Dr. Anthony Mwije Ph.D.
Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences KAPATU.
Areas of Practice:
He is the Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences for Karamoja Peace And Technology University.
Overview And Experience
Dr. Anthony Mwije (He/His/Him), is a Ugandan-born agriculturalist by training, practice, and profession with expertise and a speciality in Crop and Horticultural Sciences. He holds a BSc. Agriculture (Crop Science) from Makerere University (2009), an MSc. Crop Science (Plant Breeding and Genetics) from Makerere University (2015), and a Ph.D. in Horticultural Science (Plant Physiology and Biochemistry) from Stellenbosch University, South Africa (2020). He has over 13 years’ experience working at Makerere University in teaching and research on aspects of crop, plant, and horticultural sciences, including breeding, food security, and crop production systems. Dr. Mwije is broadly interested in finding ways to enhance the quantity and quality of produce at the farm level, especially for those growers engaging in crop plants, including fruit and nursery production. Over the years, he has received several research grants, attended short training courses, conferences, and symposiums, as well as written scientific articles.
Academic Record
1. BSc. Agriculture (Crop Science) – Graduation Year 2009.
2. MSc. Crop Science (Plant Breeding and Genetics) – Graduation Year 2015.
Thesis: Heritability analysis of drought adaptation traits in sweetpotato
3. Ph.D. Horticultural Science – Graduation Year 2020.
Dissertation: A study of the dynamics of sunburn reduction in apple (Malus domestica) using foliar applications of a combination of boron and calcium
- Odongo, I. R., Nakanwagi, T. M., Mugume, I., Nsabagwa, M., Nimusiima, A., Ogwang, A.B., Margaret,A., Nahayo, S., Nalwanga, S.F., Sansa-Otim, J., Musiime, I., Kakuru, R., Mwije, A. and Peter Wasswa. 2023. Evaluation of soil fertility status in the Kyoga Basin of Uganda: A physiochemical study in Buyende and Serere districts. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 19(10): 935-944. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2023.16385.
- Nsabagwa, M., Mwije, A., Nimusiima, A., Odongo, R.I., Ogwang, B.A., Wasswa, P., Mugume, I. Basalirwa, C., Nalwanga, F., Kakuru, R., Nahayo, S., Sansa-Otim, J. and Musiime, I. 2021. Examining the Ability of Communities to Cope with Food Insecurity due to Climate Change. Sustainability 13: 11047.
- Mwije, A., Hoffman, E.W. and Lötze, E. 2020. Apple Peel Biochemical Changes after Foliar Application of Boron Combined with Calcium II. Photosynthetic Pigments, Total Peroxides and Photochemical Efficiency. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 11, 939-964.
- Mwije, A., Hoffman, E.W. and Lötze, E. 2020. Apple Peel Biochemical Changes after Foliar Application of Boron Combined with Calcium I. Phenolics and Physico-Chemical Attributes. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 11, 965-986.
- Mwije, A. 2017. Pioneering a new paradigm of sunburn mitigation in apples. In: Bringing Science to Communities: Voices from the Field (Issue 1) (Ed. Withers, J). A RUFORUM Publication. Kampala, Uganda.
- Mwije, A., Mukasa, S.B., Gibson, P., Kyamanywa, S. 2014. Heritability analysis of putative drought adaptation traits in sweetpotato. African Crop Science Journal, 22, 79-87.
- Mwije, A., Ijala, A.R., Odong, T.L., Kasharu, A., Muwanga, S., Okello, R.C.O., Ochwo, M.S. and Ayume, R. 2022. Effect of selected plant growth regulator formulations on the vegetative growth of plagiotropic branches in robusta coffee (Coffea canephora). RUFORUM AGM Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Poster).
- Mwije, A., Hoffman, E.W. and Lötze, E. 2018. Investigating mode of action by which boron plus calcium foliar applications reduce apple sunburn. African Combined Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (Oral).
- Mwije, A., Hoffman, E.W. and Lötze, E. 2018. Sunburn incidence and polyphenol patterns as influenced by boron plus calcium foliar applications in ‘Cripps Pink’ apple. African Combined Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (Oral).
- Mwije, A., Hoffman, E.W. and Lötze, E. 2016. Foliar nutrition regimes of combined boron and calcium minerals ameliorate photo-thermal stress tolerance in apple fruits. RUFORUM Biennial Conference, Cape Town South Africa. (Oral & Poster).
- Mwije, A., Mukasa, S.B., Gibson, P., Kyamanywa, S. 2013. Heritability analysis of putative drought adaptation traits in sweetpotato. African Crop Science Conference, Entebbe, Uganda. (Oral).
- Mwije, A., Mukasa, S.B., Gibson, P., Kyamanywa, S. 2013. Use of phenotypic responses at varying water regimes in selecting drought tolerant sweetpotato. African Crop Science Conference, Entebbe, Uganda. (Poster).
