He is Technical Consultant for Karamoja Peace And Technology University.
Overview And Experience
I am a leader and manager with expertise in legal protection, governance and peacebuilding. Within the humanitarian sector, I have worked with NGOs in Uganda, Nigeria, Colombia, Myanmar, and Iraq to design and deliver programmes to help vulnerable populations to exercise housing, land and property (HLP), work/employment, and legal identity rights. I have also designed peacebuilding programmes and facilitated training on collaborative dispute resolution, and inter-faith dialogues, and provided oversight to youth-led empowerment programmes. I have worked with a network of NGOs to strengthen civic engagement initiatives to enable communities to engage in policy analysis, advocacy, dialogue, and collective action for peaceful and democratic change, and to ensure accountable system of governance. I have spearheaded the start-up of a digital legal aid platform, KOBLI, to ensure adequate access to legal information and related legal aid services to a larger proportion of people in Iraq.
In academia, I have taught courses in Conflict and Peace Studies, Project Planning and Management, and Ethics and Governance at the Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies of Gulu University from 2007-2011, and 2012-2014 on a part-time basis. I was a Research Fellow with the African Leadership Centre, King’s College London from 2012-2013.
I hold a PhD in management Sciences specializing in Public Administration (with a bias in Peace Studies) from Durban University of Technology, South Africa; a Master of Arts in Conflict, Security and Development (King’s College London – Peace, Security and Development Fellowship for African Scholars); a Master of Arts in Peace Education (University for Peace, Costa Rica); a Bachelor in Philosophy (Urbaniana University, Rome); and a concurrent Diploma in Philosophy and Religious Studies (Apostles of Jesus Philosophicum, Nairobi). I also earned two postgraduate diplomas, one in Project Planning and Management (Uganda Management Institute), and the other in Conflict Management and Peace Studies (Gulu University) and hold a Diploma in Forced Migration and Human Rights (University for Peace).
I am fascinated by ideas, and a strong believer in the power of socio-political ideas to cause positive change in society. Both academia and civil society have recognized my contribution to peace: in 2012, the African Security Sector Network (ASSN) identified and profiled me as part of an emerging crop of 22 African scholars and practitioners in security, justice reforms and related fields, and the UNESCO Chair and Institute of Comparative Human Rights, University of Connecticut, USA awarded me two certificates of recognition in human rights leadership.
My research interests and activities are in human rights; social justice; legal protection; governance and peacebuilding; community development; youth, peace, and security.