Dr. Denis A. Katebire Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies, Research and Publications KAPATU.
Areas of Practice:
BA (Hons) | PGD | M.Sc | D.Litt et Phil Ugandan | Director of Graduate Studies, Research and Publications Karamoja Peace and Technology University (KAPATU)
Brief Overview And Experience
Dr. Katebire has a long teaching experience at University level, both in Uganda and abroad, where he has taught subjects in social and informational sciences. He has conducted interdisciplinary research in areas encompassing gender and human rights, governance and local governments, e- governance and communication interventions, and electronic publishing. He has a long experience in scholarly editing, peer review, and technical writing. He has also offered training and consultancy services to a wide clientele in research methods, proposal writing, and project development, monitoring and appraisal.
Relevant Work Experience
Currently: Co-director, RED Works Ltd, a consultancy on research, education and development. Also External Examiner, University of South Africa.
2013 to 2016: Faculty Assistant (position held as doctoral student), University of South Africa. Subjects taught: technology trends in library and information science; library information systems.
2010 to 2013: Visiting Lecturer, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria. I participated in the development of the social science research module for the LL.M/MA (Human Rights and Democratization in Africa) programme in 2010, and visited once annually to conduct lectures.
2004 – 2013: Lecturer, Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC, Makerere University. Subjects taught: social research methods (both undergraduate and Master’s levels). Concurrent Lecturer and Member, Research Policy Committee, Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi (up to 2007). Subjects taught: information systems; systems analysis and design.
2001 to 2004: Research Assistant, HURIPEC, Makerere University.
Education (Higher Education)
June 2016: Doctor of Literature and Philosophy (D.Litt et Phil) in Information Science, the University of South Africa. Title of dissertation: A Model for Information Access and Flow for e- Governance in Selected Local Governments in Uganda.
April 2002: Master of Science (M.Sc) degree in Information Science, Makerere University. Title of dissertation: Evaluation of the Communication Intervention for Child Health Information in Rukungiri District, Uganda.
October 1996: Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies, Makerere University. Title of dissertation: Information Management at Makerere’s Faculty of Agriculture: A Case for an Automated Information Centre.
October 1992: Bachelor of Arts (B.A) (Hons) in Social Sciences, Makerere University.
Skills Improvement Training
- Mixed methods research, Graduate Training and Research Division, Makerere University, 2011.
- Regional Programme on Editorial and Peer Review, Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009.
- Collaborative research projects, Planning and Development Department, Makerere University, 2009.
- Peace and Conflict Research, European University Centre for Peace Studies, Stadtschlaining, Austria, 2008.
- Development, Law and Social Justice, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2008.
Selected Works
- Katebire, D.A. (forthcoming), Mixed Research Methodologies: A Text for Universities, Colleges and Polytechnics, Kampala.
- Katebire, D.A. (2007), Social Research Methodology: An Introduction, Kampala: Makerere University Printers.
Editorial work:
- 2001-2004: Assistant Editor, East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights, published by HURIPEC, Makerere University.
- 2003-2006: Technical Editor, The Uganda Living Law Journal, published by the Uganda Law Reform Commission.
- 2004-2013: Editor, East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights, published by HURIPEC, Makerere University.
Research studies:
- A Model for Information Access and Flow for e-Governance in Selected Local Governments in Uganda (doctoral research, University of South Africa, 2015).
- The utility of SWOTS in e-governance readiness research in Uganda: a study of two local governments (Doctoral Forum, Tshwane University of Science and Technology, S. Africa, 14-15 March 2013).
- Information Access, Gender Mainstreaming and Good Governance in Uganda’s Local Governments: A Study of Rukungiri District Local Government (NORAD, 2010).
- Decentralised Governance and Human Rights in Uganda: A Baseline Survey on Access to Justice at the Local Level in Selected Districts (LABF/DANIDA, 2009).
- Promoting Visibility of African Scholarship through Access to Appropriate Technology (CODESSRIA Conference on Electronic Publishing and Dissemination, Dakar, Senegal, 6-7 October, 2008).
- Access to Information, Gender Participation and Good Governance in Uganda, East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights, Vol. 14 No. 1, 2008.
- Gender Integration in Governance: The Case of Uganda, 7th IDEA Conference on Ethics and International Development, Kampala, July 19-21, 2006.
Consultancy / Project Work
- 2018: Consultant Trainer, research and periodic reporting on the situation of human rights defenders, Human Rights Centre Kampala.
- 2015: Consultant, development of methodology and instruments, and training of surveyors for a USAID/SAFE baseline survey conducted by the International Law Institute, Kampala.
- 2010: Consultant, development of a research methods module for the LL.M/MA (Human Rights and Democratization) programme, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.
- 2010: Consultant, development of methodology and design of instruments for a baseline survey for the human rights awareness project, HRAF, Kampala.
- 2010: Consultant Trainer, facilitating a training workshop for CSOS on ESCR Alternative Reporting, HURINET, Kampala.
- 2009-2011: Project Coordinator, Decentralized Governance and Human Rights in Uganda: Promoting Access to Justice at the Local Level (Phase II), LABF/DANIDA.