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Security of Land Tenure for Indigent Persons and Vulnerable Communities

Due to the growing population, the pressure on the limited land resource is likely to increase in the reasonably foreseeable future. This has further been aggravated by the current phenomenon of trespass to land and land grabbing. In such circumstances, the Catholic Lawyers Society International is to advocate for land policies and laws that promote land justice for all.

While in our current socio-economic system, everyone is entitled to land, this may have to change as developing countries evolve to a higher level of civilization and industrialization. It is prudent to consider adopting policies that allow only high-rise buildings so as to optimally use land. We shall specifically address security of the land tenure for indigent persons especially orphans, widows, the elderly, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.

For example, there is a growing phenomenon and a rising number of court cases involving criminal trespass on church land. The Catholic Lawyers Society International therefore is raising funds to carry out a pilot project to secure, survey and title all Catholic Church land for the Registered Trustees of the Catholic Dioceses of Kotido, Kabale and others that may need.

This will further help the Catholic Church to plan and use their land resources effectively for sustainable income generating enterprises as a strategy of poverty eradication in their respective dioceses.