Assoc. Prof. Joyce Ayikoru Asiimwe Ph.D.
Deputy Dean Faculty of Education and Peace Studies KAPATU
Areas of Practice:
She is the Deputy Dean Faculty of Education and Peace Studies, Karamoja Peace And Technology University.
Specialisation And Experience
Joyce is an Associate Professor in the Department of Foundations of Education at Kyambogo University. She holds a PhD in Education, obtained from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in 2008; a Master‟s Degree in Education (M.ED) and a Bachelor‟s Degree in Arts with Education (Hons), both obtained from Makerere University in 1996 and 1990 respectively. She is a trained secondary school teacher, with extensive knowledge and experience in academia and administration, accumulated over the 24 years of teaching and professional practice in a University setting.
Since 1998, she has held various positions of responsibility in the institutions where she has worked, notably, head of Educational Foundations and Psychology Department for a period of eight (8) years and Associate Dean for two (2) years, both at MUST; and she is currently the Dean, Faculty of Education, at Kyambogo University. These positions and responsibilities have enabled her to provide services to a number of higher education and other education related institutions, both nationally and internationally. These positions have enabled her to build strong professional networks to further enhance her contribution to educational processes in the country.
Education And Training
- 2008, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) Ph.D.
- 1996, Makerere University (MAK) M. Ed.
- 1990, Makerere University (MAK) BA/Ed.
- 1983 – 1986, Sacred Heart, S.S.S Gulu, UACE.
- 1979 – 1983, St. Mary Assumpta S.S.S, Pakele, Adjumani, UCE.
Career History
December 2015 – to date: Dean, Faculty of Education, Kyambogo University.
Key responsibilities:
- Chairing Faculty Board and all Faculty Committees
- Providing academic and professional guidance to faculty;
- Supervising the development of curricula for Teacher Training Colleges, Primary Teacher‟s Colleges and National Teacher‟s Colleges;
- Supervising Faculty staff to ensure efficient and effective teaching;
- Establishing linkages between the Faculty and Institutions/Schools within and outside Uganda;
- Preparing Faulty annual work plan and budget;
- Coordinating and supervise research projects;
- Appraising staff in the Faculty; and
- Assessing training needs of faculty.
August 2013 – Nov, 2015 Acting Dean, Faculty of Education, Kyambogo University.
Key responsibilities:
- Chairing Faculty Board and all Faculty Committees
- Providing academic and professional guidance to faculty;
- Supervising the development of curricula for Teacher Training Colleges, Primary Teacher‟s Colleges and National Teacher‟s Colleges;
- Supervising Faculty staff to ensure efficient and effective teaching;
- Establishing linkages between the Faculty and Institutions/Schools within and outside Uganda;
- Preparing Faulty annual work plan and budget;
- Coordinating and supervise research projects;
- Appraising all staff in the Faculty; and
- Assessing training needs of faculty.
December 2015 – to date Associate Professor, Foundations of Education.
Key responsibilities:
- Teaching Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.
- Reviewing/developing curricula
- Conducting research
- Supervising Graduate Research
- Community Engagement
- Mentoring and Couching
September 2011 – Nov. 2015 Senior Lecturer, Foundations of Education.
Key responsibilities:
- Lead lecturer (Sociology of Education)
- Reviewing/developing curricula
- Supervising Graduate Research
- Conducting Research
- Community Engagement
- Mentoring and Couching
October 2010 – August 2011 Associate Dean (Administration), Faculty of Science, Mbarara University of Science & Technology (MUST)
Key responsibilities:
- Supervising Administrative and Support Staff
- Supervising infrastructural works in the Faculty
- Generating plans for Faculty physical development
July 2009 – August, 2011 Senior Lecturer/Head of Department, Educational Foundations and Psychology (MUST).
