Dr. Godfrey Bagonza Ph.D.
Dean Faculty of Education and Peace Studies KAPATU.
Areas of Practice:
Overview And Experience
Dr. Godfrey BAGONZA is the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Peace Studies on the task force for Karamoja Peace and Technology University (KAPATU). He is a Lecturer of Economics of Education in the School of Education, at Kyambogo University. He holds the PhD in Education specializing in Economics of Education from Makerere University. He also has the MA in Economics of Education from the Institute of Education, University College London and the MED in Education Administration and Planning from Makerere University. He has the Bachelor of Arts and the Post Graduate Diploma in Education from Makerere University.
His Research Interests are in Efficiency and Effectiveness in Education, Equity and Equality of Educational Opportunity, Graduate Employability, Graduate Productivity, Labour Markets for Teachers, Higher Education Financing, Education and Community Development. Dr. Bagonza is passionate about teaching, research and community engagement to mentor professional and competent teachers who can ably address the 21st century education challenges.