Services, Undergraduate medical students (MBChB) Makerere University School of Medicine, 2006-2008.
Operations Research / Consultancy Experience
- Consultant: Development of Standard Operation Procedures, Research and Ethics Committee (REC), Hospice Africa Uganda, 2018.
- Consultant: Assessment of impact of 2012-2013 surge health care worker recruitment on Maternal and Child Health outcomes, Inter Health International/ Ministry of Health of Uganda, 2016.
- Consultant: Development of In-service Training Policy and Strategic Plan, THET/DFID/ Ministry of Health, Somaliland, 2015.
- Consultant: National In-service Training Needs Assessment for Health care workers, THET/DFID/Ministry of Health, Somaliland, 2015.
- Consultant: Development of training curriculum and training Manuals in Indigenous and Complementary medicine, for Health workers, in Uganda and Zambia, Help Age International, Nairobi Regional Office, 2014.
- Consultant: Development of the National Nursing Policy, Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC)/Ministry of Health, 2013.
- Consultant: Development of the technical guide for integration of traditional and complementary medicine into the health care system, WHO, Regional Office for Africa 2012.
- Consultant: Development of a five -year strategic plan for Health Financing Association of Eastern Africa, CHEFA, 2009.
Continuous Professional Development Trainings
- Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, Harvard Manage mentor course, Harvard Business Publishing, Online learning. 2022.
- Human Subjects Protection in Research Uganda National Council of Science and Technology, Kampala, 2019.
- Strategic Planning and Strategic Performance Management for corporate organisations, Balanced Scored card Institute/Future Options Consulting, Kampala, Uganda, 2018.
- Grants writing and a ward management, Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC)/US National Institutes of Health, Kampala, 2014.
- Responsible conduct of Research Involving Humans as participants, Joint Clinical Research Centre, Kampala, 2013.
- Knowledge Management Professional Course, Department of International Development British Embassy, Kampala, 2014.
- Corporate Governance for Nonprofits, Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI), Arusha, Tanzania, 2012.
- Post graduate Project Monitoring and Evaluation course Makerere University, Institute of Statistics and Economics, Kampala, Uganda, 2010.
- Program Planning. (Level: Extensive, 15 years).
Comments: Extensive skills in conducting program assessments, reviews, and evidence-based program planning.
- Budgeting. (Level: Extensive, 15 years).
Comments: Extensive skills in budgeting for health programs, projects as well as budget management.
- Stakeholder management. (Level: Extensive, 15 years).
Comments: Experience in coordination with Ministry of health, District local governments, NGOs and private sector.
- Project Management. (Level: Extensive, 15 years).
Comments: Very good skills in health project design, management, monitoring and evaluation.
- Program monitoring and evaluation. (Level: Extensive, 15 years).
Comments: Good skills in design of health programs M&E systems.
- Fundraising. (Level: Extensive, 15 years).
Comments: Excellent skills in grants proposal writing, donor engagement and corporate fundraising.
- Organizational Skills. (Level: Extensive, 15 years)
Comments: Very good skills strategic planning, Resources management (People, Finance& Physical assets) and knowledge management.