Key responsibilities:
- Developing departmental human resource plans
- Supervising academic staff in the Department
- Generating annual Budgets
- Providing academic and professional guidance
- Teaching & supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Conducting research
October 1999 to June 2009 Lecturer/Ag. Head of Department, Educational Foundations & Psychology (MUST)
Key responsibilities:
- Supervising academic staff in the Department
- Generating annual Departmental Budget
- Providing academic and professional guidance
- Teaching Undergraduate students
- Research and Community Engagement
June 1997 – September, 1999 Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Department of Foundations & Psychology (MUST)
Key responsibilities:
- Teaching Undergraduate students (Foundations of Education)
- Reviewing/developing curricula
- Research & Community Engagement
National Assignments
2020 – To date: Vice Chairperson, UNITE Task Force [for the establishment of Uganda National Institute for Teacher Education]. Assignment for a period of 12 months from 14th August, 2020).
2020 – To date: Minister‟s Appointee to Muni University Senate. Assignment for a period of three years with effect from 7th. September, 2020.
2019 – To date: Minister‟s Appointee to NTC Muni Governing Council. Assignment for a period of three years)
Profile Of Academic / Professional Services Rendered
2017: External Examiner (PhD Thesis), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST).
2016 – 2019: External Examiner, Foundations of Education (Theory), Muni University.
2013 – 2015: External Examiner (Theory), Department of Education – All Saints University, Lango, Uganda.
2011 – 2015: External Examiner (School Practice), Faculty of Science and Education, Busitema University, Uganda.
2014 – 2019: External Examiner (PhD Thesis), Annamalai University, India.
2012- 2013: External Examiner (Theory), Faculty of Education, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, Uganda.
2012- 2013: External Examiner (School Practice), Faculty of Education, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, Uganda.
2011 – 2015: Programme and Institutional reviewer for the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), Uganda.
2012 – 2013: Honorary Lecturer, Department of Educational Foundations and Psychology, Faculty of Science, MUST.
2009 – 2010: External Examiner (M.Ed Proposals and Dissertation), University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Profile Of Academic / Professional Services Rendered
2017: External Examiner (PhD Thesis), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST).
2016 – 2019: External Examiner, Foundations of Education (Theory), Muni University.
2013 – 2015: External Examiner (Theory), Department of Education – All Saints University, Lango, Uganda.
2011 – 2015: External Examiner (School Practice), Faculty of Science and Education, Busitema University, Uganda.
2014 – 2019: External Examiner (PhD Thesis), Annamalai University, India.
2012 – 2013: External Examiner (Theory), Faculty of Education, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, Uganda.
2012 – 2013: External Examiner (School Practice), Faculty of Education, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, Uganda.
2011 – 2015: Programme and Institutional reviewer for the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), Uganda.
2012 – 2013: Honorary Lecturer, Department of Educational Foundations and Psychology, Faculty of Science, MUST.
2009 – 2010: External Examiner (M.Ed Proposals and Dissertation), University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
2008 – 2011: External Examiner (School Practice), School of Education and External Studies, Makerere University, Uganda.
2004 – 2007: External Examiner (Theory), Department of Foundations of Education, Kyambogo University, Uganda.
2003 Peer reviewer (Research Proposals -3rd Call) for African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD), Juja, Nairobi.
Services Rendered To Kyambogo University
2021: Member, Ad hoc Committee for development of guidelines for Management of Grants in Kyambogo University.
2021: Chairperson, Organizing Committee for the 7th International Interdisciplinary Conference (IIC7) held Online from 2nd – 4th November, 2021, hosted by Kyambogo University.
2020: Chairperson, Adhoc Committee for Development of ODeL Policy.
2020: Chairperson of Kyambogo University Covid-19 Task Force (Assignment executed from June to July, 2020).
2018: Chairperson, Adhoc Committee for Development of Policy on Learning Centres (KyU).
2017: Chairperson, Organizing Committee for the 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference (IIC4) held from 1st – 4th August, 2017, at Kyambogo University, [NPT Building], Kampala, Uganda.
2017: Chairperson, Organizing Committee for the 1st National Conference On Learning Outcomes held under the auspices of Twaweza East Africa from 13th – 14th April at Kyambogo University [NPT Building], Kampala, Uganda.
2016: Chairperson, Organizing Committee for the International Interdisciplinary Conference held from 29th – 31st January, at Kyambogo University [NPT Building], Kampala, Uganda.
