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Dr. Busingye Bazare Robert

Member of the Health and Medical Advisory Council for the CLASI. Member of the Faculty of Health Sciences at KAPATU.


Dr. Busingye Bazare Robert (MBChB, MMED, MSC Reprod. Biology) is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, specializing in reproductive medicine at Nakasero Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. He is a member of the Health and Medical Advisory Council for the Catholic Lawyers Society International (CLASI) and also serves on the Faculty of Health Sciences at Karamoja Peace and Technology University (KAPATU).

Academic Record

  • 1993-1996 M.Sc. (Reproductive Biology) University of Nairobi-Kenya.
  • 1987-1990 M.Med (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Makerere University, Medical School.
  • 1987-1988 Postgraduate Diploma (Obstetrics) Makerere University Medical School.
  • 1980-1985 MB Ch.B. Makerere University Medical School.
  • 1979 Senior Six, Kigezi High School, Kabale.
  • 1978 Senior five, Ntare School, Mbarara.
  • 1974-1977- O-level, St Paul’s Seminary, Rushoroza, Kabale.
  • 1967-1973 Makiro Primary School, Kanungu District.

Employment Record

2024 – to date: Senior consultant, Nakasero Hospital.

2024: Retired from Mulago Specialised Women and Neonatal Hospital (MSWNH).

2010 – to 2024: Senior Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist Mulago Specialised Women and Neonatal Hospital (MSWNH)

2001- 2010: Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist Mulago Hospital; Hon Lecturer Makerere Medical School.

1996 – 2000: Medical Officer Special Grade, Ministry of Health, Mulago Hospital Hon. Lecturer Makerere Medical School.

1990 – 1993: Medical Officer Special Grade, Ministry of Health, Mulago Hospital.

1987 – 1989: Senior House Officer, Mulago Hospital.

1986-1987: Medical Officer Nsambya Hospital.

1985-1985: Medical Internship, Nsambya Hospital.

Academic Activities and Conferences

2018: As President of Uganda Fertility Society, hosted with the International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS) a Symposium on fertility.

2018: Attended a training course on Human Assisted Reproductive Technology at EART Mumbai, India.

2016: Attended a one month training programme in Basic Infertility Care at Fortis Bloom IVF Centre, New Delhi, India.

2016: Attended The Basic Laparascopic Skills in Gynaecology Surgery, Nairobi Surgical Skills Centre (NSSC), Kenya on 3rd-4Th February 2016.

2007: Attended the World Congress of Fertility societies – Durban, South Africa – one week

2002: Attended a two-month training course in clinical andrology, under the Greek Andrology Society, Athens, Greece.

2000: Attended a one-week course on Mother-to-child Transmission of HIV infection organised by the Ministry of Health in Jinja.

1999: Attended a one-week course in Seminolgy at the University of Stelellen Bosch, Cape Town, South Africa.

1996: Presented a paper on Reproductive Hormones and Testicular Histology in Men with HIV Infection at the 1st PAN African Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Nairobi.

1992: Two-weeks workshop on Research Methodology by the Regional Health Secretariat of the Commonwealth held at Uganda Virus Research Institute Entebbe.

1991: One-week conference of the International federation of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FIGO) held in Singapore.

1991: Two week course in Reproductive Biology and Research Methodology Organised by Regional Commonwealth Health Secretariat at Makerere Medical School.

Academic Duties

1991-2024: M.Med 1 and II lectures in advanced and clinical Reproductive Endocrinology.

1990-2019: Formal lectures, bed side teaching and surgical training n Obstetrics and Gynaecology to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and the associated examinations.

1987-1990: As a postgraduate acted as a tutor for undergraduates of Makerere Medical School.

Postgraduate Student Research Supervision

Over 30 postgraduates

Research Activities

1996: M.Sc. (University of Nairobi Thesis: Reproductive Hormones and Testicular History in Men with HIV Infection.

1990: M.Med Thesis (Makerere University) : Low Birth weight deliveries in Mulago hospital. A survey of Gynaecological Hysterectomies in Mulago hospital.


  1. Amongin D, Nakimuli A, Busingye R, Mubiru M, Musoke P, Mutyaba T. Effect of subsequent pregnancies on HIV disease progression among women in the Mulago Hospital MTCT –Plus program in Uganda.
  2. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2016 Mar, 132(3): 347-52.
  3. Atuhairwe S, Busingye R B, Sekikubo M, Nakimuli A, Mutyaba T Urologic complicatios among women with advanced cervical cancer at a tertiary referral hospital in Uganda.
  4. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2011 Dec, 115(3) : 282-4.
  5. Samuel Ononge, Julius Wandabwa, Kiondo Paul, Robert Busingye Clinical Presentation and management of Alleged Sexually assaulted females at Mulago Hospital – African Health Sciences, 2005.
  6. Busingye R.B, Kigondu S.C, Wango E.O. and Mmiro F.A Reproductive hormones and testicular histology in males with human immunodeficiency virus infection. In: First Pan African conference on biochemistry and molecular biology, Nairobi Kenya. Abstr. 1-2 EM ngatia et al, 1996.

Other Duties in The Ministry of Health (MOH)

2016 – 2018: Technical Person for interviews for Consultants and Senior Consultants in OBS/GYN, Health Service Commission, Ministry of Health.

1998 – 1999: Obstetrician/Gynaecologist in the Consultants Outreach Programme that covered Gulu Hospital three weeks and Soroti Hospital three weeks.

1999: Under Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UNICEF and MOH Needs Assessment and Support Supervision for Reproductive Health Masaka District (Two weeks).

Other Responsibilities

  1. Chairman, Board of governors San Giovani School, Kanungu District.
  2. Patron, Makerere University Kinkizi Students Association.
  3. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology coordinator for postgraduate studies and head Reproductive Endocrinology postgraduate teaching.
  4. Coordinator Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical Laboratories.
  5. Representative of department of Obstetrics and Gynacology, Private Patient Service Committee.
  6. Clinician in-charge of infertility Clinic – Makerere Medical School/Mulago hospital.
  7. Head, ward 5C, department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mulago hospital (2003-2009).
  8. Member BOG Nakasero hospital and chair medical advisory committee.
  9. President, Uganda Fertility Society.
  10. Director, Neogenesis Fertility Center.
  11. Director, Busingye Medical Centre.