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  >  Dr. Denis A. Katebire Ph.D.

Dr. Denis A. Katebire Ph.D.

Deputy Director Research and Publications KAPATU.

Areas of Practice:

BA (Hons) | PGD | M.Sc | D.Litt et Phil Ugandan Deputy Director Research and Publications Karamoja Peace And Technology University

Brief Overview And Experience

I have a long teaching experience at University level, both in Uganda and abroad, where I have taught subjects in social and informational sciences. I have conducted interdisciplinary research in areas encompassing gender and human rights, governance and local governments, e- governance and communication interventions, and electronic publishing. I have a long experience in scholarly editing, peer review, and technical writing. I have also offered training and consultancy services to a wide clientele in research methods, proposal writing, and project development, monitoring and appraisal.

Relevant Work Experience

Currently: Co-director, RED Works Ltd, a consultancy on research, education and development. Also External Examiner, University of South Africa.

2013 to 2016: Faculty Assistant (position held as doctoral student), University of South Africa. Subjects taught: technology trends in library and information science; library information systems.

2010 to 2013: Visiting Lecturer, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria. I participated in the development of the social science research module for the LL.M/MA (Human Rights and Democratization in Africa) programme in 2010, and visited once annually to conduct lectures.

2004 – 2013: Lecturer, Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC, Makerere University. Subjects taught: social research methods (both undergraduate and Master’s levels). Concurrent Lecturer and Member, Research Policy Committee, Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi (up to 2007). Subjects taught: information systems; systems analysis and design.

2001 to 2004: Research Assistant, HURIPEC, Makerere University.

Education (Higher Education)

June 2016: Doctor of Literature and Philosophy (D.Litt et Phil) in Information Science, the University of South Africa. Title of dissertation: A Model for Information Access and Flow for e- Governance in Selected Local Governments in Uganda.

April 2002: Master of Science (M.Sc) degree in Information Science, Makerere University. Title of dissertation: Evaluation of the Communication Intervention for Child Health Information in Rukungiri District, Uganda.

October 1996: Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies, Makerere University. Title of dissertation: Information Management at Makerere’s Faculty of Agriculture: A Case for an Automated Information Centre.

October 1992: Bachelor of Arts (B.A) (Hons) in Social Sciences, Makerere University.

Skills Improvement Training

  • Mixed methods research, Graduate Training and Research Division, Makerere University, 2011.
  • Regional Programme on Editorial and Peer Review, Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009.
  • Collaborative research projects, Planning and Development Department, Makerere University, 2009.
  • Peace and Conflict Research, European University Centre for Peace Studies, Stadtschlaining, Austria, 2008.
  • Development, Law and Social Justice, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2008.

Selected Works


  • Katebire, D.A. (forthcoming), Mixed Research Methodologies: A Text for Universities, Colleges and Polytechnics, Kampala.
  • Katebire, D.A. (2007), Social Research Methodology: An Introduction, Kampala: Makerere University Printers.

Editorial work:

  • 2001-2004: Assistant Editor, East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights, published by HURIPEC, Makerere University.
  • 2003-2006: Technical Editor, The Uganda Living Law Journal, published by the Uganda Law Reform Commission.
  • 2004-2013: Editor, East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights, published by HURIPEC, Makerere University.

Research studies:

  • A Model for Information Access and Flow for e-Governance in Selected Local Governments in Uganda (doctoral research, University of South Africa, 2015).
  • The utility of SWOTS in e-governance readiness research in Uganda: a study of two local governments (Doctoral Forum, Tshwane University of Science and Technology, S. Africa, 14-15 March 2013).
  • Information Access, Gender Mainstreaming and Good Governance in Uganda’s Local Governments: A Study of Rukungiri District Local Government (NORAD, 2010).
  • Decentralised Governance and Human Rights in Uganda: A Baseline Survey on Access to Justice at the Local Level in Selected Districts (LABF/DANIDA, 2009).
  • Promoting Visibility of African Scholarship through Access to Appropriate Technology (CODESSRIA Conference on Electronic Publishing and Dissemination, Dakar, Senegal, 6-7 October, 2008).
  • Access to Information, Gender Participation and Good Governance in Uganda, East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights, Vol. 14 No. 1, 2008.
  • Gender Integration in Governance: The Case of Uganda, 7th IDEA Conference on Ethics and International Development, Kampala, July 19-21, 2006.

Consultancy / Project Work

  • 2018: Consultant Trainer, research and periodic reporting on the situation of human rights defenders, Human Rights Centre Kampala.
  • 2015: Consultant, development of methodology and instruments, and training of surveyors for a USAID/SAFE baseline survey conducted by the International Law Institute, Kampala.
  • 2010: Consultant, development of a research methods module for the LL.M/MA (Human Rights and Democratization) programme, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.
  • 2010: Consultant, development of methodology and design of instruments for a baseline survey for the human rights awareness project, HRAF, Kampala.
  • 2010: Consultant Trainer, facilitating a training workshop for CSOS on ESCR Alternative Reporting, HURINET, Kampala.
  • 2009-2011: Project Coordinator, Decentralized Governance and Human Rights in Uganda: Promoting Access to Justice at the Local Level (Phase II), LABF/DANIDA.