2016: Chairperson, Adhoc Committee for Operationalization of Distance Education.
2014: Member, Quality Assurance Policy Drafting Team (KyU).
2014: Member, Research and Innovations Policy Drafting Team (KyU).
2014: Member, Consultancy Policy Drafting Team (KyU).
2013: Member, Gender Policy Drafting Team (KyU).
2013: Member, Skilling Uganda Technical Team (KyU).
Services Rendered To Other Institutions / Organisations
- 2020: Senate Representative on Muni University Council.
- 2020: Member, Steering Committee of the Assessment of Life Skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE) Programme.
- 2020: Member, Board of Directors, Uwezo Uganda.
- 2019 to date: Governing Council Member, National Teachers College, Muni.
- 2015 – to date: Chairperson, Board of Governors (BoG), Kyambogo College School.
- 2015 – to date: Governing Council Member, International Business, Science and Technology University (ISBAT).
- 2015 – 2019: Member, Uwezo (Uganda) National Advisory Committee (NAC).
- 2013 – May 2021: Governing Council Member, National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC).
- 2015 (Phase 1) Member, Uganda National Teacher Development Policy Drafting Team.
Samsudin MA, Moen MC, Hai PTT, Hailu BH, Hidayat A, Ishida Y, Kusakabe T, Hiroaki Naruto O, Ishak NA, Shaik Abdul Malik Bin Mohamed Ismail SAMBM, Owoyemi TE, Anangisye WAL, Mgonda NL, Asiimwe JA and Kyasanku C (2021) Indicators for the Measurement of Teachers‟ Professional Identity across Asia and Africa: A Delphi Study. Journal of Asian and African Studies, p. 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/0021909621992785
Kisa, S., Ejuu, G., Asiimwe, J.A. (2020). Teachers‟ Instructional Practices for Promoting Primary One Learners‟ Mathematics Competences: A Comparative Study of Busiro and Luuka, Uganda. American Journal of Education and Practice; ISSN 2520-3991(Online). Vol.4, Issue 1, Pp 44-59.
Kisa, S., Ejuu, G., Asiimwe, J.A. (2020). Teachers‟ Expectations and Mathematics Competence of Primary One Learners: A Comparative Study of Busiro and Luuka, Uganda. African Journal of Education and Practice; ISSN 2519-0296(Online). Vol.6, Issue 5.No. 1. Pp1.12.
Asiimwe, J.A. (2019). Understanding Doctoral Supervision: Concepts and experiences of selected supervisors and PhD graduates in Uganda. MIER Journal of Educational Studies, Trends & Practices, Nov. 2019, Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 134-146.
Asiimwe, B.G., Tabitha, M., & Ayikoru, J. (2017). Uganda‟s Post-Independence Development Paradoxes through International Aid Architecture, 1962-2010. In R. Akinyele (Ed.), History & Diplomacy: Essays in Honour of Ade Adefuye (pp. 348-372). U.S.A: Goldline and Jacobs.
Asiimwe, J.A and Atukwase, A. (2017). Factors Affecting Participation of Women in Administration of Technical Vocational Education and Training Institutions: Experiences from Central Uganda. In International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration. Volume 7, Number 1 (2017), pp. 11-21; India Publications http://www.ripublication.com
Asiimwe, J. A. (2014). The Compulsory Science Policy, Student Performance, and Teachers‟ Role: Uganda‟s Experience. In Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences; Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), University of Dar es Salaam; Volume 3, Nos. 1 & 2, 2014, pp 112 -121
Asiimwe, J. A., & Taban, M.M. (2014). The Gender Gap in Technical and Vocational Education: Perspectives from South Sudan. In the International Journal of Vocational Education and Training: Vol. 22; No. 2, pp 37 – 45.