- Mwije, A., Mukasa, S.B., Gibson, P., Kyamanywa, S. 2013. Development of elite and adaptable sweetpotato clones in Uganda under the BIOEARN and BIOINNOVATE programmes. 1st BioInnovate Conference Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (Poster).
- Mwije, A., Mukasa, S.B., Gibson, P., Kyamanywa, S. 2012. Analysis of heritability and drought adaptation traits in selected Ugandan sweetpotato cultivars. NGAA Project Dissemination Conference, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. (Oral & Poster).
Research Grants And Fellowships
- 2022/2024: RUFORUM-Carnegie Post –Doctoral Fellowship: Towards increasing production and exploitation of sorghum for livelihood improvement in Uganda (60,000 USD).
- 2021/2022: Principal Investigator. Government of Uganda Research and Innovations Funded Project: Towards increased coffee farm yields by synchronizing coffee tree flowering habit under a changing climate (99 Million UGX).
- 2020/2021: Co-PI RIF Funded Project: Towards increased smallholder flower production in Uganda (79 Million UGX)
- 2020/2021: Co-PI: RIF Funded Project: Towards a Food secure Uganda under a changing climate (150 Million UGX).
- 2015-2019: GTA fellowship for PhD Study Program (15,000 USD).
- 2012-2014: Carnegie Fellowship to complete MSc studies (11,000 USD).
- 2009-2013: BIOEARN and BIOINNOVATE MSc Fellowship (20,000 USD).
Short Trainings, Workshops, Symposiums, Seminars And Talks
2023: Keynote Speaker – Commercialisation of Agricultural Research Products in Africa, for the “Sharing What Works’ RUFORUM Webinar Series. Webinar 2: Harnessing Advances in Delivery of Agricultural Technologies. https://ruforum.wordpress.com/2023/09/05/ruforum-webinar-series-sharing-what-works-webinar-2-harnessing-advances-in-delivery-of-agricultural-technologies/ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW8LHw-i5HE
2023: Associate Editor Mentoring Workshops and Peer-Review Process. CABI Knowledge Business
2023: AESOP4FOOD (Action For Education Spatial Organisation and Planning For Sustainable Food): Attended Four Month (March-June) Seminars on Sustainable City-Region-Food Systems of the Erasmus+collaboration project AESOP4FOOD.
2022: Research Writing in the Sciences. Online Course organised by AuthorAID.
2018: Doctoral Research and Supervision (Makerere University).
2018: GIS Fundamentals (Makerere University).
2018: Information Competency and Management (Makerere University).
2018: Philosophy of Methods Course (Makerere University).
2017: Start –to-Finish guide to research projects for Agri-Scientists (NQF Level 6). African Doctoral Academy, Stellenbosch University.
2017: The Digital scholar: Using emerging and multi-media technologies (NQF Level 6). African Doctoral Academy, Stellenbosch University.
2016: HORTGRO Science Technical Symposium. Simondium, Western Cape, SA.
2015: Research and Proposal writing. Online Course organised by AuthorAID.
2015: Postgraduate skill: Stellenbosch University: Creating a Dissertation.
2015: Postgraduate skills: Stellenbosch University: Embarking on a Research Degree.
2015: Postgraduate skills: Stellenbosch University: Microsoft Word for Large documents.
2015: Postgraduate skill: Stellenbosch University: How to write a Scientific Paper.
2014: IFS Collaborative Research Skills, Ouidah, Benin.
2014: Bioinformatics and Genomics workshop, Makerere University.
2014: Sweetpotato seed systems North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA.
2014: EDULINK funded workshop on skills to teach and make curriculum for Agricultural Colleges, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe.
2014: Molecular Diagnostics, BeCA-ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya.
2014: Leadership and communication skills for Scientists, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, Washington, USA.
2012: Scholarly writing & Research management, Makerere University.
2009: Marker Assisted Selection in Crop Breeding and Bioinformatics, BeCA-ILRI, Kenya.
Professional Skills
- Team work, and ability to work with diverse people from different cultural backgrounds.
- Report writing skills.
- Communication skills.
- Experiment and/or project research data collection.
- Research resources mobilisation and evaluations.
- Excellent computer skills with MS programs.
- Statistical data analysis with programs like MINITAB, R, and XLSTAT.
Professional Memberships
- International Society for Horticultural Science. 2020 – Present.
- African Crop Science Society (ACSS). 2012-2019.
- Member South African Horticultural Society (SAHS). 2015 to 2020.
International Languages:
- Very proficient in English.
- Level 1 Mandarin – Chinese.
- Basic Swahili.
Local Ugandan Languages:
- Very proficient in Runyankore / Rukiga.
- Luganda.
- Basic Runyoro and Rutooro.