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  >  Dr. Jerome Mugisha

Dr. Jerome Mugisha

Member of the Health and Medical Advisory Council for the CLASI.

Brief Overview And Experience

He is a Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist working at St. Francis Hospital Mutolere, a 200 bed Private-Not-For Profit unit in Kisoro district, South Western Uganda. He has 18 years’ experience in clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology and teaching/supervision of students of nursing and midwifery at the training school housed within the hospital premises.

Academic Record

  1. September 2009 to April 2010: Certificate in Health services management of Uganda Martyr’s University.
  2. August 2007 to February 2009: Fellowship in Continuous Quality improvement in HIV/AIDS care awarded by Makerere University/CDC.
  3. October 2001 to January 2004: Master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Makerere University.
  4. October 1992 to August 1997: Batchelor of Medicine and Batchelor of Surgery (Makerere University).

Professional Courses and Trainings Attended

  1. Seventh SAMOUSA workshop organized in Kampala from 9 th to 21 st march 2003. Theme: Towards a safer motherhood in Southern Africa in the era of AIDS.
  2. The use of HMIS for planning and monitoring (22 nd -24 th March 2005) a workshop organized by Uganda Catholic medical bureau in conjunction with Uganda Martyr’s University-Nkozi.
  3. HIV[e] DUCATION Course –Electronic learning course followed by 3-day workshop in Kampala (Uganda)-2006.
  4. Application of Health Economics tools in health care delivery-Costing (organized by UMU, MUSPH, MUK, MUST with support from the Swedish government, June 1st to June 7th 2008.
  5. May 2015: Exposure in gynecologic imaging at Oespedale Bergo Trento, Verona, Italy.
  6. June 9 th 2018-june 29 th 2019: Exposure in laparoscopic surgery(with bias in gas insufflation less laparoscopic surgeries, GILLS), New Delhi, India

Key Experience Record

From 2004 to date, I have been the resident Obstetrician/gynaecologist at St. Francis hospital Mutolere and medical director of the same hospital with the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Treating Obstetric/gynaecological patients.
  • Teaching students of Mutolere school of nursing and midwifery.
  • Overall chairman hospital management team.
  • Maintenance of discipline and ethics in the hospital.
  • Supervision of all medical officers and allied health professionals.
  • Ensuring compliance with MOH regulations and those of the diocese as the owner of the hospital.
  • Co-ordination of procurement of drugs and medical supplies.
  • Preparing/coordinating preparation of the annual work plans and reports for the hospital.
  • Ensuring the BOG and its committees meet on schedule.
  • Ensuring high standard clinical care to patients falling under my specialty.
  • Promotion of interdepartmental communication among doctors, allied health professionals and nurses.
  • Liaison with the DHO on matters related to medical care.
  • Training of lower level health unit workers in Kabale diocese on two fundamental topics relevant to their work place: Rational drug use and emergency obstetric care.
  • Training selected UCMB affiliated workers on natural family planning.
  • Ongoing project: We are at the design phase of a project for improving quality of midwifery services by means of exchange program with another hospital in Hannover, Germany.