Asiimwe, J.A. (2013). “Compulsory Science Policy: Enhancing Gender Equity in Education? A Case Study of Academic Achievement in Uganda”: In MIER Journal of Educational Studies, Trends & Practices; November 2013, Vol. 3, No. 2 pp. 183-194. http://www.mierjs.in/ojs/index.php/mjestp/article/view/117/69
Ndawula S and Asiimwe, J.A. (2013). “Exploring User Attitudes towards Internet Use: The Role of Gender and Age Difference”: In Science Journal of Psychology, Volume 2013, Article ID sjpsych-248, 7 Pages, 2013, doi: 10.7237/sjpsych/248 http://www.sjpub.org/sjpsych.html
Asiimwe, J.A. (2012). “Factors Influencing Academic Performance of First Year University Students: A case study of Mbarara University”. In Mawazo: A Journal of The Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Makerere University; Vol. 11, No. 1, January: 172-177.
Anguma, S.K., Jurua, E & Asiimwe, J.A. (2012). “Development of Education and the Establishment of an Astronomy Curriculum in Uganda”. AFRICAN SKIES / CIEUX AFRICANS, No. 16.
Asiimwe, J.A. (2010). “Transforming higher education practice for a sustainable future: a paradigm shift from teaching to learning”. In Mawazo: A Journal of The Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Makerere University; Vol. 9, No. 1, 2010: 52-59.
Asiimwe J.A. (2007). Teaching and Learning Sciences for Development: A matter of Teacher Competence? A Case Study of Uganda. In the Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development, Vol. 14, Nos. 1&2, 2007: 65-74.
Asiimwe, J.A. (2004). Globalisation and Education: The Challenges of Uncritical Knowledge, Skills and Teaching Needed in the Global Village. A Publication of the Inaugural Research Dissemination Conference, 23-24 September, 2004, Uganda Publishers: 122-135.
Asiimwe J. A. (2003). “Gender Disparities in Science and Technology: A Case Study of University Admissions for Science Courses in Uganda”. Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development, Vol. 10, Nos. 1&2: 19-27.
Ayikoru, J. (2003). „Unplanned Pregnancy: A Challenge in Uganda‟. In Africa Health, Mera Medical Education Resource Africa, FSG Communications Ltd, vol 25 No.2, Issue 3, pg. 3, U K.
Papers Published As Conference Proceedings
Asiimwe, J. A. (2006). “Achieving Gender Equity in Science Classrooms: Choice or Chance? In National Education Graduate Students‟ Conference Proceedings. Educational Research: Process and dissemination of findings. Makerere University School of Education, 66-71.
Owour, B., Ocaido, M., and Asiimwe, J.A (2006). “Inventory of Community Priority Plant Species Found in Sacred Habitats in the Lake Victoria Wetlands of East Africa”. In International Symposium on Wetland Restoration (Restoration and Wise Use of Wetlands. Conference Proceedings: 316-321), 28-29 January 2006, Shiga, Japan.
Kiguli, J. and Ayikoru, J.A. (2004). “ Gender, Science and Classroom Interaction: Female Experience in Ugandan Schools”. AICAD Mini Reviews, Third Call Research, Vol. 3 pp 123-127, JICA.
Anguma, S. & Ayikoru , J. (2001). Towards introducing Space Science in Uganda. In Seminars of the United Nations Program on Space Applications, No. 13.
Research And Projects
Project coordinator (KyU): Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Project in partnership with South Eastern Regional College, Northern Ireland and Kyambogo University (2018/19).
Local Project Manager: Online Facilitation and Assessment in Teacher Education Programmes: A project supported by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) – Ref: C17-126 (January 2017 – February 2018).
Local Project Manager: Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning. A project supported by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) – Ref: CA16 -067 (7th October – 29th April, 2016).
Co-researcher: An assessment of gender roles and traditional knowledge systems in enhancing climate change adaptation and household food security in Lake Victoria Basin, Uganda – Funded through Global Change System for Analysis, Research & Training (START)- 2013.
Co-researcher: Community Based Sustainable Management and Conservation of Sacred Habitats on the Landscape in the Lake Victoria Region
(Regional research funded by SIDA/SAREC under the auspices of the Inter-University Council for East Africa‟s VicRes Project) (2005 – 2007).
PhD Research: Gender and Participation in Sciences in Ugandan Co-educational secondary schools: A case study of Bushenyi District, Uganda; Sponsored by DAAD (2003 – 2006).
Graduate Research: Gender, Science and Classroom Interaction: Female experiences in Co-Educational schools in South Western Uganda sponsored by AICAD (2003 – 2004).
Professional Development Courses Undertaken
- Online course (MOOC) on Research and Proposal Writing in the Sciences; 7th September to 1st November 2021 (eight weeks). AuthorAID course, co-sponsored by the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO: easteco.org
- Corporate Governance Training and Evaluation for Council and Management; By the Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda (ICGU); 18-19, July, 2019 at Muni University, Arua.
- Academic Writing Training Workshop organized by Centre for Learning Innovations and Customised Knowledge Solutions (CLICKS); 15-17, April, 2019; Dubai, UAE.
- International Course for Supervisors of PhD students in African Countries [Online, offered by CREST, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa under DIES sponsorship; October 2018 – January 31, 2019.
- Finance Skills Improvement for Non-finance Managers of Kyambogo. Funded by African Development Bank (ADB) under HEST project. Offered by School of Management and Entrepreneurship, KyU, from May 15-17, 2017, at Esella Country Hotel.
- International Deans‟ Course “Africa 2015/2016” (Part III), funded by DAAD. Undertaken at the University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, February 8 – 11, 2016.
- International Deans‟ Course “Africa 2015/2016” (Part II), funded by DAAD. Undertaken at the University of Professional Studies, Accra, Ghana, November 2 – 4, 2015.
- International Deans‟ Course “Africa 2015/2016” (Part I), funded by DAAD. Undertaken at the University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrueck and Berlin, Germany; June 22nd to July 3rd 2015.
- International Course on the Importance of ICT in Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century, funded by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). Undertaken at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore; May 4-8, 2015.
- Training on Management and Leadership of Universities, organised by the National Council for Higher Education in collaboration with the Carnegie Corporation of New York; 2010-2013.
- Training of Trainers (TOT) in Organizational Development, Teaching, Learning, & Curriculum Development, and Research and Knowledge Management. Funded by DAAD undertaken the auspices of l Studies (ISOS), University of Kassel (Witzenhausen Campus), Germany; August 23 – September 3, 2010.
- Training of Trainers (TOT) in Organizational Development, funded by DAAD. Organized by the Institute for Socio-cultural Studies (ISOS), University of Kassel, Germany at Ridar Hotel, Kampala, Uganda; January 12 – 16, 2009.
- University Staff Training (UNISTAFF) in Organizational Development, Teaching, Learning, & Curriculum Development, Research and Knowledge Management, funded by DAAD. Undertaken at the Institute for Socio-cultural Studies (ISOS), University of Kassel, (Witzenhausen Campus), Germany; April 21- July 3, 2008.
- Training on “Gender Mainstreaming”, funded by the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), Undertaken at OSSREA Gender Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; December 3 – 7, 2007.
- The Vince Russell Education Leadership and Management training, funded by the British Council. Undertaken at Sheraton Hotel, Kampala, Uganda, September 6-9, 2004.
- Training on “Basic Principles of Decentralization”, funded by I@MAK. Undertaken at Uganda Management Institute (UMI), Kampala, Uganda; May 31- June 4, 2004.
- Training on “Gender and Science”, funded by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). Undertaken at the CODESRIA Gender Institute, Dakar, Senegal; June 17 – July 11, 2003.
Selected Papers Read At Conferences / Seminars
- Student Tutors‟ Digital Competence: Assessment of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes; A paper presented at the 6th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the theme: “Towards Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs): Opportunities and Challenges”; September 4th -6th, 2019 held at the University of Eldoret (UoE), Kenya.
- Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning: Challenges and Lessons Learnt: A paper presented at the Distance Education and Teachers Training in Africa, 2017 (DETA 2017), 22 – 25 August, 2017, University of Rwanda, College of Education, Kigali, Rwanda.
- What Matters in Graduate Supervision? Perspectives from Uganda; A paper presented at the 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference on “Internationalisation of Higher Education, 1st – 4th August, 2017, Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda.
- Learning Outcomes for Children and Teachers: Can one be achieved without the other? Evidence of performance in Literacy and Numeracy. A paper presented at the 1st National Conference on Learning Outcomes, 13 – 14 April, 2017, Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda.
- Promoting Social Inclusion to Avert Youth Radicalization in East African Societies: A Case Study of Uganda. A paper presented at the 2nd NCP2016 – 13th – 18th, Nov. 2016 – Mombasa, Kenya.
- “Graduate Research Supervision: Perspectives from Uganda”. A paper presented at the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Global Initiatives for Integrated Development (IIC-GIID), 2nd – 5th September, 2015, COOU, Nigeria.
- “Quality Graduate Research: The role of the supervisor and supervisee”. A paper presented at the Association of Uganda German Alumni workshop, supported by DAAD; 17th March, 2014 at the Grand Imperial Hotel, Kampala, Uganda.
- “Globalization, common property resources and community conservation efforts: Reflections on Mabira Forest, Uganda”. A paper presented at the International Seminar on “Re-creating Communities in a Globalized Setting”, 23rd to 25th November, 2012, Kyoto, Japan.
- “Compulsory Science Policy: Enhancing gender equity in Education? A case study of academic achievement in Uganda”. A paper presented at the International Conference on Education Reform and Innovation in Enhancing Quality and Equity, organized by Kenyatta University, 20th – 22nd February, 2012, Nairobi, Kenya.
- “Transforming higher education practice for a sustainable future: a paradigm shift from teaching to learning”. A paper presented at the International UNISTAFF Forum, 2nd March to 5th March, 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany.
- Achieving Gender Equality in Science Classrooms: Choice or Chance? A paper presented at the Regional Conference of Universities and Research Institutions in Africa”. Organized and hosted under the auspices of The Uganda Society, 14th December to 15th December, 2006, Uganda Museum.
- Gender Disparities in Science and Technology: A Case Study of University Admissions for Science Courses in Uganda”. A Paper presented at the Fourth Association of Third World Studies (ATWS), Kenya Chapter, 17th September to 19th September, 2003, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
Membership To Professional Organisations
- East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network (EAQAN)
- Founder Member, International Forum of Researchers in Education (IFORE)
- Honorary appointed member to the Professional Women‟s Advisory Board of the American Biographical Institute.
- Member, Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) – Uganda Chapter.
Service To Community
- Matron, Greater Arua Kyambogo University Students‟ Association
Post Graduate Supervision
Kisa, S. (2021). “Comparative Study of Teachers‟ Expectations, Instructional Practices and Learners‟ Competence in Mathematics in Uganda”. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of Doctor of Philosophy in Education of Kyambogo University.
Okunia, L. (2019). “School Culture and Teacher Motivation: A case of Secondary Schools in Arua Municipality, Arua District, Uganda”. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of Masters in Educational Planning and Management of Kyambogo University.
Adyanget, N. (2014). “Service Delivery and Students‟ Satisfaction in Higher Education Institutions: Perspectives of Undergraduate Students in Uganda”. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the Masters in Educational Planning and Management of Kyambogo University.
Taban, M.M. (2013). “Gender and Enrolment in Vocational Institutions in South Sudan: A Case Study of Wau County”. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of Masters in Vocational Pedagogy of Kyambogo University.
Atukwase A. (2013). “Gender and Women Participation in Administration: A case of Vocational Institutions in Central Uganda”. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of Masters in Vocational Pedagogy of Kyambogo University.
Kamuhangire, W. (2011). “Parents‟ and Pupils‟ perceptions on the social benefits of Universal Primary Education”: A case study of Isingiro County, Isingiro District. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the award of Masters in Educational Administration and Planning, of Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
Katuramu, R. S. (2009). “School type and girls‟ performance in Sciences: A study of single girls‟ and co-educational secondary schools in Bushenyi District”. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the award of Masters in Educational Administration and Planning, of Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
Ahimbisibwe, H. K.B. (2008). “Management of causes of students‟ strikes: A Study of secondary schools in South Western Uganda”. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the award of Masters in Educational Administration and Planning of Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
Kazooba, E. N. (2004). “Gender Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of Household Strategies and Achievements in Mbarara Municipality”. A Dissertation submitted for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management of Mbarara University of Science and Technology